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Approved Starship Invictus-Class Heavy Assault Cruiser

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Manufacturer: Doreva Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Large

D O R E V A • I N D U S T R I E S








  • Devastating: The Invictus does exactly what it was designed to do - it assaults other ships properly with its heavy armaments.

  • Can't get to me: With the Invictus' proper defences and support craft compliment, you'd have to know your stuff to damage this beast.

  • Smart: The cruiser boasts high-end technology, which makes it hard to jam or lock onto this ship.


  • Yer slaww: The Invictus may boast proper armament and defences, but that also makes it slow. This ship is almost a sitting duck for smaller and faster ships.

  • That was draining: Even though the Invictus has nice guns, they are energy consuming. If both Particle Cannons are fired, they and the ship would need a breather in order for defences to hold.

  • Too smart: Though it may be a boon, it's also a curse if something goes wrong. The technology in the ship isn't too easy to fix.


The Invictus-class Heavy Assault Cruiser is the newest ship to emerge from the Rothana shipyards to join its companions in orbit.

What the cruiser lacks in speed, it makes up for in spades with its impressive firepower and defensive capabilities to do proper damage to its enemies. A must-have addition to the modernised Scarif Defence Fleet or even other buyers.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create Cruiser
Permissions: [URL='']Roble stuff[/URL] | [URL='']Hex Inc. Stuff[/URL] | [URL='']GDI Stuff[/URL] | [url='']Maji Ironworks Stuff[/url]

Technical Information

Affiliation: [URL='']Doreva Industries[/URL] | Selected clients
Starship Class: Cruiser (500-1000m)
Starship Role: Other
Modular: Yes
Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, Agrinium-based Radiation Insulation, Glasteel and various other materials.
Armaments: Particle cannons, Heavy Railguns, Heavy Ion Cannons, Turbolaser cannons, Ordinance Launchers
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1100
Cargo Capacity: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Anja Doreva Anja Doreva

Looks good, but you have to remove Prav's character and the Scarif Planetary Defence Force from the Affiliation, because individuals are only own 500 metres warships. Or. I would like to ask you to link the Scarif Planetary Defence Force (Codex or Wookieepedia link) to the Affiliation and in this case you can keep it.
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