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Introduction to Obsidian force use.

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Walking along the entrance to the Obsidian Citadel or at least along the large bridge leading towards it. She wore her personal armor with her blood swords at either side and the lightsaber she had gotten at joining the order next to her long-sword Ithrac on her right side.
She had her scanners on high output towards the citadel, it was an impressive structure to be sure but she had never been inside it before and she was looking forward to seeing who she might meet inside. The walk took a while but she didn't mind that much as it had a great view of the surroundings which she enjoyed.
Once inside she looked around for someone to talk to. "What would I say to begin with?... Hey I'm new to Net Zillo please by all means train me or direct me to someone to train me?" She then said to herself as she then tapped her helmet a little. "Yeah like that would ever work... Tch Guess I can always just..." She began scratching her horn a little. "What will I do exactly?"

Jennifer Blanchard

She had heard talk that there had been a new member of Net Zillo who still had yet gotten to her training. And while Jenn was not really an Ascendant of the Obsidian Order, nor was she really in charge of Net Zillo, she did want to help out new comers. Make them feel welcome, get a face to the name and be ready to help them however she could.

Jenn had her own personal armor on. When anyone was around the Citadel, or any of the Spires, they kept their armor on. It kept the group united, or something. It did help keep her plugged into the galaxy around her. With her cybernetics, the cyberpunk-slicer-Knight needed the help, and Armatech’s Isotope-5 Reactor definitely gave her the boost she needed.

But right, finding the newcomer. That was important right now. A quick peak into the security cameras, as she didn’t always like using the Force, had located the person who looked out of place. What was her name? Z-ram? Z-ram Zey-beetha. Right. That was going to go over well. She made her way to the soon-to-be-initiate.

Clearing her throat, and no help on, her orange hair pulled into a ponytail, she nodded. “Z-ram?” Right, that was a butchering of the name. Maybe?

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame jumped when someone spoke behind her and she held in a surprised yelp. Looking behind her and seeing [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] she swallowed a little. "Actually it's Zreame... and how long have you been there?" She said with a little embarrassed tone in her voice. Not exactly the best of first impressions for the other members of the order. 'Yeah sure let's pick the apprentice that talks to herself, yeah Zreame you'll be soo popular the master's will be fighting over NOT to teach you.... Damn it stop talking to yourself in your head!" She thought as she then knocked a little at her helmet before looking at Jennifer. "What is your name anyway?"

Jennifer Blanchard

Jenn nodded. She knew she was going to mess the name up. Jenn was one of those people who only read a lot of words. And when it came to speaking them? Yeah, they got… jumbled. Really badly. It wasn’t to say Jennifer Blanchard was uneducated. If you looked her up, she had two bachelors degrees in computer science and one masters. Really, she only worked for the first bachelors, the rest… well that was just fancy computing. She bit her lip a little.

“Sorry about that. Zraeme.” Yeah, the writer still had no idea how that came out. The ZR was tricky. But Jenn liked it. It was different. “Not long. I was off in the mainframe room.” She nodded to the hall she came from. “But I was told that someone was coming. A newcomer… Armatech, right?” Not that everyone had corporate sponsors, but Jenn did. Jenn was sponsored by Bright Star.

“I’m Jenn, Jenn Blanchard. Savant of Network Zillo, Obsidian Order.” Simple, right? Sort of. She ran a hand through her hair. “So, you’re a newcomer, right? When’d you get here?” Here being to the Obsidians. The rest? Jenn wasn’t too worried about.

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame gave a slight but short sigh of relief that her babbling hadn't been heard too much. "Yeah I'm from Armathec. I just got here really after I joined I got handed a lightsaber and told that I was apart of the Obsidian order, got a bit hectic over at Armatech two weeks ago so I haven't had the time to come over here for a visit." She responded with a wide smile, still forgetting her helmet was over her face.
"I'm sorry though Jennifer but I'm not really up to date on the ranking system What exactly is a savant? is it like the jedi's with their knights?" She then had to ask as she was a bit too curious. As her HUD showed a little window she realized she was still wearing her helmet and took it off, she didn't want to be rude after all. She gave a wide smile as her head was out of her helmet and her hair was all over the place, her horns nearly obscured by the hair.

[member="Jennifer Blanchard"]

Jennifer Blanchard

Right, now she was like… being helpful. That was new for Jenn. But the girl, Zraeme. From ArmaTech. They were a good company. She saw Draco Vereen around a bit. Good soldier, good CEO. She shook her head, a little laugh escaped. “Yeah, sometimes they get… intense with their welcoming. Get your saber, get your room, and then they let you out on your own. Its nice, though, we all learn at our own pace, and pick your lessons.” Jenn knew that much, at least.

