Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Iona Immarya

Iona Immarya
Republic Remnant/Liaison with FCW
5'9 || 175 cm
142 lbs || 64 kg
Force Sensitive
Iona is 5'9 of fighting fury!... Well, no, she isn't, but she likes to believe she is and will carry herself as if she is 7' feet tall and capable of ripping the arm off of someone and beating them to death with it because, where she came from, showing weakness was the quickest way to get a knife in your back and that 'bluffing' way of walking has remained with her ever since. Her piercing blues eyes help her better pull off her street tough visage as while they are beautiful, they hold an edge to them. Her long brown hair is almost always kept back into a ponytail, out of sight and out of mind, she has her fair of dead ends as she has never been one to care too much about her appearance and, should it get annoying, she will hack it off rather unceremoniously.​
Her skin is pale and she is plagued with numerous small freckles that have long been her bane. While she is far from vain, she isn't exactly fond of them as they give her an air of innocence and vulnerability that she is not fond of. The thing most people tend to notice, however, is her right arm. What people do not notice is that it goes beyond her right arm, to her shoulder and even her spinal column, all of which are cybernetic. She will often flex her right hand as she thinks of if she is stressed, the servos in her arm giving off a small whine as they move.​

+ Cybernetic Arm: As one would imagine, having a cybernetic arm has some advantages such as far greater physical strength and lack of fatigue. While it does have some drawbacks in that the augmentation didn't set in perfectly with her nervous system which causes her immense pain from time to time and does require maintenance, the ability to hit harder then her height and weight would allow is incredibly useful and tends to take people by surprise.

+ Agile: Iona is incredibly agile able to quickly dart around a room, leap over small objects, contort her body how she needs it and strike like a viper.

+ Street Rat: Having been born, and raised, in the Coruscant undercity, Iona knows how the world works, just how powerful gangs are, how hopeless life can be and, more importantly, how to navigate that world. She can easily disappear and meld within the crowds, indistinguishable from any other street rat trying to scratch out their livings in the slums.

+ Cunning: Iona was never given a true formal education, the closest she has had is her brief tutelage under the Jedi, however, she is incredibly cunning able to formulate plans and tricks through instinct and experience.

+ Crack Shot: While not as useful, being a Jedi and all, Iona is a crack shot with a rifle or pistol able to hit a thrown coin through the center at sixty yards.. twice.
- Uneducated: Iona was never given a true formal education, surviving in the slums of Coruscant with quick fingers and a quicker wit. She only recently learned how to read basic and still needs to sound it out when reading, much to her embarrassment. Her knowledge of other cultures, planets and technology are all severely limited.

- Hell of a Bad Pilot: To say Iona is a bad pilot is a gross understatement. The art of piloting will never, ever, be a strong suit for her. She hates the feeling of flying often suffering from motion sickness, she tenses and freezes up, she has trouble judging distance... If there is a way to be utterly horrid at the act, she has managed to do so.

- Impatient: Patience has never been her strong suit especially if she is tense or nervous. It only gets worse if she, for whatever reason, has to remain still or cannot move. As one can imagine, she was never great at meditation or long, drawn out, philosophical debates.

- Trust Issues: Iona has been on her own for most of her life, the people that did enter her life tended to let her down or be in it for themselves. She knows the Jedi, for the most part, aren't like that, that she can trust the random Jedi Knight she sees walking down the hallway, but she simply can't. She is constantly pondering on people's motivations whenever they do anything positive for her, looking for the first sign of their real intent or waiting for that second boot to drop so it is near impossible for her to establish a meaningfully relationship with others.
Lightsaber Forms/Skill
Shii-Cho || Apprentice
Makashi || Novice
Soresu || Untrained
Ataru || Untrained
Shien || Untrained
Niman || Untrained
Juyo || Untrained
Force Powers/Skill
Art of Movement || Adept
Force Body/Jump || Apprentice
Force Speed || Adept
Force Sense/Precognition || Novice
Mind Trick || Novice
Telekinesis || Apprentice
Force Heal || Novice

[Untrained -> Novice -> Apprentice -> Adept -> Expert -> Master -> Grandmaster]


