Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Introductions (Xavka)

She had returned to Iridonia, expecting to meet someone. This time, if clothing was lost it would be from a mutual desire instead of arbitrary ground rules that they had set. She was going to meet Xavka Duquo here, to find out more about Zabraki culture, and to let him get to know her own culture, as little that she knew about it.

She smiled and set the beacon on the table, putting on tea for a ritual of greeting. She stared down at her clothing. She wore a simple purple top and her usual black pants. She pulled her cloak off, her dark tattoos traced by the firelight. She looked up, wondering what type of food Zabrak enjoyed.

Nyte was excited though, wanting to learn about the man that called himself her Mate. It all sounded so permanent, so final. Weirdly, she was happy with it, with the man. She had never felt those sensations away from the arena. All of her life, pleasure came from winning, from felling opponents and being the best.

Here, she was not the best... Her mind spun in circles as she was involved in her thoughts. They seemed equal, or he was even more dominant. He was older, and handsome. She admitted though that she was attracted to Zabraki males, there was always something appealing. Her thoughts kept going to Xavka, he was mysterious still, even after they had come to know each other.

What would this night hold for them?

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Xavka strode through the sands of Iridonia, his experienced feet guiding through the shifting dunes with practiced ease and balance. He was dressed in what he usually wore when visiting Iridonia, the same outfit he had worn all through his time as a kep, a child, within his Clan Uigin. The majority of his body was bared to the harsh environment, even as cold winds that fell with the night on the desert planet whipped at his skin. The only cloth that he wore were a simple pair of trousers and wrappings, brown cloth that wound its way around his feet, ankles, wrist and knuckles with a jacket thrown over the top.

Before him he could begin to make out the image of a set small houses that settle within the sands. One of many satellite villages that surrounded the major cities, their populations comprised of the Zabrak that refused the live within the plains but could not resist the call of their instincts that rebelled at settling within the cities.

Soon reaching the door to the house from within which the beacon was emitting its signal, Xavka knocked once before entering the warmth of the building. Even if he was used to the cold of night, that did not mean that he welcomed the feeling.

Closing the door behind him, Xavka offered a warm smile, the biggest display of positive emotion since he had be taken into slavery, to the woman who had become his Mate. He inclined his head to her, taking in the way that her blond hair shone in the light of the flickering fire behind her. "I'Doz." Even if he barely spoke, the greeting and budding affection was clearly present within his voice.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte watched Xavka come in and she stood quickly, but did not cross to greet him. She stared at his lips, her head tilting up to look into his eyes as she motioned for him to make himself comfortable. She moved to sit across from him. It was strange, the once bold and daring female had turned into someone that was quiet and unsure of her position in the overall scheme of things.

Nyte looked over to Xavka, "So... What does it mean, I mean... What happened, was that just a heat of the moment or do you..." She trailed off, realising how awkward she sounded as she stood, unable to stay still for very long, especially under this kind of interaction. She stood up, feeling awkward and unable to sit down as she grabbed the tea and presented the tea to him, settling back into the chair.

She sighed again and tilted her head in curiosity, "What are the Zabrak like, customs. I mean, what kind of food do you like? Please don't be a vegetarian..."

[member="Xavka Duquo"]

OOC: Sorry it's so short but yeah she is very awkward now.
As Nyte rambled with an awkward air around her, Xavka silently watched on with a slight smile curving at the corners of lips. He would easily admit, the sight of this bold and lively woman acting so uncomfortable was amusing to him. The only reason he made no move to act in calming her down was that he knew that this uncomfortableness was harmless. The small feeling of amusement was soon gone though at Nyte's final comment. Instead he let out a series of almost barking chuckles as his amusement became audible.

Leaning forwards when he finally got his humour under control, Xavka spoke with amusement underlying his gruff tone. "Let's keep this simple, I'Doz, until you are more relaxed." Chuckling once more, Xavka leant back while pouring himself a cup of tea. "Now, you asked two questions that I can answer directly. First, what foods do we Zabrak like? Rest assured, I am not vegetarian. In fact, the diet of nearly all Zabrak is purely meat or meat with a few extra herbs and vegetables. Beyond that and a special desert comprised of vanilla, we don't each much more. In fact, sweet foods are sickening to us, easily making us ill. The second, what did what happen mean to me? That is a bit more complicated to answer, so, please, bare with me." Draining his tea, Xavka got to his feat and began to pace.

