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Sith Temple
So this is the place, thought Hortex, wandering the long and venerable corridors. Once Jedi, now Sith. I like what they've done with it. Well, probably. I never saw it before, but...
A voice tickled the back of the Harch's mind.
"Yes, I know. I'm not exactly stupid, am I?" Bloody Otherspace, he mused. "You'll get yours when the time is right." Day in, day out, always the same.
He flinched as he brushed against the robes of a towering Ithorian, stepping aside quickly and sketching a bow while spreading his three left arms wide. "Master," he said politely. Ithorian Sith. Now there's something you don't see every day.
He'd been summoned to the training hall to meet with a Darth Ferus. A Human, damn them all to eternal torment. The universe will be a far better place when the Humans have been forcibly devolved to a servant species. Shouldn't take more than eight, ten generations tops with the proper application of eugenics and alchemy. Still, he'd been long away from his days as a Jedi Padawan, and he really did need to start training if he were to seize the galaxy by the throat and choke it until it wept stardust. So Human it would be. For now. For now.
Hortex entered the training hall, a large, high-ceilinged affair with mats, benches, tables, practice sabres and weights lining the floors and walls. There, in the center of the room, stood a man Hortex assumed to be Ferus.
"Master," said the Harch, "I humbly present myself to you in the hope you can further my study in the ways of the Force, and hone my skills with a lightsaber." He unclipped the two-bladed weapon from his belt and held it in his upper left hand. "I've some experience with Telekinesis, Leaping, Cloaking, the hand-waving Mind Trick, Psycometry, and forcing someone to relive their worst fears. My lightsaber training, alas, was limited to Forms I and IV, and not much of latter, since the Jedi could find no one who had any experience with a six-armed Padawan with a two-bladed lightsaber. If I may?"
Without waiting for approval, Hortex ignited the two purple blades blades and began spinning the weapon, transferring it from hand to hand as he increased speed, turning his body this way and that. With his six arms and fluid movement, the twin blades seemed to create a wall of energy. After perhaps six seconds, he deactivated the weapon, returning it to the original left hand. "Flashy, yes. A parlor trick. Good for fighting shadows and frightening children. I require real skills. Skills I hope you can provide."
[member="Darth Ferus"]
So this is the place, thought Hortex, wandering the long and venerable corridors. Once Jedi, now Sith. I like what they've done with it. Well, probably. I never saw it before, but...
A voice tickled the back of the Harch's mind.
"Yes, I know. I'm not exactly stupid, am I?" Bloody Otherspace, he mused. "You'll get yours when the time is right." Day in, day out, always the same.
He flinched as he brushed against the robes of a towering Ithorian, stepping aside quickly and sketching a bow while spreading his three left arms wide. "Master," he said politely. Ithorian Sith. Now there's something you don't see every day.
He'd been summoned to the training hall to meet with a Darth Ferus. A Human, damn them all to eternal torment. The universe will be a far better place when the Humans have been forcibly devolved to a servant species. Shouldn't take more than eight, ten generations tops with the proper application of eugenics and alchemy. Still, he'd been long away from his days as a Jedi Padawan, and he really did need to start training if he were to seize the galaxy by the throat and choke it until it wept stardust. So Human it would be. For now. For now.
Hortex entered the training hall, a large, high-ceilinged affair with mats, benches, tables, practice sabres and weights lining the floors and walls. There, in the center of the room, stood a man Hortex assumed to be Ferus.
"Master," said the Harch, "I humbly present myself to you in the hope you can further my study in the ways of the Force, and hone my skills with a lightsaber." He unclipped the two-bladed weapon from his belt and held it in his upper left hand. "I've some experience with Telekinesis, Leaping, Cloaking, the hand-waving Mind Trick, Psycometry, and forcing someone to relive their worst fears. My lightsaber training, alas, was limited to Forms I and IV, and not much of latter, since the Jedi could find no one who had any experience with a six-armed Padawan with a two-bladed lightsaber. If I may?"
Without waiting for approval, Hortex ignited the two purple blades blades and began spinning the weapon, transferring it from hand to hand as he increased speed, turning his body this way and that. With his six arms and fluid movement, the twin blades seemed to create a wall of energy. After perhaps six seconds, he deactivated the weapon, returning it to the original left hand. "Flashy, yes. A parlor trick. Good for fighting shadows and frightening children. I require real skills. Skills I hope you can provide."
[member="Darth Ferus"]