“Oh! Right, handbook stuff. And its just Jenn, please.” She smiled. “Yeah, Savant is more our… Knight, our mid rank. You’ve got Neophytes, Savants and our Ascendants. Then you’ve got the Archon of the Order.” And she wasn’t going to go into the Network bit yet.

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame adjusted her hair a little bit so she could see better as she then held the helmet against her hip with one hand while she listened to [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] explain to her the ranks. "Hmm So I'm a neophyte then? or was it uninitiated can't remember it that well." She was quick on the uptake most of the time, just not with the whole philosophy of the force bit. 'Ok Neophyte are padawans, savants the knights, ascendants are masters and the archon is probably like a grand master or something.' She thought as she smiled at Jennifer.
"So what about the net's? Isn't it basically just segmenting warriors, mystics and spy's into different sections?" She then asked as she had heard something about the net's or they were described like that to her at least. "Oh yeah you can just call me Zrea if you want Jennifer." She then added with a smile.

Jennifer Blanchard

Was she a neophyte? She was here, after all. That was her first step into a larger world. And Jenn was all for people taking their first steps. The thing was, helping her find someone to train with. There were a lot of Masters, but she wanted to make sure Z here was on the right track. “I mean, you’re here now, starting to train, right? I’d call that a Neophyte. But I’m also not in charge.” She shrugged and smiled, blowing the orange hair out of her face.

As for philosophy, the Obsidians were fun, they saw the Force as a tool. And that made sense for Jenn, enough that it didn’t bother her if people looked at her like she was dark. She was following a law, after all. Obsidian law.

Protect the Union.

“I’ll call you Zrea if you call me Jenn.” She winked and then backtracked the conversation. “Right, the Networks. They’re what we call our little sects. Yeah, they’re like that. If we’re playing a roleplaying game.” Was it really a stretch that Jenn, who spent most of her time in cyberspace, didn’t play MMOs? Art imitates life and she did have downtime, believe that or not. “Bha’lir are our warriors, our soldiers and pilots. The tip of the spear and represent the largest number of the Order. Then you’ve got Taozin. They’re… quiet. Pretty tight with SpyNet. Finally, the best group, that’s Zillo. Our engineers, programmers, builders. We build a lot of modules for the Obsidian Armor, and help with the CEOs from the Union a lot. As well as managing most of the more… boring tasks—construction, infrastructure, research and the like—of the Order."

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame chuckled a little at [member="Jennifer Blanchard"]'s explanation of the nets. "Well construction and research isn't that bad it's part of the reason I chose net Zillo in the first place." She said with a big smile, this woman was a little goofy but the good kind of goofy. "I guess I'll just have to find someone to train me in all this force business, know any good trainers?" She then asked as she decided against clenching her fist like it was holding onto a small sphere and go all 'I'll be on my way to becoming the most powerful cernun in the galaxy" buuut she really wasn't into the whole cue evil laugh here shtick.

Jennifer Blanchard

Jenn was pretty easy going in person. Get her behind a computer terminal? And you were in for something else. She knew what she could do with a computer and that meant she was in her element. Around people in the flesh? Well, lets just say that she was uncomfortable around people and the movie Surrogates would be her wet dream. “Ah, another one for Net Zillo. Me too. Computers, systems and hacking are my fortes.” She smiled.

Yeah, Jenn kind of made fun of herself more than she did anything else. Whatever, right?

“We’ve got a lot of Masters on call, plus a handful of holocrons to help you learn. What kind of skills are you looking for?”

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame smiled at hearing [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] was part of her net. "Well I'm an engineer by trade so I'm pretty much the creative type I guess do we have anything that relates to electricity and mechanical skills?" She asked as she had read about a force user sending out arches of lighting out of their very fingers which to her just sounded cool, not to mention useful when in need of extra power when she thought about it.

Jennifer Blanchard

Engineer. Right, this one was the recruit from Armatech. “You’re one of Draco’s employees, right?” Just profiling, it didn’t matter. Hell, Jenn worked for Bright Star officially, and helped sometimes, really it was more her working in the stead of Marek to get what the corporation needs done. She tipped her head for a second, thinking. “Creative is good.”

As for the Force powers. “I suppose that depends on what you’re looking ot do. There are many of our Order that study in the technology based powers. Mechu Deru, being the primary one that allows you to manipulate technology. Myself, I’m more an ionize and able to overload droids, working on kind of bridging the gap into technology with the Force, the programming side.” Slicer and all.