"I'm relatively sure that what happened most likely meant more to me than you. Once Zabrak take a Mate that accepts them, that tends to be it for them in terms of romance. No more relations with any other, no more looking at any other, that's it. And, while we may not be Tia'shan yet, a bond has formed between us. The Tai'shan is a true Mate Bond that would equal marriage to the universe and involves a purely biological and pheromone based bond between the mates, that bonded to grow between us, but will not grow until you are ready, ready to do the Tai'shan Ceremony. The consequences of breaking this bond, either through one partner's Death or them leaving, can be deadly to the other, in this case that other would be me as I am the Zabrak. The absence of the bond slowly weakens the Zabrak until, eventually, they go to sleep and never awaken. That's not to say that it is always deadly. Basically, what happened between us means a lot to me as I can feel the bond forming between us and that means that my life may possibly be in your hands."

Sighing and running a hand through his hair, carefully avoiding his horns, Xavka lowered himself into his seat before speaking with a determined voice. "That does not mean that you are trapped or obligated to see where this goes, I'Doz. You wish to leave, leave and I will resign myself to fighting this pain."

Once again sighing, Xavka poured himself another cup of the tea and took a sip before speaking in a slightly self-annoyed voice. "My apologies, I made this too serious too quickly, didn't I? Ignore me. Any other question you wish to ask?"

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte relaxed as he laughed at her, chuckling too as she came to him, drinking her own tea. She set herself beside him, watching as he explained that Zabraks seemed to have a similar diet to herself, thank goodness.

As he got up and began to pace, explaining what he had gone through she tilted her head. "So Zabraks feel all of that so deeply then? I will admit, the thought of being with you..."

She trailed off and then looked at him as he sat down, her arms coming to wrap around his neck, pulling herself up on top of him, her head leaned safely against his own, "I will admit that the thought of being with you is very pleasant to me Xavka... I will honour our Bond, as I feel it deeply, at least to some degree of how you feel it. I will be faithful to you and I will be yours... "

"I don't know if we are at.. Tay-shin yet?" She pronounced his word strangely, like a foreigner, which she was, grasping at a new language. She leaned up to kiss his lips slowly, her body pressing into his own. "I need to be with you Xavka" she whispered, her head pressed against his neck as she held on to him tightly.She wondered if she held him back from having someone that could react as he did to her. She wondered if she met his needs on all levels now. Her curiosity getting the best of her as she questioned him further.

"Will you tell me more about this, about your customs? I am eager to learn, to be your Mate, I want to learn all that you have to teach me." She smiled softly, a rareness of her personality. He brought out her more human nature, her needs and desires were felt deeply when he was with her. Her need for contact overwhelmed her when he was there. Was she truly compatible to this Tai-shan he spoke of?

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Xavka stayed silent while Nyte spoke, relishing in the close contact with her, letting her say her piece. The only sound he made was a small chuckle at Nyte's butchering of his native language when trying to copy the way he had spoke Tai'Shan. The feeling of her body pressed against his, fitting into the grooves of his body easily. The feelings that sparked through his body and the warmth of his skin where contact with her skin was made was no longer purely sexual. Now that the bond had stabilised itself he was no longer driven to consummating it through pure, feral instincts. Instead, all that he felt now was a sense of contentment as he luxuriated it the close, physical contact.

As Nyte fell silent, Xavka waited a few moments to see if she had more to say before making to speak himself. "I am glad that you feel as strongly about this as I do, I'Doz. I must say that you bring out the more relaxed and peaceful side of me." Reaching up he gently grabbed her chin and pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss before continuing to speak. "I assume that by customs you are asking about the Tai'Shan?" Although, he phrased it as a question, he continued to speak immediately afterwards.

"The Tai'Shan bond tends to progress in a couple of stages, although only the final stage is acknowledged as the Tai'Shan as that is when it truly forms. The first stage is born out of a reaction of pheromones. Each Zabrak has an ingrained ... er, spectrum of pheromones which he will react to. When the male reacts he begins to release pheromones of his own. If the female is able to smell pheromones as well as release pheromones, a feedback cycle will begin, cumulating in an intense sexual reaction which would lead to the partner's claiming each other where they are.

