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Faction Investigation [DCN]


In the vast and opulent halls of the Imperial Palace on Avalonia, the atmosphere was somber. The soft glow of the chandeliers, their light reflecting off the polished floors, added a touch of warmth to the otherwise tense ambiance. High Queen Kelora Priestly stood in her office, a room filled with an air of gravitas and the heart of the Commonwealth's decision-making.

The Queen's heart weighed heavily with the events of the previous night. High Commissioner Vhondryl Gallaer, known for her diligence and unwavering integrity, stood by her side, a silent pillar of support. They were about to undertake a critical task: issuing a formal investigation into the shooting of High Representative Ivalyn Yvarro.

Kelora took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. The image of Ivalyn, struck down at an event meant to foster unity and diplomacy, haunted her. "This cannot stand," she thought, her resolve hardening. She activated the holocomm, summoning Trade Monarch Lodd Grimmin and the twice-emperor Darth Carnifex.

As their holographic forms materialized, the Queen began her address, her voice steady yet tinged with sorrow. "
As you are both aware, High Representative Ivalyn Yvarro, a dedicated servant of the Commonwealth, was tragically injured by an assassin's bullet."

Kelora's expression hardened slightly, a reflection of her determination. "In these trying times, it is imperative that we respond with both swiftness and thoroughness. Therefore, I am formally requesting a neutral party to investigate this heinous attack. We shall leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of justice. It is our solemn duty to ensure that those responsible are brought to account."

Her gaze fixed on the holographic images of Grimmin and Carnifex. "Trade Monarch Grimmin, Darth Carnifex, I ask for your full cooperation in this matter. The Commonwealth and the Sith Order must work together to bring the perpetrators to justice."

"I'd also ask Darth Carnifex, if it is at all possible, for you to recommend someone to aid in this investigation. I ask for someone who is unaffiliated with either the Commonwealth or the Trade Federation to see to it that this investigation remains as transparent as possible," she continued, her voice firm. "This is who I shall appoint to lead this investigation."

The Queen was about to further address the two officials when High Commissioner Gallaer moved to allow another person into the room. Merryn Sellek, Chief Operations Officer with Aurora Industries, entered, her expression one of determined resolve. "At Aurora Industries' insistence, Merryn Sellek has requested to join the investigation. She has been informed to refrain from doing anything more than analyzing whatever our lead investigator might discover in the field."

Kelora nodded, acknowledging Merryn's presence. The weight of the situation pressed down on her, but she remained composed. The room, a testament to the Commonwealth's enduring legacy, now stood as the center of a renewed commitment to justice and unity. The investigation had begun, and the nation's resolve was unshaken.


The Trade Federation was fortunate that the Representative only sustained severe injuries and was not declared deceased at the scene. Had the outcome been different, Lodd would have faced many sleepless nights dealing with the diplomatic correspondents from the Commonwealth and letters of protest from the planetary governments present at the event.

Maybe they had skimped on the security detail for the night, with just a handful of regiments ready in case of a real emergency such as a planetary invasion, but it was semi-logical to assume that only a fool would attempt to conduct hostile actions on a Trade Federation stronghold. Lodd reclined at ease on the elaborate Mechno-chair, as he appeared in holographic form next to the Twice-Emperor Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .

He carefully listened to every single word spoken by the Queen of the Commonwealth, understanding her intention to initiate a formal investigation into the assassination attempt on one of her officials. Nevertheless, it was acknowledged internally that such a probe could potentially lead to adverse repercussions on their profit margins for the next seven rotations.

"I must protest, Your Grace." The Neimoidian said before pausing, placing a hand on his chin as he contemplated in silence, gathering his thoughts for a moment. He did not object to the investigation per se, but the reality is that it took place within the jurisdiction of the Galactic Alliance, and he would need to notify the Strategic Intelligence Agency of the development.

"The ceremony was conducted within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Galactic Alliance, which would have the primary authority to adjudicate the matter through either the Intelligence Agency or the Alliance Marshals. As a member-world, Neimoidia and its Purse Worlds would have to request their assistance in any proposed investigation." Lodd used hand gestures to illustrate his point to the small audience in attendance. Neimoidia was a constituent planet of the Alliance, necessitating that any events taking place within their jurisdiction be reported to the relevant committees and agencies tasked with overseeing internal affairs.

