Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasions and Consequences

I was discussing with a couple of friends secret society associates on board the fact that the attacking side of an invasion have all to win but nothing to lose while the defender will have all to lose but nothing to win.

One of these aforementioned friends secret society associates stated that a possible consequence for an attacker losing an invasion is losing their dominion privileges for some time while they regain strength.

Suggest freely!

I personally think that there should be some form of price the attacker has to pay if they lose.

Travis Caalgen

Wait so you're going to make it so that people have to wait to have fun?


I say just let invasions go how they are now, people should be encouraged to do them.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]
I actually like the idea of this.

Invasions are straight-forward in execution, but I don't think they need to be straight-forward in outcomes. Having some more consequences on the table can definitely make the threads more meaningful.
This is an unfortunate consequence of what one of my buddies has called the "a**pull system" where people have practically unlimited resources and have no limitations on how many troops and ships they can actually have, and no limitations on where they can be at any point in time. Troops and fleets are anywhere they need to be at any given point in time. In real life the consequence of a failed offensive action would be a loss of troops and equipment, sadly that doesn't work here due to the a**pull system. I don't think that there should be any limitations for losing a battle besides those that would be realstic, plus I am a proponent of [member="Soeht"] 's sped up map game. This is completely counter to that proposal.

Connor Harrison

Invasions can be tough enough on both sides, and for people putting so much effort into writing so intensely, I think losing an invasion is bad enough without then being able to go about getting back to strength with a Dom or two, lick their wounds and recharge their writing batteries.

Otherwise, it sucks the fun out of free RP and ends up putting more pressure on those who lose and takes away their freedom a little.

Leave it as is, I say.

Valessia Brentioch

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]

Leave it as is, I say. There's enough consequences as it is, as made mention by @Malok. No point in trying to suck the fun out of this board for an entire group. Dominions are a great way to recollect yourselves and gear back up, as pointed out by [member="Connor Harrison"].
[member="Malok"] [member="Judas Foster"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Valessia Brentioch"]

Doesn't a losing defender waste time, posts and effort too for the invasion as well PLUS the time, posts and effort put for the Dominion of that hex/planet that is now lost?
I dunno, I like the idea. If you're gonna be fighting out wars on the map then you can't expect there to be no consequences, and I reckon it should be more balanced in regards to attacking and defending factions.

The dominion privileges thing seems like a good way to go about it. I'd add more, but I'm not feeling especially talkative (for once!). Thumbs-up from me.
The suggestion in the lead slows down the map game, so as someone mentioned earlier, this is something that would cause further drama. The attacker winning the invasion becomes even more important. The argument/drama would intensify.

An environment where victory on either side is less "important" OOC is actually the ideal we should strive for
If you're looking for a realistic consequence, losing attacks could lose territory. That's how it works in the real world.

Now... no don't change the invasion rules because this isn't the real world and it is a game. If factions new they would lose territory if they attacked it would decentivise invasions and there goes the map game (which some of us would be happy about). Since the board revolves around that, the rules have to encourage that.

Game rules usually are not fair or equitable, nor should they be in this case.
There's not really any way for the attacking faction to lose anything.

Unless you put a timeframe on them that doesn't allow them to invade for x amount of time. Then that would work.

Otherwise, not really anything too significant they can lose.
I think I agree that attackers should have to at least give up something to attack.

Perhaps a short loss of Dominion privileges, but not for the whole faction, perhaps just for the characters that participated to represent both the time spent retreating/recovering as well as preparing for the assault before hand.

Edit: And to those that say this puts a "time limit on fun" it really doesn't. As I understand it a Skirmish can be carried out in exactly the same manner, only without the map changing consequences.
[member="Vitor Avendahl"]

I would agree that the attacker in an Invasion does have the slight advantage in a loss. A system where a penalization for a loss would be nice but it would have to be a fitting hit, not something over the top or something that would severely slow the map-game. I agree with [member="Saul Perth"] that maybe only penalizing those who engaged in the Invasion would be a fair change.
I am actually really surprised that the faction system does not have any system towards building ships, etc. It seems odd that during any invasions, larger factions have about the same strength as smaller factions. I realize that may be more fun that way, but don't you risk the problem of factions always rotating out quickly? It doesn't make much sense that a smaller major faction can invade a larger factions without issue.

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