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
"Well more like fellow board member but there are actually technology based force powers? even ones able to program?" She then asked as she was quite curious about force powers and the mysteries of it all just became that much more interesting. [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] did mention a force power she had guessed was simply a form of engineering tradition. 'So Mechu Deru is actually a force power huh? I didn't think it actually was one.' She thought as she wondered if there were a few holocrons around that could teach the ability to her, or how to actually use those in the first place.

Jennifer Blanchard

Board member, employee, for her it was all the same. People were a collection of ones and zeros. Find the right mainframe and you could theoretically erase anyone from the galaxy. And that was a power worth more than anything the Force could grant. “Board, you’re serving the Executive Council? Or Armatech’s board?” See, she paid attention.

“Well, nothing that the research has found yet, on the programming. But if I could start to use the Force to break firewalls? That’s all I’d need. The rest, that’s mechu deru, probably a few derivatives. Its on that a few of our Masters are skilled with, and they're starting to provide to the Savants. Works wonders if your unit gets hacked for code, and the like.” Sort of. Jenn just preferred to fight from her ship, and that meant not needing to lift a finger aside from a few mouse clicks.

"Have you been studying at all, with anyone?" Didn't matter. The Obsidians didn't really do Force dogma. It was nice.

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
"I'm on the Armatechs board don't know about that much about the other one." Zreame replied to [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] before listening to everything she had to say. "Well as far as studying I've mostly been doing that by myself but I've also been learning a little from Draco Vereen when he has time to teach me." She then said as she remembered the last lesson which encompassed the basis of a few force techniques that she'd have to practice a little more with.

What she liked about the Obsidians was that they really weren't that disciplined or rigorous when it came to new members and their teaching, part of her thought thought that should be a little bit of the case.

Jennifer Blanchard

She nodded. “Executive Council just the governing body of the Union. A bunch of businessmen and engineers meeting to make sure we do the best that we can as a nation. Or something. I dunno, I read the cliff notes of the meetings, not really much for the whole… meet and chat thing.” Right, she was needing to work on a few things.

“Draco, I know him. He’s a Bha’lir. Fighter, smart, and strong from what I’ve seen. Will give you a bit more wide range of skills. Have you noticed any..” What was the word? “Affinity for anything specific?”

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame thought for a few moments and then shook her head. "Not really but I haven't really gotten that much experience with the force abilities." She then said as she raised her shoulders up and then let them just fall down as she had a slight 'I dunno' look on her face. "But outside the force I have the affinity for metal and engineering... I might have some affinity for that Mechu deru thing then... I hope at least." she then said as she tapped her finger on her chin as she thought about it.

[member="Jennifer Blanchard"]

Jennifer Blanchard

That was the trick, wasn’t it? Getting training helped and then you got yourself into the Force, felt how it moved and started learning your true tricks. What worked best for you and what worked best for others. For Jenn, she wasn’t really good with the mental sensing, but she could enhance her senses and as part kiffar, yeah that was a thing, she could read objects…. Mediocrely well. And then there were her skills with machines.

“Well, I’m not much in the way of a teacher, but…” She shrugged. “I wanna help you get your feet of the ground. Are you looking for a one-on-one teacher, or are you looking for like… Classes?” Ellipses are fun.

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha

Drinker, singer, smoker. All round Fun haver and C
Zreame thought about it for two moments. "Well one-on-one are always good but do they actually have a few classes?" She then asked as she was a bit surprised that they would actually have classes in the first place.
Her tail swished around behind her as she began to rub her chin a little as she looked around the main hall and found this to be quite and impressive interior matching the exterior. She had to wonder if she could get her hands on the architect one day... but her mind was wandering and she focused back on [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] as she waited for her answer.

Jennifer Blanchard

Jenn was starting to make sure she was an expert in the Obsidian Order. The Archon had been away and that meant someone needed to keep things organized. And for whatever reason, that meant Jenn was the one who was going to lead things. Maybe she should take a Director spot in the Order, at least for Network Zillo. Help build the Order. “Well, we try to be a bit more progressive than the Jedi. Don’t need to worry about the archaic styles of one-on-one mission training. We do offer a few classes, plus a lot of Masters have basically specialized in instruction. They kick around here a lot.”

Did she know the other had a tail? “Of course, you can always find a Master, there are a few who enjoy the one-on-one instruction, but for my money? That’d be like graduating from one university and going right back for your advanced degree. Creates a situation with no… diversity in training?”

[member="Zreame Ithrac Zeibitha"]

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