Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Inyari Yavek

Inyari Yavek

NAME: Inyari Yavek

FACTION: The New Republic

RANK: Padawan


AGE: 18

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'6"

WEIGHT: 119 lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Fair




Strength. Technical minded; Due to spending a couple years on an Exploration Corps frigate Inyari has learned quite a bit about fixing and using various bits of technology.

Strength. Mentalist, Iynari is naturally gifted in the use of non physical force powers such as force sense, instinctive astrogation, and precognition.

Neutral. That is not the Jedi way; Due to her formative years taking place with quote unquote "normal people" Inyari has developed a few unJedi like habits and traits, which depending on who you ask is either a good or a bad thing.

Weakness. Impatient; Inyari will often rush into a situation head on trusting her feelings rather than taking the time to think and plan ahead.

Weakness. Attachment; Inyari very easily becomes attached to those close to her, threats to them make maker her act even more rash and impulsive than usual if there's no one there to caution her otherwise.


Inyari was given up to become a Jedi by her parents when she was very young, they both understood the rare gift she had and that it would go to waste if they kept her at home on their farm on Balamak and made the difficult decision and sent her off to the temple. Inyari spent plenty of time training, pouring every minute of spare time she had was spent practicing, either learning something new, or going over her lessons from the day, the only time she really stopped was to watch as padawans were selected by knights and masters for further training, dreaming of the day a master would come and select her. But that day never came, she was never selected by a master, it was heart breaking to her when she was shuffled into the exploration corps, she eventually got herself together and made her way to the ship she was assigned to, an old long range exportation frigate, she was to spend her time on the ship using the force to help chart new hyperlanes and explore unmapped worlds. The time away from the temple was good for her, Inyari learned to relax, she made friends, she learned new skills that weren't necessary to becoming a Jedi, since that path seemed forever closed to her, this actually seemed to help her open up to the force more, all the hidden stress that she managed to push down was hindering her abilities and growth, that was true reason she was never selected to become a padawan.

During Inyari's time on one world while exploring a particularity odd rock formation she fell down a shaft and was knocked unconscious on her way down, a Jedi Knight who had attended this particular journey eventually made his way to find her after she failed to report in, this lead to the discovery that what she had fallen into was not a cave, but in fact was an ancient Jedi temple. When she awoke Inyari found she could not get back out through the hole she fell in, she would have to explore and find her own way out, she would have to find her way out which if there wasn't the chance that there wasn't one would have excited her due to her natural curiosity. Opening her mind to the force like what she did when navigating Inyari found herself pulled in two different directions, one of the things that were drawing her in was far stronger, so she made her way in that direction first, along the way she experienced what could only be described as traps, pushing her skills and abilities with the force to the absolute limits. When she arrived at what was drawing her it was an out cropping of kyber crystals, when carefully extracted she found not one or two, but four crystals calling out to her, something unheard of, quickly gathering the four crystalline lifeforms Inyari made her way towards the other thing calling out to her, this one far easier to get to, it turned out to be the knight that had came looking for her, glad to find her in good health beyond some cuts and bruises. Inyari was taken back to the ship where she relieved to the knight what had happened, taking what she said into consideration he sent a communication to the temple where it was agreed that in light of the her experiences in the temple she would be considered for Jedi training again.





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Inyari Yavek

Force Abilities:

Known - Apprentice - Trained - Experienced - Mastery

Force Sence: Known - Apprentice - Trained - Experienced
Instinctive Astrogation: Known - Apprentice - Trained
Precognition: Known - Apprentice - Trained
Telepathy: Known - Apprentice - Trained
Force sight: Known - Apprentice - Trained - Experienced

Telekinesis: Known - Apprentice - Trained

Inyari Yavek

[member="VashtiVeridian"] Sure thing, that could be fun rivalry of some sort, just so you know you accidentally tagged my evil twin my accidental double account creation.

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