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It was almost as if it was planned. The moment that the Trade Federation Neimoidian had expressed their concern for not having an Alliance member present, a figure appeared. When everything had gone down, Allyson had already been alerted. The Jedi Shadow emerged from almost thin air, and she shrugged. "I might not work for the SIA directly, but Jedi Shadow should be able to do the trick. Also, fitting to be the third party." It was a lie; her defection had already occurred, but there was none the wiser besides Carnifex. The Commonwealth could potentially put the pieces together, having seen the woman at several Sith events, but her credentials were sound otherwise.

"The Galactic Alliance is being represented properly, no reason to worry." She flashed Lodd a Cheshire smile as she looked at the Queen of the Commonwealth. A hand over her heart, she bowed her shoulder slightly in respect. "Your Grace, I'm so sorry this has occurred, especially in Alliance space. We have failed to provide security in this matter. I will do everything possible to provide as much support as possible." Leaning back, the Corellian's typical playful grin was gone as seriousness replaced it.

"We will figure this mystery out, I promise." Allyson nodded and then awaited the others. She'd need to gather information about what had happened along with any surveillance. But she would let the others speak before she began to demand story and evidence.


The Dark Lord's hologram warbled softly, comprised of trillions of independent particles working in perfect synchronicity. Despite the immaculate quality of the hologram's reception, the Dark Lord remained shrouded in shadows and mystery. Though He had forsworn the veil He was oft seen wearing, His face remained partially concealed. His face was writ in a stern countenance, mouth set in a thin line as His brow was knit together; eyes unblinking.

"You yearn for my cooperation, and you shall have it, Madame Excellency." The Dark Lord's hologram briefly shifted, more light spilling onto the Dark Lord's face. "Our domain is the shadows, there will be no sanctuary for the truth we seek to unearth. To better facilitate our investigation, may I introduce Talra Voon." Another image joined beside the Dark Lord, a female Ishi Tib wearing a dark uniform highlighted with silver piping and trim. "Her credentials speak for themselves, Madame Excellency, she has spent many years honing her skill as an investigator and confessor in my employ. All her abilities shall be made readily available to see this investigation accomplished."

Darth Carnifex's eyes honed in on Allyson Locke as she appeared, a mischievous gleam twinkling in their sulfurous glow. "We are grateful that the Alliance understands the severity of this unwarranted attack. If the truth is to be uncovered, then we all must work together to discovered it. I have no doubt that with time, all shall be made clear."

She should have been there...

If she had just gone along with Ivalyn to the Trade Federation's grand reception, she might have been able to stop it from happening. But she had chosen to do other business first before agreeing to meet Ivalyn for lunch... she should have been there.

Her first instinct, besides wanting to stay by Ivalyn's bedside until she awoke, was to hunt down the ones responsible. She had begged her Master to let her loosen the collar, to go on a spree, but wisely as always, she had been denied. Not that it lessened her desire to want to tear the Sniper into Itty bitty pieces, but she knew why her Master wanted her to refrain from such displays. Rationally and logically, she understood it.

So she had done the next best thing: offering the technological services of Aurora and its umbrella companies to assist with Ivalyn's treatment and to assist with the investigation in any way.

Still, beneath her calm if worried expression she was presenting in the meeting, a simmering pot of rage was boiling away. How had the security around an event, where multiple planetary and corporate leaders had been gathered, fail to the point a Sniper could take a shot or apparently some rabble trousers had infiltrated it and started shooting the place up?

She knew if she spoke up, whether it be from the Neimoidian or the Shadow Locke, she would be rather scathing. So, as her Master had suggested, she remained silent as Lord Carnifex joined the meeting and offered his cooperation. As Ivalyn had been shot while she was about to speak to the Dark Lord, she had already come to the belief he had been the primary target... which made her trust any sort of Alliance investigation even less than she would be typically inclined. Oh Lord Carnifex certainly had a long list of enemies, but those who were in a position to take a shot were fewer in number.
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High Queen Kelora Priestly stood regally, her expression composed yet tinged with the gravity of the situation as she addressed each response. She studied Trade Monarch Grimmin, even though he was in attendance via holo. The High Queen wanted to get a better understanding of who she was dealing with, beyond the dossier complied by the Intelligence Directorate.

