Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Introductions, Say Hello!

This thread here is so everyone has a chance to say hi and get to know one another. So feel free to come in, say hi, and tell us anything you care to about yourself and your character.

So to start us off, I am Gray Raxis and the Alor of the clan! I welcome all of you warmly to the clan and look forward to all of the fun to come!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my character is going to going under some minor changes throught the week so just a heads up. I'll post again when I'm finalized.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Salutations :)

Been friends with Gray and Star since...I dunno...last summer/fall? And since Gray sort of adopted me as his sister, like a couple of others, he has forced--I mean told me that I was a part of his Clan.

So here I am. Newly elected President of Commenor, which is so far still a neutral planet on the very edge of Sith space.'ll need to be defended and help in getting their ship building industry back in full swing :)


Well-Known Member
Okayso I rebooted my character so going to post in here again.

Hello all you people. I'm a Chiss/Human who's father was a raxis but as he was nabbed at birth by the _______ and expirimented on he doesn't know that yet. Look forward to being a part of this faction.


Hi. Gray tried poaching- stealing- drafting- recruiting my Mandalorian characters, but got a nutty bird sailor instead! So here I am.

I'm your new contracted fleeter. I will fly ALL TEH THINGS. And squawk at traffic.

I'm not entirely sure what to say, most of you know me well already. I suppose you could tie me in as a supporter of the Raxian Empire through my continued service to [member="Lady Kay"], truth be told I was reluctant to join all things considered but at the end of the day, I guess if I can be of some small help, then that's something more than nothing.

V.Arenais | WolfMortum.
[member="Veiere Arenais"]

We welcome more than just Mandos. There is room for everyone here that is willing to be honorable and help provide and protect others. Which I would say you fit all of them just fine. If you don't want to join the clan then that is fine! You will just be a clan friend and welcomed just as warmly.

Anyways, welcome to the fold buddy! glad to have you here.
Here for all your smuggling and otherwise criminal needs.

Got a Reputation to keep? Send someone doesn't give a kark and knows what they're doing.

Bounties not excluded, save for my own.

Man's gotta live, right.

Edit: Not above doing good deeds too though...-There's certainly more fun when there's a chance of getting caught.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Titan Kryze"] Welcome :)

[member="Zarack Zorathi"]

Smuggling and criminal needs? Well...your areas of expertise could be used for other things as well. It's good to know that you'll entertain the idea of doing a good deed.

*Looks to Gray and whispers* "Don't station him at the Embassy please..."
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]

Have we come across each other in the past, I'm certain we have....

In fact, I'm adamant where I remember you from. If you're looking to move in on my income, there will be a price to pay.

Being to halves of the same coin, perhaps it's best we collaborate here.

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