Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Irn || The Clockwork Praying Mantis



Full Name: Irn

Aliases: N/A

Age: 250

Location of Birth: Orax

Species: Corrupted Shard

Occupation: Sith Assassin

Rank: N/A

Gender: Neutral

Force Sensitive: No

Force Alignment: N/A


Height: 9'0"

Weight: 300lbs

Chassis: Custom Built Clockwork Droid

Optic Color: Red

Chassis Coloration: Bone White / Black


:: Servile by nature

:: Strong yet not sluggish. Fast but not weak. The perfect balance.

:: Built for a specific purpose.

:: Adaptive and capable to create solutions within its favored fields.

:: Antagonistic and plays with its prey.


x4 Vibrosword Arms :: Primary Weapons
This chassis was designed to utilize its four arms as its weapons; each appendage crafted with the intent to be able to combat both the common man and Force Users alike. Utilizing cortosis weave vibroswords, these weapons have the ability to not only go mechanical foot-to-toe with a active practitioner of the Force and a lightsaber but also overpower and rip common infantry and lesser beings to shreds. This however leaves it with no ranged capabilities and no possibility to interact with its environment physically as it has no ligaments to do so.

Chassis Materials & Design :: Physical Defense Mechanism
Of course, having no ranged capabilities, the chassis must be able to soak up enemy fire. Fortunately, the internal components are cased within a unique composite of resistant metals and materials that combine both an ability to ensure the droid is both durable under moderate amounts of fire and lightweight enough to close the gap with enemies with ranged capabilities. Of course, explosives, EMPs and heavy weapons will bypass this defense. Furthermore, the chassis has the capacity to extend or retract its limbs at will, essentially allowing it to make itself taller or shorter as per the situational parameters.

Cloaking Device :: Support Equipment
The chassis and the shard that controls it are not suitable for front-line infantry combat and are instead relied upon as a cloak and dagger and assassin role. Fortunately, the cloaking device installed within the chassis makes this a little easier. When activated, the device will make the chassis invisible to the naked eye, allowing it to blend in and prepare its trap for its victims. Whilst this does not exactly muffle any noise that the chassis emits, if anything this will only make things a hundred times more creepier for its prey.

Vocal System :: Customization
As a shard, Irn requires the use of a translator system in order to turn its electromagnetic pulses into audible speech. As it is corrupted, however, the voice comes out as a mix of both male and female voices akin to something heard from a holovid or communicator. If this was intentional by design or a change made by the Shard itself to give it the capacity to scare the living daylights out of its targets is still unclear.


Backstory: Pending

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