With weighted measure in each word, she addressed him first, "Trade Monarch Grimmin, your concerns are understood and appreciated. The security of our officials is paramount, and it is indeed troubling that such an incident occurred within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Galactic Alliance. However, the gravity of this situation compels us to seek an independent and thorough investigation. We must work in tandem with the relevant agencies within the Alliance to ensure transparency and justice.

While I acknowledge the procedural necessity of involving the Galactic Alliance's Intelligence Agency and Alliance Marshals, it is imperative that we maintain a level of oversight. This investigation transcends borders and affects the integrity of all our institutions. Let us proceed with the necessary notifications, but also with a unified resolve to uncover the truth."

Thankfully, the Alliance seemingly already offered an agent on its behalf. Her attention turned to the Jedi Shadow. One of the few to personally attend the meeting, with the same weighted measure in each word, she turned to the brunette. "Jedi Shadow Locke, your presence and offer of assistance are most welcome. The security lapse that allowed this grievous act to occur is indeed a failure we must address collectively. Your commitment to support this investigation is noted, and your unique position will undoubtedly aid in ensuring a balanced and impartial inquiry.

Your apology, though not required, is appreciated. Let us move forward with the understanding that our shared goal is to restore the security and trust that has been shaken. I look forward to your cooperation and to the results of your diligent efforts."

Finally, her attention turned to the Dark Lord, Darth Carnifex. He was most certainly an imposing figure even through holo. High Queen Kelora Priestly however pressed onward as she addressed him just as she had the others. "Darth Carnifex, your cooperation is invaluable in this critical time. The introduction of Talra Voon to our investigative team is a most welcome addition. Her credentials and experience will undoubtedly prove essential in our quest for the truth.

The shadows you speak of shall indeed offer no sanctuary for those who seek to conceal the truth. I am grateful for your recognition of the severity of this attack and your commitment to our shared goal. Together, with the combined expertise of our investigators and the support of the Galactic Alliance, we shall ensure that justice is served and that such an affront to our security is never repeated."

She paused briefly looking over toward Merryn Sellek briefly before shifting her attention to the others. High Queen Kelora Priestly stood resolutely, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and sorrow as she prepared to address the gathered holographic figures once more. The weight of the recent events pressed heavily upon her, but her resolve was unwavering.

"Trade Monarch Grimmin, Jedi Shadow Locke, Darth Carnifex, your responses and commitments to this investigation are deeply appreciated. In light of our shared objective to uncover the truth behind the attack on High Representative Ivalyn Yvarro, I have decided to appoint Tirodore Orentho from the Commonwealth's Security Bureau as the lead investigator from our side. Mr. Orentho is an experienced criminal investigator whose credentials are impeccable. His duty will be to oversee the investigation and ensure its impartiality, maintaining the integrity of our pursuit for justice.

Tirodore Orentho will work closely with Jedi Shadow Locke and Investigator Talra Voon. He will be reporting his findings directly to the Director of the Security Bureau. While his official role is that of a criminal investigator, I must stress the importance of his perspective in maintaining the impartiality and thoroughness of our investigation.

The coordination between the Commonwealth, the Galactic Alliance, and the Sith Order is crucial. Tirodore Orentho will ensure that the investigation remains transparent and objective, and that no stone is left unturned. We are all committed to uncovering the truth, and it is through our collective efforts that we will achieve this."

Her words carried a powerful blend of authority and empathy, setting the tone for the collaborative effort ahead. The atmosphere in the room was tense but filled with a shared sense of purpose, as each party acknowledged the gravity of their mission and the importance of their roles in the investigation.

The Neimoidian displayed clear displeasure, evident in his facial expressions despite the mutual dedication to finding the assassin. The appearance of a Jedi Shadow named Allyson Locke Allyson Locke caused significant concern and raised deep suspicions, as they only made an appearance after he had made his objections over the proposed investigation.