Brunt || Witty || Decisive || Impatient || Inquisitive
Iona is a very blunt woman, its not that she makes a conscious choice of the matter, it is simply how she is. She will often say the first thing that comes to mind and the idea to 'fluff' up her words or hide her thoughts never really enters her mind as her mouth has already ran a mile ahead. This does make her refreshingly honest, although she will keep some things to herself if they are about herself, people can always count on her to 'say it like it is'. There are times where she will regret saying certain things or saying things certain ways, but those times are rare and she will often not know she has hurt someone until long after the fact or if someone else points it out to her. This brunt, almost abrasive, nature springs not only from her upbringing, but also her subconscious desire for barriers. Of course, this blunt nature works in many ways such as when she is nervous and excited, she will blabber away, often, in embarrassing ways. That sharp tongue of hers tends to keep people at an arms distance, a safe distance, and a sharp tongue it is as Iona is incredibly witty able to bring up quips and biting remarks at a quick, often vexing, rate. She will mock people, the situation, the area around her, the galaxy at large... whatever strikes her fancy at the time. Usually, the humor is harmless, but sometimes, especially if someone is trying to close the gap between them, it will turn very sharp and biting. If someone can fire back jokes, it is a quick way to build a level of respect and comradely with her, and if someone manages to leave her flabbergasted, well, then that truly is something.
Iona is a very decisive woman, it doesn't take her long to settle on a course of action and once she does, it is incredibly difficult to get her to deviate from her path. It is not that she won't think about her actions, she does, just that she tends to find her solution very quickly for, in her opinion, a bad decision is better then no decision. Of course, this can make her rather impulsive at times and incredibly stubborn, especially, if someone disagrees with the path she believes to be the correct one and she is not afraid of letting her opinion known, often and loudly. To make matters worse, she is very impatient, Iona hates to wait and has a lot of trouble 'slowing' down or relaxing. Iona prefers to stay on edge, keeping her senses and instincts sharp, to her, 'meditating' and other such things lets down her guard and when she loses that tension she feels incredibly vulnerable and there is nothing she hates more then that. When forced to wait, she tends to pace, akin to a caged nexu waiting for that moment her 'cage' is released and she can run wild again.
If she is forced to wait, or travel, she will often pester whomever is with her with constant questions because Iona has a naturally inquisitive mind and her favorite thing about joining the Order was that the galaxy was now open to her. Before, she was afraid to even look to the stars for they were hard to see past all the grime, but now... now the galaxy is laid bare to her. Sure, there is risk, there is danger, but there is also adventure, wonders of a galaxy she never dared imagine waiting for her filled with people she can't even begin to imagine. Iona wants to learn and see it all, she wants to understand the universe, feel it beneath her boots, sense the worlds around her through the force.. and she can't wait for her journey to begin.
[Will writer out her bio when I have more time, for now, just leaving an outline for myself]
  • Born in Orphanage
  • Orphanage Closes To Gang Pressure
  • Lives Off Street/Odd Jobs For Various Gangs
  • Meets Jedi
  • Badly Wounded - Loses Her Arm/Serious Nervous System Damage
  • Taken In By Said Jedi
  • Training

Bounties Collected

[In Progress] Ghost Hunting - Iona joins Mereel Vaun as well as a few extras as she goes to end the efforts of a gang of pirates calling themselves 'Ghost'... Wait, they are real ghost?

[In Progress] Sugar and Spice - Iona joins the Republic Remnant task force that is sent to assist the Sovereignty in liberating the slaves of Kessel.

[In Progress] Come Fly With Me - Iona tags along on a FWC exploration mission to regions unknown!

[In Progress] Stranded - Iona faces all her worst fears when the rust bucket of a transport she is on suffers a critical failure and leaves her, along with two far more qualified individuals, Kasari Xesh and Alexandra Feanor, stranded in space.

[In Progress] I've Got A Bad Feeling About This... - Iona and fellow Padawan Lokthra Dwaning are tasked with protecting a diplomat in a dangerous region of space, of course, no one bothered to tell the Dark Jedi and lackies that they were on the job... They probably would have brought less men.

[In Progress] Not as clumsy or random as a blaster... - Iona is shown the basics of all seven forms, along with various other Jedi, by Jedi Master Kian Karr.

[In Progress] Sandy Adventures Of The Sand Kind - Iona goes undercover on Tatooine and is assisted by the native girl, Lilla Syrin, hijinks and shenanigans abound.

[In Progress] Law And Order - The Republic Remnant goes to liberate a planet of slaves.. Iona was chosen to be part of the infiltration team by.. becoming a slave. Things go about as well as people expect.

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