"After that has passed the bond begins to truly settle and form. This is where we are, I'Doz." Xavka paused to press his forehead to hers, mindful of the placement of his horns, which he had used in battle in the past, staring into her alluring, black eyes. "By Amina, you truly are beautiful." This was whispered bellow his breathe before he cleared his throat and continuing.

"As I was saying the bond stabilises and begins to truly form during the second stage. After a short while the bond is fully stable and will begin to strengthen and grow stronger, the speed of which is dependent on the amount of time the Mate's spend near each other. The final and fourth stage of the Tai'Shan, the stage actual called Tai'Shan is begun by a ritual by the same name, designed to expose the two to the largest amount of each other's pheromones as possible. The ritual, upon ending, pronounces the Mates as Life Mates."

Xavka finished speaking by taking a sip of the tea that had been sitting before him for a while. "Any questions, I'Tai."

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte listened to him, her body meeting his easily as she cuddled against him. As she listened she looked up to him, kissing back softly, her hand moving to stroke the back of his hand. She watched him, her body pulling away as he finished his tea. She moved, pressing against him as she stood up, gripping his hand, pulling him to his feet. She smiled and kissed his lips once more as she walked backwards, moving into the bedroom with him.

Her intentions were more to have a place where they could stretch out and talk even more. She laid down and smiled, offering the spot beside her to him, cuddling back into him once he laid down. She frowned, focusing on his words. "What is the final stage, how do they do that?" Her legs moved to drape over his own, clinging to him as she questioned him.

She then thought of a few more questions, "Will it bother you that I'm not a Zabrak... I mean, we haven't... You haven't claimed me, would it be better if I was Zabraki?"

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
As Nyte slowly moved backwards into a different room, a small smile on her lips, Xavka moved with her, a smirk on his face. He stopped at the doorway when he realised that the room they we entering was a bedroom, his intense gaze tracking her movements as Nyte stalked around the bed, before stretching out over it, framing her perfect body like a masterpiece of art. For a second he hesitated in joining her, hesitant in participating in anything while their conversation was progressing so well so far. However, that hesitance was dashed when all she did was gesture for him to join her.

Chuckling almost silently, Xavka did as she bid. Easing himself onto the bed, mindful if the wound on his back he had not yet revealed to Nyte, he lay back, a smile tugging at his lips as Nyte curled up against his chest, he legs tangling with his own. He brought his arm up around her shoulder to begin to stroke at her copper hair.

At her second question, a frown replaced the grin and he stilled in his stroking, tugging gentle at her hair gently instead in a silent reprimand before going onto explain. "Don't even begin to go down that thought! I chose you as my Mate, I'Tai, for a simple reason, you are you! Yes, I would have reacted stronger if it was to a Zabrak. No, that does not mean I want you to be one. You are Nyte Ignis, I'Shuree Tai, I'Doz, a Thyrsian-Human hybrid, and I would have it no other way!"

He sighed and returned to stroking her hair. "Forgive me for getting so worked up at that. Where were we?" He paused as he thought back before continuing. "Right. The Tai'Shan ritual. Different Run," he pronounced the Ru and the n separately while keeping it one word, "different Clans, do it by their own traditions. I'Ru did it by using a herbal remedy from planets found in the wilds that increase the amount of pheromones increased. After the ceremony congestion of the remedy, the pair are left by themselves, after the Clan Elders, I'Ru Ay'Edaren, or Clan Jath, preform the ritual that makes the bonded a marriage of the two. When left alone the two will fight, much like we did, this is to show the other that defence of children and family is feasible. Once one Mate has lost and the other won, the Tai'Shan ritual is then consummated and the two.. hm." He coughed slightly as he tried to find the right way to describe what all Zabrak knew after experiencing their feral and primal instincts in some way, "mark each other. The two then dress in robes and are to stand before the I'Ru Ay'Edaren or I'Ru Jath and are pronounced as Tai'Shan."

He stopped to look down at his Mate, one brow quirked upwards slightly. "Does that answer your question I'Doz?"

