Success or Death.
The desert planet of N'zoth. Darth Ophidia could vividly remember her days of knighthood when the planet had fallen into the hands of the Sith. Blood coloured the sand and allegiances were sworn in awe and fear before the mighty Empire of the One Sith. Since then, they had remained loyal servants to the Empire.
The Rattataki Sith Lord stood on a cliff of sandstone amidst the planet's vast deserts Her eyes were closed and her hands were clasped behind her back while the planet's sun, C'rel, descended into the vast dunes and arrid, distant mountains of the horizon. She stood in meditation, soaking up the merciless heat of the desert planet like a reptile. The dark side of the Force emanated from her like a beacon to attract the one who sought her teachings. She would train him in the desert night. Perhaps he would feel at home.
[member="Neezuela"] would find himself in the possession of a flimsiplast note carrying a string of coordinates. The exact point of which was just where the ashen assassin stood in meditation. She had received word that he would require training in the Art of Stealth. Even among the Assassins, few were more apt in the matter than Ophidia.