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Iris Tyrad

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
View attachment 322

NAME: Iris Tyrad
RANK: None
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.93 Metres (6 Foot 4")
WEIGHT: 234 Pounds
EYES: Grey
HAIR: A messy Black Afro that surrounds his head.
SKIN: Dark Brown

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Great Mechanic / Engineer- Can modify, fix and build everything from weapons to vehicles.
+ Physically fit- He has the body of an Olympic Athlete, sometimes describe as peak human condition. However, his physical condition has been effected by his newly found smoking habit.
+ Hand-to-Hand combat Master- Iris has mastered the art of swordsmanship, however he thinks this is a very ineffective fighting technique in this time. He is also extensively trained in Hand-to-Hand combat style similar to Krav Maga.
+ Fast- Iris May not be the strongest, but he could be near to the fastest human in the galaxy, being being an expert in swordsmanship, Iris excessively trained in speed attacks. His opponents are usually shocked by this impressive speed.

- Smoker - the build up of tar in his lungs has taken it's toll, Iris cannot run as far as he could before he devolved this habit.
- Loner- Iris keeps to himself, fearing that he may endanger people who get too close.
- Wanted- Iris is wanted by many different gangs for crimes he has committed, meaning he cannot stay in places for long.

Being taller than most other humans and different species most people only get to look at his lower face. However even from his height you don't get much of a better view, his Afro shadows his eyes and forehead giving Iris a sinister look. Iris' lips are often seen enclosed around cigarette or cigar.


Iris has no actual location of Birth, for he was born on his Fathers Cargo ship as it travelled among the stars. From Birth Iris believed his family lived a honest life of travelling, however his Father was actually a smuggler of almost all illegal substances. But eventually, these crimes caught up with him and landed His father with a sizeable debt, gifted to him by a group of notorious criminals. These criminals belonged to Sal Valentino. Unable to pay off the debt, the mob boss decided to kill Iris' whole family. However since Iris was vacant at the time, his life was spared. But with his parents both dead, he would have to live the rest of his life alone.

From the age of 10 Iris lived a life completely independent, using a stash of Phrik found in his fathers ship to fund his life. Working as a smuggler for 5 years had landed Iris a couple of friends, friends that would help him in life. One man taught Iris everything he knew about Swordsmanship, making the you young, 15 year old Iris Tyrad, a deadly weapon himself.

As a young boy Iris had almost promised himself he would find out who had killed his family, and get revenge. He felt like he owed this to his father and himself. Though he had no information, and nowhere to start, he would devote many hours finding out who had set the debt on his farther.

At the age of 20, Iris' supply of Phrik ran out, plunging him into a life of poverty. Instead of being entered around finding his parents killers, his life now consisted of looking for jobs, and work wherever he went. One profitable business Iris had been employed for was mercenary work. The job suited his skills and therefore he continued a career in it.

Now he travels from world to world, searching for jobs from anyone and everything. Hopefully he will gain a substantial amount of credits that he will be able to continue his search for his parents killers and the finally serve them justice.

The Hornet

Durasteel Sword, sharpened to that of the finest razor. About 4 Feet long.
LS-150 Heavy Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Gun


I don't want to be THAT GUY (or do the admin's job) but after reading this I have to point a few things out:

Some of your strengths and weaknesses don't add up (to me).

As a character, how can Iris have "the body of an Olympic Athlete (peak human condition)" and be a "Hand-to-Hand combat Master", while also suffering from an apparently sever smoking habit. If "the build up of tar in his lungs has taken it's toll" and if "Iris cannot run as far as he could before he devolved this habit," would this not also affect his general physique/ fighting ability?

Additionally I think you might need to rethink the weakness: Scar. I could be wrong but a scar is healed tissue and cannot simply, "re-open." Now if this was a wound that kept re-opening it would make sense, but after a while it would indeed kill you after the likely infection set in.
My recommendation would be to add something like "lack of armor" as a weakness, meaning that you are more vulnerable to damage when hit.

Seriously though, I mean no offence, I simply saw this and thought I should bring it to your attention. (Also, AFRO SAMURAI! :) .)

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