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
He hesitated to come to bed with her, maybe he was considering not being bonded to her? Soon though that thought was dismissed as Nyte mewled sharply in pleasured pain as he grabbed and pulled on her hair, her black eyes gleaming with wicked thoughts as he corrected her. She nodded her understanding as she stretched her hand up to stroke his cheek, her eyes meeting his once more.

"I want to say that I am surprised by your knowledge of me but... I think that both of us have studied each other before or after our first duel... Do you have any questions about me or my heritage? I'm afraid that I only know a small amount. My only source of information is what I experienced firsthand on Eshan and what my father taught me of our most sacred customs."

As he told her about the last ritual of Tai'shan she couldn't help but smirk. They would mark each other? She examined her handiwork on his body and then she pulled away from him, her eyes staring down at him. "Children?" Nyte had never honestly given thoughts about having children and she wrinkled her nose now as she considered the possibility of such things coming to pass. She moved her hands to undress herself, pulling the belt away from her waist as she undressed for him to look at her again.

She spun slowly for him to see her body, giving him intimate knowledge of places that had not healed yet, including the scars from previous beatings and public flogging. She turned her head, her chin resting on her shoulder so that she could look back at him, speaking one of the limited phrases that she knew of her own language, "It does... Ve'lo -my love, look at me, I am yours. I will fight to protect you and all that become ours; I will be your Mate."

She moved now,naked, with intent in her eyes as she climbed on the bed and then onto him, her hands moving with purpose to strip him, to see him now as he saw her. "I want to see you." She frowned, the phrase never sounded right in Galactic but she never did learn the true Echani saying either. It was meant as a way to see one another, to become one, to join. She sighed and pressed her hand against his stomach, curling her fingers to tug the fabric away from his body. "Please?"

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Xavka growled out in desire as he watched Nyte slowly undress, baring herself to his eye. Although he had already seen her naked, touched her entire body in fact, during their fight, the act of watching her undress seemed infinitely more alluring and enticing as more and more skin was revealed to his hungry gaze as he drank in her image like a desperate man. The sight that greeted him when she turned around, baring her back to him, pulled a growl made out of an odd cross of rage and lust from Xavka. The sight of the scars across her back, still unhealed, angered him as it meant that someone had harmed his Mate. However, the fact that she had suffered through them and emerged stronger, proved to him her strength of will. That fact coupled with the sight of her lithe, tattooed muscles that lined her back and taunt kohju ignited the fire of desire within him and caused his trouser to begin to feel uncomfortably tight.

As she twisted her head to look at him over her shoulder, her copper hair cascading down her shoulders and catching the light beautifully, he pure emotion on her face, it was all he could do to prevent himself from leaping on her, pinning her down and proving his dominance, his claim as he Mate. The words she spoke struck at the chains that help back his Id, his base desire, and weakened him to his urges further.

He swallowed heavily as he kept his silence, pinned he bed by an intangible force as she loomed over her, her skin pressing into his own as she pawed at his jacket. Despite it all though, the heavenly image, the words that spoke to his soul, it was only one word that shattered his control so completely. One single word that dropped from her full lips, her husky voice laden with desire, as she asked him to give in to her. 'Please'. That was all it took.

With a growl, Xavka burst into action in physical form and the Force. A thin wave of the Force ran up the wrapping over his limbs, trousers and jacket, shredding them before pulling them off of his body, exposing his tattoos and scars along with his obvious desire for her completely to Nyte's dark gaze. Tangling his hand in her hair, remembering her seductive mewl when he had tugged on it, Xavka wrapped his legs around hers and twisted so that he loomed above her, gentle tugging on her hair. His mismatched gaze of one dull and one bright eye was bright with hunger, more hunger than he had shown during their fight.

Leaning down, Xavka caught her pointed and elven ear gently between his teeth as he whispered to her. "I'Doz, My Warrior, I'Tai, My Mate, I'Palira, My Love, I'Shuree, Mine! Shuree To Sharee, I see you Ve-lo. Shuree To Sharee!"

