Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Iron Arms

Corporation Name: Iron Arms

Headquarters: The traditional headquarters is a modest building on Mandalore.

Locations: small shops on various planets within Mandalorian and Shadow Empire space, It also maintains a aging but fairly large orbital station used for the production of their mass produced goods.

Operations: Exotic weapons, armor, and ship production.

Rationale: Inheritance through survival.As Michael was the only member of his clan to survive he inherited the ownership of Iron Arms

Tier: 2

Description: Iron Arms is a fairly unknown corporation that once produced weapons , armor, and ships for the now near extinct Mandalorian clan Castelion, Iron Arms started out as Castelion's in house shipwrights and smithy but later grew large enough that it began to sell to other clan then eventually the galaxy as a whole despite being as old as the clan itself Iron Arms never grew exceptionally powerful always the underdog compared to many companies of similar age.

Iron Arms has always prided itself on three things quality, customisability and exotic weaponry it is one of the arms companies that has never nor will ever produce blaster weapons instead favouring disruptors and particle beam weapons it was also one of the last companies to phase out slugthrowers from their main production into it's made to order lines Iron Arms has been a favourite with jedi and sith hunters simply due to the nature of their weapons as particle beam weapons are undetectable with lightsabers due to the bolts exploding on contact this trait has also made their weapons a favourite of law enforcement as it minimizes civilian casualties in hostage situations while maintaining leathality.

Despite it's rather small size Iron Arms has survived through it's strict adherence to it's founding mandate and through a deft Byzantine touch when it comes to rivals playing them against each other while keeping under the radar of the corporations too large for them to handle. Under the current management of Michael Steelfang Iron Arms has managed to survive the destruction of clan Castelion and now are begining to thrive thanks to the contracts with the Shadow Empire's navy something that was brought about due to Michael's high ranking postion within the Shadow Empire's navy nepotisim perhaps but Michael will do what he has to rebuild his clan and Irons Arms even if he has to tear the rules apart in the process

Subsidiaries: none
[member="Michael Steelfang"]

Good morning Michael.


You have a good set up here. However, at tier two, it is a bit more reasonable to focus on two to three items of operations that flow along the same area. Right now you have Armstech, Armormech, Droid manufacturing, and a small shipyard. Please cut back on one of them.
Michael Steelfang said:
@Danger Areceneau

As the last remaining member of his clan Michael Steelfang inherited the company ownership he simply survived when no one else did.

Oh okay! Can you just add that to the rationale? Once that's done, I'll send this up for secondary. :)

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