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Private Into the Dark | Thule

Valery Noble Valery Noble

He could feel the Darkness call out to him.

As soon as his small freighter entered the atmosphere, Tycho could sense the darkside. It whispered to him, beckoning to him with promises of power, of immortality. He had not been to Thule, but he had been to planets like it. The sort that many a good Jedi came back transformed and corrupted by the Dark that lurks in the shadows. Thule was not his first choice of planet to visit, not that he was afraid, for his faith in the path of the Lightside had remained firm for over two centuries. He was here out of duty. The Silver Jedi had been dealt a blow that the Order will remember for centuries. What was left of the Order was now stretched thin. A contingent sent to Crispor to root out the perpetrators, the rescue and rebuilding effort starting immediately, along with Concord space vulnerable to attack. He had offered his service to the Council and was sent to Thule to meet with a fellow Master from the New Jedi Order to investigate an urgent message from an archaeologist stationed on Thule requesting assistance regarding a dig she was coordinating.

Tycho landed the freighter near the collection of tents and mobile labs nestled behind the large rock jutting out of the arid desolate landscape. The Jedi Master left his ship and ventured into the makeshift campsite. It was silent... Too silent. He reached out in the force and he couldn’t sense a single soul in the campsite.

Then he could feel it... As if awoken by his presence, it called out to him silently through the force. Calling him deeper into the makeshift village of tents to the narrow staircase carved into the rock that disappears deep underneath the desert floor.

Location: Thule
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Link
Tag: Tycho Ordona Tycho Ordona

From the cockpit of her modified Stealth-X, Valery watched the planet she had been to once before. It was one of many ancient Sith Worlds, strong in the Dark side and with terrible history to it. The artifacts and knowledge stored on the surface was enough to draw Sith and other forces of evil to the planet, and that had potentially turned into a problem once again.

An archeologist on the surface had reached out to the Jedi for help, and when Valery heard about it within the NJO's Council Chambers, she knew this was a task she couldn't delegate down to other Jedi. The fact people were on Thule without Jedi protection alone worried her a great deal already, but even with Jedi there she wouldn't have liked it. For many, the risk was simply too great on a world so strongly connected to the Dark Side. But Valery was once a Jedi Shadow, so her understanding and defenses against it were more specialized.

This was the right job for her.

"Alright, R5, I'm taking her down," Valery finally said before she pierced through the atmosphere and flew over the campsite on the surface below. Even from the sky, she could tell something was wrong — there was a strange lack of life force she felt, and only the presence of another Jedi stood out to her.

So as quickly as she could, she brought her fighter down, hopped out of the cockpit, and followed her senses to find Tycho Ordona Tycho Ordona as soon as possible. Whatever happened here, it would be for the best that they met up quickly and addressed it together. The dark whispers in the Force were already strong, and she did not want others to suffer a terrible fate.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Something wasn't right. Not a soul was in sight, nor a speeder or ship of any kind. As Tycho made his way through the tents, and pods, he could see evidence of life. Plates of food abandoned, cloaks left draped over chairs, and expensive equipment left exposed out in the open. Tycho picked up a plate of food and gave it a sniff. There were a couple of flies but other than that the food smelt fine. In this heat, any exposed food would spoil quickly.

So they left not that long ago, he thought.

His investigation was interrupted by the sound of a small craft entering the atmosphere overhead. Looking up through the crack in the tents he could see the starfighter descend near his own freighter. The Jedi master pulled the hood of his Jedi cloak over his head and made his way towards the newly arrived visitor. Through the force he could sense a fellow Jedi. He had not been given a name of the Jedi who would be accompany him but knowing the catastrophic dangers that these artefacts could hold, they wouldn't be sending some fresh faced knight here.

Tycho emerged from the collection of tents just as the newly arrived Jedi exited the cockpit. He kept his cloak hood on as the Thule sun beamed down on them. He made his way towards the Female Jedi. Though human in appearance, her eyes gave her away as Keshian. She was younger than Tycho expected, then being over 230 years old everyone looked young to him.

"Welcome to Thule." He yelled over the sound of the wind.
"I'm Master Tycho Ordona."

Location: Thule
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Ship: Link
Tag: Tycho Ordona Tycho Ordona

As she walked through the campsite, Valery picked up on the little things that were left behind as well. From unfinished meals to datapads that were dropped in a hurry. But before she got a chance to take a closer look, she felt the presence of the Jedi Master approaching her, and moments later, she watched as he appeared from one of the tents. The hood over his head concealed some of his features, but she could tell from the way he looked that he had seen a lot.

Still, though, he looked young enough for someone at the age of 230.

"A pleasure to meet you, Master Ordona!" Valery called out herself while she raised a hand up to shield herself against the sun shining in her eyes, but also to deal with the wind that was blowing her long ponytail around. Unlike him, she wasn't wearing long robes or an outfit with a hood on. She just had her typical outfit for fieldwork.

"I'm Master Valery Noble, but... maybe we should move into one of the tents to discuss the situation? It's a bit difficult in this wind," she smirked a little and gestured for one of the larger nearby tents. It would shield them against the elements, and it seemed to be the central tent within the camp as well, so it could have answers about what happened here.

Although, the darkness she felt was likely somehow involved.

Valery then turned around and began to head that way, unless stopped by the other Jedi Master.


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