He growled hungrily into her ear, lowering himself slightly so that she would be able to feel him only just touching the outer folds of her slua with his tlua so that she would feel his true desire. "Do you surrender yourself to me Nyte Ignis? Are you mine? Mine in taret, jendore and ama? Say that you are, I'Tai."

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte cried out as he stripped himself so quickly, denying her the beautiful image that she had wanted of him. Instead she was met with a rough tug through her hair, lifting a new sound from her throat, a deep rumbling pleasured growl.

She watched him, accepted him into her space as she wriggled under him, mewling lightly as she submitted to him, His was very dominant when they were in this position. If she was to be truthful too, she enjoyed this, surrendering this control to him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by him grabbing her ear in between his teeth and nibbling. Nyte cried out and pulled back, looking at him ad grinning as she leaned up to kiss him once more. Her legs spread under his as she whimpered loudly, "Yes, yes of course! I'Palira I am yours. Completely yours." With that, she pulled him closer, her hands rubbing his shoulder and back as they joined together.

After all was finished, Nyte lied there against Xavka, catching her breath as she considered everything. This was the first time that someone had gone that far with her and she was in her own head, considering her life to now. She didn't ever want to hurt Xavka. This was too much for her brain and she struggled away from him and stood up, her mouth opening for a moment until she Pulled her robe to herself and put it on, going into the kitchen.

She had always denied those types of feelings for anyone and now here she was, contemplating herself and her new relationship. She didn't want to ever break his heart, she didn't want to hurt him, she would either have to tell him to leave or avow herself to him. They had completed part of his ritual, and part of hers as well. They had faced each other in the arena, they had physically joined and now they must find a place to call their own. Renting a small house on Iridonia was not going to cut it for her. They would have to talk more about this.

She sighed and put the kettle back over a fire that she quickly ignited, she needed tea.

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Xavka's eyes snapped open as he felt the warmth of his Mate slip from his hold from where she lay. The movement had broken him from the haze of pleasure he had found himself in after joining with Nyte in a primal ritual older than any knew. During, and after that time, his world had compressed, shrinking so that all that it contained was himself, Nyte Ignis, the bed they found themselves rutting on and the moment. No worries had existed, no future, no past, no galaxy. Nothing, but he and his Mate.

Her scent had filled his nose. Her cries a sound more precious than the laughter of angles. And the sight of her beneath him, surrendering herself to him as he had himself to her, lost within waves of pleasure. That sight, and the fact that it was he that had caused it, was a heady memory that was more beautiful than the most peaceful of nature filled lands, a memory than was seared onto his mind.

Sighing slightly as the memories reminded him of his Mates absence all the more, Xavka turned to stare at the door just in time to watch the figure of Nyte sway away from him with a grace unmatched. However, even though her body was hidden by him by a layer of cloth, the tanned Zabrak could easily see the tensed muscles in her body language and agitation, an agitation that seemed to be rolling off of her in waves.

Moving swiftly, Xavka slipped from the comfort of the bed, a comfort that now lacked the draw it once did now that Nyte was in the other room. Stretching his naked body, he let out a content sigh at he welcomed, pleasurable ache that existed within his muscles and the very minor pain that traced down his back from where Nyte's nails had scratched while she had been within the throes of passion.

Ignoring the second robe, secure in the knowledge that only Nyte would be seeing him naked if her left the room and she had already seem him so, Xavka moved across the threshold and leant against the door frame, taking in the sight of his Mate moving through the beginning stages of boiling tea. In that moment, with messed and tangled hair and a lopsided robe thrown on which exposed her pale shoulder, Nyte Ignis, i'shuree Tai, his Mate, never looked more beautiful in his mind. But, then, he was biased. Since he had lay eyes on her Xavka had found his Mate alluring in a way that he could only describe as being pure Nyte.

Moving forwards on near soundless feet, making enough noise to alert Nyte to his approach, Xavka came to a stop just behind the woman. Bowing his head and lifting her copper coloured hair out of the way, Xavka ghosted his lips over the skin of her neck, pressing with only the smallest amount of pressure.

Straightening, Xavka stepped forwards so that Nyte's body was pressed flush against his own, his nose buried into her hair, inhaling her scent, and his hand weaved with her right one, fingers threaded together.

