Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Irma Olanthe

Always Watching, Sometimes Canon
[SIZE=9pt]Well, well well well. Someone's interested in the new girl, huh?[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]=Official Name=[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Irma Olanthe[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]I go by Oleander when I need to take anonymous jobs, which isn’t often. I only take anonymous jobs if the money’s REALLY good.
(It’s also my gaming handle, but that’s not exactly relevant most of the time.) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]29-At least as far as you’re going to know. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Is it not obvious that I’m female? Is it the jacket? I bet it’s the jacket. That’s what I get for wearing a man’s jacket.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]=Sexual Orientation[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]=[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Oh, believe me, if that’s relevant to you, I’ll make sure you know it[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]. If you don’t know, then it’s not really your business.[/SIZE]​



[SIZE=9pt]Whatever faction pays, I guess. Although I’m...not good with people telling me what to do. [/SIZE]​


[SIZE=9pt]=Force Sensitive[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]=[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Y’know, Pa always had a suspicion.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]=Home Planet[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]=[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Keshi. Although I never spent much time there. Pa was...not welcome there, I think? He never really wanted to talk about why we left. Sometimes I wonder if it had anything to do with me. Other times I wonder if Ma’s still there. [/SIZE]​


[SIZE=9pt]=Equipment: Ship=[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]I had [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]a Nubia Star Drives Courier-class yacht for my personal use until about a week ago. Then a Togorian accused me of cheating at cards, blackened both of my eyes and took my keys. Not my fault he was terrible at cards, but now I’m out a ship. In retrospect, I should have thrown a couple hands. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]=Equipment: Weapons=[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]A custom-stock(broke my shoulder once firing this thing, never again) E-17d sniper rifle. I call it “Spot”. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]=Equipment: Clothing=[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]I am not a fancy woman. Sturdy boots, pants that fit, I even keep my hair all but shaved in the back. I keep a few items of tactical gear for when I have to use Spot--gloves, goggles, a padded shoulder brace--but I don’t put them on unless I really need to. The only item of note is my jacket, and you will NOT be taking this jacket off me. It’s damn difficult to find a leather jacket this comfortable that deflects light this well. It’s the last thing I have from Pa, and NO YOU CAN’T TRY IT ON. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]Wider Visual Spectrum: As a Keshian, I can see a considerably wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum than you can. Want someone to spot invisible lasers? Need to dodge the ultraviolet off those pesky solar storms? Think your ship’s infrared scanner might be broken? I’m your gal.

Pilot: While the Keshian eyes already predispose me to this(being able to [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]see [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]more than the other guy is a hell of an advantage), I’m also a [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]damn [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]good pilot. Excellent spatial awareness and uncanny reflexes while in the pilot seat mean that no ship with me at the helm ever gets boxed in, shot down, or even late to a delivery. I used to podrace as a kid-never got farther behind than third. (And, clearly, I didn’t die. That’s how good I was.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Sniper: The same skills that make me a good pilot also make me the sniper you’ve been looking for for your team. I’m innocuous, patient, have perfect aim, and I’m good at finding vantage points on a map that’ll give me the clear shot you need for protection (or, yes, the occasional assassination). I even bring my own gun. Say hello, Spot.


[SIZE=9pt]Physicality: I’m...uh...kind of frail, physically. Blame it on a lifetime of developing relatively sedentary skills, but my stamina is low and I can’t really throw a punch. Thank the gods Spot keeps me far away from the main action most of the time. Snipers also aren’t very useful if they miss their first shot and give away their position. If you put me on a sniping job and something goes wrong, I’m going to need a LOT of support if I’m going to get a second shot.

Hot Temper: I can also be a bit contrary. Or maybe a lot contrary. To the point where I’ll actively act against my own self-interest if the person trying to help me gets too [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]pushy. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]I DON’T LIKE BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO BY STUPID PISSANTS WHO HAVEN’T EARNED IT--Okay, okay, this isn’t the place. I’m calm. I’m CALM.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Distrustful: Finally, I’ve got a bad case of the perennial flaw of anyone who works in the smuggling business. No, I’m not talking about ego; I’m talking about paranoia. I’m pretty sure that most of the people around me at any time [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]can [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]and [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]would [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]stab me in the back for half a dozen credits. I’m not about to open up to you or depend on you for anything until you’ve earned my trust, and since I don’t go out of my way to earn yours, it doesn’t make me the most...socially pleasant person. You’ll have to do a lot of the initial legwork if you want anything more than semi-professionalism and shallow snark. [/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]Other than Spot? I travel pretty light. Not a lot of ties now that Pa’s out of the picture. Only other thing I carry on me besides that and my gear is a pirated copy of a multiplayer first-person shooter I like to play while in hyperspace. I guess the losers I keep shooting in the face count as companions.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=9pt]...What? It keeps my aim sharp. [/SIZE]​
Always Watching, Sometimes Canon
Malcom Stillwater said:
Oh you know, the Jedi and the Sith are still duking it out for first place, while us lowly scoundrels struggle to make a living.
[member="Irma Olanthe"]
Sorry for the delay. Weird week...but yeah, always seems to be about scrapin' dem credits. It's even harder when your mouth keeps getting you fired.

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