Rumors had reached his ears regarding the renowned Jedi Locke, known for their extensive knowledge and skill in the realms of stealth and deception, but he had never actually seen them in person until now. There was something about them that made him uneasy, maybe the chesire smile or her confidence that the Galactic Alliance was being properly represented, when he himself was a member of said Alliance.

It was highly unlikely that the New Jedi Council or the Federal Chancellor sanctioned this mission as they would have notified him, given that the event took place within his planetary system and was likely to impact the broader Trade Federation Network. The reason for their presence remained unknown, a puzzle that he would be keen to disclose to the appropriate individuals.

"There is always a reason to worry, the Neimoidians have an entire organ devoted to worrying as you may be aware, Master Jeedaii. " Lodd replied, dismissing the proclaimed Jedi has a nuisance to be cast aside than an invaluable asset to the investigation. The next speaker was Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , who expressed willingness to fully cooperate and even suggested his own appointment named Talra Voon to help assist with the investigation into the assassination attempt.

Kelora Priestly Kelora Priestly considered his concerns, but continued to pursue justice even if it meant going against the Trade Federation. She proposed that Tirodore Orentho from the Commonwealth's Security Bureau lead the investigation alongside Carnifex's representative and the Jedi Shadow.

"The delegations from the Sith Order and the Galactic Alliance have raised valid points, that we may all consider and I commend you for picking a representative with significant integrity and impartial viewpoints, Your Majesty. However, I am unable to fully endorse this matter even if I wanted; I am bound to the whims of the Viceroy Laborr. He would not allow you to conduct an investigation without his approval." The Neimoidian expressed regret with a gentle smile before his demeanor turned grim. The Commanding Viceroy held the true authority within the Trade Federation, and he was unable to stop outside interference in the investigation.

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The Dark Lord of the Sith remained silent for a time, His hologram looming large amidst the others. The truth mattered little in His eyes, facts could be rewritten with ease to fit the narrative He wanted to emphasis. This investigation was little more than a formality, a courtesy on behalf of the Commonwealth. But His presence bolstered the Sith's hands in their relationship with the Commonwealth, showcasing that the Sith took such matters seriously and were committed to seeing justice done.

But justice was what the Sith deemed it to be. It was their privilege by cosmic providence.

His eyes turned to look at Allyson Locke, a knowing glance shared between them. It was fleeting, however, leaving as quickly as it came. Then His focus returned to the others, and the Trade Federation's reluctance. "Of course, the wishes of the Trade Federation would never be infringed upon. Our investigation will be in full cooperation with the honorable Federation, who will no doubt see the benefit in quickly resolving this heinous inconvenience."


Allyson held back the urge to roll her eyes. The Trade Federation and Neimoidians seemed to quickly scurry away into hiding when things didn’t seem in their favor. Would make sense why their value in trade was held in regard. They didn’t seem like the type to dabble into something that would harm them in the end.

Luckily for her,the Neimoidian’s displeasure wasn’t hidden. It was easily picked up and it caused her to raise an eyebrow. Even within the Alliance she was held in high regard. Before the split, she was a decorated member of the GADF and the SIA. Still to this day, she was valued within the Jedi Order, having been a former Council member years prior. His displeasure for her arrival seemed out of place, but she figured it was because they had never met before. In essence, she was an enigma to anyone outside of the Order and her fellow Shadows.

She shrugged, “Understandable, I will adhere to the Federation's wishes.” Allyson bit her tongue, she wanted to question further of the Federation, but now wasn't the time. If Lodd wasn’t the person able to give any permissions or sanctions, why were they still talking to him? That in itself was suspicious, was Lodd here to try and deflect long enough for whoever was behind the assassination to clean things up? The thought of the Alliance potentially being behind the assassination made her stomach turn. With Carnifex in attendance, she could make an assumption that he was the intended target. Even her own mission was to get close and assassinate him.

It had been a mission she was issued for several years and yet this could have been the closest anyone has gotten to it. Allyson pushed the idea from her mind, this had to have been a third party - potentially an enemy to the Commonwealth or someone who didn’t enjoy seeing them in arms with the Sith.