"What is wrong, I'Doz? Tell me, please. Let me help." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte leaned back on instinct against him as he pressed along her back. She stopped fidgeting and tilted her head in thought to his question.

She sighed deeply and turned around, the robe flowing open as she turned to face him, her black eyes staring up into his own. "I am thinking of our joining...About your customs. They are so very similar. But I will never feel the same pull from this."

She reached up, her hand stroking his chest and down to cup his neck gently as she embraced him. "I am yours Xavka, know that I am yours as much as I can be."

Her finger slowly moved down his jawline and then she found it looped into her collar. She had almost forgotten this piece of metal, still active because no one had broken her free from it. She looked up with him, her eyes holding a deep fear within them that she would never be able to get this thing off.

It was the worst time of her life being enslaved. She looked away, the light electric sparkle under the collar kept her always aware of it. It would come to life if anyone ever attempted to remove it and she had tried just about everything that she could think of.

She shook her head, trying to clear her mind from the memories of that time of her life. She trembled and stared up at him, her eyes coming to his once more as she hugged him tightly, her body pressed against his own as she embraced him. "I made some tea, if you want to join me?"

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
The emotional pain that had flared within Nyte's dark eyes and brought a worry to Xavka's hearts, ones that were usually cold and protected from the harsh world that surrounded him. He had made to speak, to tell her that no matter what he would help in whatever manner he could, all so that the pain that filled this fiery woman that held within her grasp his emotional heart would be destroyed, so that she would never feel it again. He had made to speak, to reassure her that yes, he knew that she considered herself his, just as much as he considered himself hers. He had made to speak only to feel her close herself up.

He stared down at her as she pulled herself close against him a felt an invigorating fear fill him. He could not say how or why the emotion had been born within his hearts so quickly, all he knew that after observing the fire that the copper haired woman held, the passion that could light up her black eyes and the drive that filler her, he had somehow come to love the woman. When she had shown the hurt that she had buried within her, he had hurt for her and wanted to drop everything to help her and that had been what had proved the fact that he loved her to him. He knew that if she was every to become as scared and withered as he, missing and arm, an eye and possessing a body covered with burns and deep scars that pulled at his muscles with every movement he made, he would still yearn to be with her. That emotion, that desire and that purpose scared him in such a beautiful way that Xavka did not know whether to drown the mystifying woman or to hold her close.

Sighing silently, Xavka's thoughts were broken by Nyte's question. "Yes, please." His reply was absentminded as his mind spun.

Her sadness had come when she had touched what he recognised to be a slave collar, one that was fastened around her neck. It was easy to deduce that the reason for her sadness was the collar and the memories that it brought to her mind. What was not easy was trying to figure out how to remove it. His own slave chip was easy to remove. A quick surgery after the controls for it and his fellow slave's and he was free of its oppression. The slave collar around her neck would be more difficult as it was much more advanced.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte stayed pressed against Xavka, they seemed to be at an end of conversation. She had ruined their fun together because of those stupid memories that kept her from being completely at peace with herself.

And then he pulled her closer, his beating hearts coming into time with her own as she stayed pressed to him, his calmness washed over her and relaxed her swirling mind. She looked up to him ad then leaned up to kiss his lips eagerly, her fingers moving to gather in his hair, tugging gently as a return of favour.

She moved once he accepted her offer of tea, pouring it for them both as she gave him a cup and sipped her own. She could tell that he was curious about the collar, the weight that it brought to her heart. She inhaled sharply and settled in against him once more.

"Before the Sins were established... I was captured off from Glee Anselm, a man, he was charming I'll admit, and handsome, sat with me and we had fun. I went to a quiet section of the bar to get a message to Ferus about going back to training and he grabbed me, tried to choke me, I fought, but he managed to get me again and he put this on me. I fought him but I was poisoned... When I woke up, we were in space already, headed back to Eshan, to my father..."

Nyte sighed and tilted her head as she sipped her tea. "I controlled his mind, it's how Ferus found me, after I killed him. The controller to the collar has been lost and since then, no one has dared try to take it off from me because of the neural shock that it can inflict that could kill me."

"I don't know where to go from here... I never told anyone what really happened, how... How stupid I was to let someone get that close to me."

[member="Xavka Duquo"]

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