Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Introductory Classes (Neezuela)


The desert planet of N'zoth. Darth Ophidia could vividly remember her days of knighthood when the planet had fallen into the hands of the Sith. Blood coloured the sand and allegiances were sworn in awe and fear before the mighty Empire of the One Sith. Since then, they had remained loyal servants to the Empire.

The Rattataki Sith Lord stood on a cliff of sandstone amidst the planet's vast deserts Her eyes were closed and her hands were clasped behind her back while the planet's sun, C'rel, descended into the vast dunes and arrid, distant mountains of the horizon. She stood in meditation, soaking up the merciless heat of the desert planet like a reptile. The dark side of the Force emanated from her like a beacon to attract the one who sought her teachings. She would train him in the desert night. Perhaps he would feel at home.

[member="Neezuela"] would find himself in the possession of a flimsiplast note carrying a string of coordinates. The exact point of which was just where the ashen assassin stood in meditation. She had received word that he would require training in the Art of Stealth. Even among the Assassins, few were more apt in the matter than Ophidia.
Neezuela had been trekking through the vast deserts of the Sith world N'zoth, He had received a note with a string of coordinates upon them which was leading him towards a rock face which he was a few minutes away from, he would need to climb a bit to reach where the coordinates led, but it was no issue for him.

N'zoth reminded the Jawa of the desert planet Tatooine, where Jawas originated and were raised on, It was around night time, when it was cool but dry, perfect for travelling on a planet like this. He had finally reached the rock that the coordinates originated from and began to climb the sandstone, his hands always seeming to find the perfect crack to grasp, lifting himself higher and higher.

He climbed until he reached a cliff, then he pulled himself over the ledge and located the coordinate point, where he saw [member="Darth Ophidia"] meditating, he thought best not to disturb the Sith Lord from her trance, and quietly approached.
"For such a small figure, you sure make a lot of noise."

The Rattataki opened her eyes, her once pale irises now aglow like embers in a furnace. The dark side of the Force surged through the master as she gracefully pivoted to set her gaze on the student. Deep inside her, she felt almost as though she was greeting an old acquaintance. Ophidia had been trained alongside two other acolytes under Darth Ferus. One of which was the Jawa and master of speed, Iziz Vei. These days, she saw neither of her old co-apprentices. She left the thought behind as she took a single step towards @Neezuela.

Her face showed no sign of being reminded of old acquaintances, but rather had a predatory fixation to it as she surveyed the acolyte. She looked at him as though she might quite literally stomp him into the sand and eat him like a vast serpent descending upon a small mouse.

"Are you thirsty?"

With twitch of her head, a canteen of water floated towards the Jawa. Thanks to the wonders of science created by military logistics, the canteen was able to keep the water as cool as from as a mountain spring on the mountains of Naboo.
Neezuela had been futile in his attempt to be quiet, maybe it was a lack of practice that made him loud, maybe it was the crunching of the gravelly rock under his boots, both were factors. Jawas were not normally stealthy, but with the proper training, they could be as quiet as the night.

He stood a few feet from [member="Darth Ophidia"] but he could see the predatory gaze that she was directing towards him, though the Jawa showed no fear at all, either it was the fact that his face was covered, or because he actually did not fear her. He also noticed that she was surveying him, as if looking for signs of weakness.

He heard her ask if he was thirsty, he nodded, his own flask had ran out a good hour ago, he grabbed the flask that she had sent towards him with the slight twitch of her head, opened it and took a sniff, as to check for a scent of poison, then took a drink through his face cloth, savoring the coolness.
To most, the Jawa would in all likelihood be very quiet, but the one who stood before him was a master of the assassins. His light stature had indeed made him difficult to detect by sheer sound. What she had heard and spoke of was his presence in the Force. Her training in counter-assassination had made her very attentive to the life-forces around her. Which was one of the reasons why she sought solace in desolate areas such as the deserts of N'zoth. Here, there was nothing but sand and an inevitable heat-death under the scorching rays of C'rel. The ashen-skinned woman turned to her left and started circling the Jawa as she surveyed him.

"You wish to gain stealth. I suppose that is befitting to your stature."

She had not poisoned the water, though she approved of his caution. Had he been a dedicated apprentice of her, then she would poison him at regular intervals. She was testing him, not only with her eyes, but with her mind. It stretched out like a tendril, probing against him to check for cracks.

"Please, sit down. Gather your strength in meditation and we will begin shortly"

Her mental pressure abated as she gestured to the sandy ground.

Neezuela watched as the Sith Lord began to circle the Jawa, watching him for any signs of physical and mental weakness within him, he knew that every second she was surveying him, she was testing his advantages and disadvantages, probably hoping to use them against him soon.

He heard her say that his stature is befitting of stealth, it most certainly was, he was small and fast, so even if the enemy could spot his small figure, he would be long gone before they could wish to act upon it, this ability quadrupled with the power of the Force, He had already taught himself the basics of how to manipulate his surroundings through practice, though very little.

He then heard her telling him to sit down and meditate, motioning to a spot on the rock-hard ground, he complied by moving to the spot, setting the canteen in his hand on the ground, then sitting down in a meditative position, closing his eyes and letting the Force attempt to flow through him.

[member="Darth Ophidia"]
Ophidia completed the circle quietly, then sat down on a flat rock. Her back was straight and her eyes stared at the Acolyte with cold interest. Her malicious intent dampened in order to give him space to meditate. He would need all his concentration to perform the tasks at hand. While she quite enjoyed making it challenging; she found it an exercise in futility to sabotage those who would learn from her. Sitting on the rock, she allowed him some ten standard minutes of meditation before she spoke.

"Remain seated, but feel the life-forces around you. Feel the warm sand and the beetles scurrying within. Or the lizard on its quest for water. Feel me, and feel yourself"

The first task was to make him aware of presences in the Force. This technique would not make him physically invisible, but mask his presence in the Force from those who would seek it. Once he grew more apt, he could mask his presence to the point where he would pass unnoticed through a crowd like the wind over the sand-dunes. But first, awareness.

Neezuela complied, he began to focus on the life forces around himself, first he sensed himself, seated on the sand beneath him, meditating and grasping into the reaches of the Force, then he sensed [member="Darth Ophidia"] sitting near him on a rock, staring at him, it didn't take a detective to figure out that she had plans for him, malevolent plans indeed.

He expanded his search through the force, sensing some of the indigenous creatures nearby, above and below in their small hovels of sandstone, the Force penetrated all, one that used the Force to see could see through anything with the proper training.
"Good enough."

Her voice split the silence once the time was up. One could spend hours, days, even weeks in such meditation, and there would always be more to discover. She had made a habit of putting acolytes through meditation before giving them their task. In this instance, the meditation was quite necessary.

"Now that you aware of your surroundings, find yourself. Feel the boundaries of your form and your influence, then delve deep into what makes the core of your being."

The core was what he would have to learn to disguise, hide or suppress. There were many techniques, but all started at this point: Awareness.


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