Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion of Privacy (Invite Only)

During the Omega Protectorate Liberation of Coruscant.

Location: Nar Shaddaa.
Objective: Disrupte Sith Propaganda on Coruscant.

Master manipulation. Well, One Sith were good at it, she was better. She was veiled behind a 1296 bit coded encryption, that jumped from Nar Shaddaa to Nal Hutta to Tatooine and then fifteen random planets between there and Coruscant. It would loop through the offices off both GNN and CNN and maybe a select few One Sith key personnel to prevent a true trace outside the system.

If the One Sith wanted her, they would have to pay good money to a good person, or a team of select people to find her and to break the 1296 bit coded encryption was something in it's own right entirely.

She could do it and get away with it. Could they? Perhaps, at the end of the day, one would see.

Not yet anyways. Somewhere within the bowels of Nar Shaddaa, Kessendra clicked away at the GNN and CNN transmissions as they began feeding out the horrible Sith propaganda. It was a terrible thing to manipulate the news, especially for this woman to claim her son Johnny was currently at the Imperial Palace. Fortunately for her, work records would show on the corner of the GNN screens that Johnny did not show up for work today and instead was at home playing his ZBox One and even with all the chaos on planet, he was even logged in now. Numbers somehow would be leaked about how many exactly were in-fact in the Imperial Palace and it paled in comparison to the exaggerated report.

An image came across the screen with the One Sith logo embedded in the background...


What made it worse was when she began to feed in the multiple transmissions of the One Sith slaughtering people on Alderaan, images of fleeing civilians and burning homes. The once proud standing Palace of Aldera being destroyed as the Imperial Palace took a beating from the war brought on by the One Sith. The death and destruction from every planet they conquered, images that had been compiled from workers on the front lines, thousands of shots being flashed across the screens within a matter of moments. Within a span of four to five minutes, she controlled their holofeed, every feed that she could. She would destroy what she could of the One Sith propaganda machine. The falsehood of the orphanages, the knitted sweaters and scarfs.

All of it. Every single piece of footage and picture that the One Sith tried to manipulate and spin into a direction in their favor. If this didn't ignite the flames of war against the One Sith, then the Galaxy was truly lost and blind.


As the feeds clicked back over to the reporters, their jaws would be open in awe as they had watched the entire series of photos or shortened clips. The sound of disgust and even vomiting could be heard of screen and then suddenly the feeds of GNN and CNN both were cut suddenly, replaced by an Emergency Broadcast logo.


Why would she let getting kicked out of the system stop her? Has it ever? Not really. Her next target would be simple and obvious. Titan Industries.

[member="Tsavong Kraal"]
[member="Darth Mierin"]
[member="Darth Junra"]

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