“In any case, despite your obvious displeasure at my presence, I will still be moving forward with what I was tasked to do. If you have questions, you know who to contact.” She nodded her head in respect to the Federation Representative. “But I won’t start until the talks here have been concluded, if anything I request that I am able to remain as an observer?”
"Your lack of endorsement is noted, Monarch Grimmin," began Kelora, her tone measured and regal. "While I appreciate your unique perspective on this matter, it is precisely in these moments that we must rise above our fears and act with unwavering resolve. Your propensity for caution will not impede our pursuit of justice." This interaction gave Kelora an idea of what to expect when dealing with the Trade Federation in the future.

"Darth Carnifex, the Commonwealth appreciates the full support of the Sith Order." Kelora knew it was merely a facade, but it was one she valued. The people of the Commonwealth needed to know that the empire they had joined supported their pursuit of justice. It was unexpected of the Sith, but it was also something they, the Sith, could twist to their advantage. Just as journalists within the nation were already exploiting the headline to sway public opinion.

"Jedi Shadow Locke," she continued, turning her gaze towards the Jedi. "Your determination and diligence are commendable. Your presence here is welcomed in regard to the matter at hand. It is imperative that we consider all perspectives and expertise in our quest for the truth. I trust you will carry out your duties with the utmost respect and integrity, as befitting your station."

A beat, perhaps a moment longer.

"I consider this meeting concluded." She would give both the Sith and the Trade Federation a moment longer before ending it. The High Queen felt that at most this was simply a courtesy. She was going to investigate and she would find out who to hold responsible. "Mr. Orentho will contact Investigator Voon and yourself, Jedi Shadow Locke." Kelora glanced towards the High Commissioner, who ended the holocalls with both the Trade Federation and Sith Order.

After a brief pause, she addressed Merryn Sellek and Allyson Locke directly.

"Sellek, you are not to interfere with the investigation." Though it had been said before, the High Queen felt it needed repeating. Turning to Locke, she added, "While you are in the Commonwealth, you are considered a guest. However, I will caution you when utilizing your abilities and not to do so in public." The High Queen was unsure what the Galactic Alliance allowed their Jedi to do or not to do, but that didn't matter.

Kelora nodded to the High Commissioner, who brought down a screen. The High Queen stepped aside, allowing them to see the numerous newscasts being displayed. Each one bore headlines echoing the same demand: the Commonwealth sought answers. Speculation about the real target and the reasons behind the attack was rampant. More rabid, Imperial-skewed headlines called for support of the Sith Order's impending war.

"As you can see, this has already begun to galvanize the people, directing them towards a path from which we may not return," Kelora said gravely. "This investigation must yield a clear answer, as clear as possible, as to who is at fault."

She had been biting her tongue for too long into the discussion and it was only through the grace of the High Queen that she didn't unleash a biting barb towards the Trade Monarch. That he would basically admit that a full investigation into the attempted assassination would be impeded for profit margins sent her rage boiling over. She wanted justice for the attack on Ivalyn. She wanted to see the shooter strung up and eaten alive by piranha beetles. She wanted to personally eviscerate whatever was left of them and then feed it to firaxan sharks.

But appearances had to be maintained, and besides for a tightening of her lips into a fierce scowl, she didn't say anything as the meeting was concluded and the Trade Federation representative was dismissed. At least the High Queen understood that nothing could stop the investigation and the pursuit of answers.

"I will... acquiesce to your request, your Majesty," she quietly said, her voice strained by containing the anger she still felt. That the assassination was already being used to galvanize the public in the Commonwealth, as evidenced by the screen showing the headlines from various news agencies within the region. She did not personally see anything wrong with what was being displayed, and if anything, a radicalized Commonwealth would only help her Master and her position. Not to mention a militarization program could net lucrative contracts for Aurora and its subsidiaries even further in the region.

"Master Jedi, if there is anything I can provide from Aurora Industries in pursuit of your investigation, you may merely ask. All charges covered," she said, keeping her tone neutral. She didn't trust Jedi, given her secret allegiances and proclivities, but she wanted answers for who had shot her girlfriend. Even now the regeneration equipment was working on fixing the damage to her organs and keeping her alive. Petty thoughts of running a saber through a Jedi had no place for the here and now.

Plus, her Master would be quite upset with her.

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