Dekkan Fray
The holo-net hadn't been so laser focused on a particular incident in the Galaxy since the Gulag Plague was running rampant. The fall of Coruscant was the spectacle to circulate, and every holocast news program available was running their different take on this event that had shaken the Core worlds. The Jedi, the Sith, it was the oldest battle in the Galaxy, a war that would likely continue to rage until the Force stopped appointing followers to bicker about it. Coruscant however wasn't just a hallmark of the Jedi Order, it was also the primary location for the Galactic senate, where representatives congregated to discuss, deliberate, and delineate about issues that affected the Galaxy at large. The senate was a touchy subject that not many who saw Dekkan Fray would surmise that it ran in his background. The humble and mostly quiet man who manned the counter at the Do or Dine had a sordid and long history that had once been so controversial that it had also been playing on holocasts around the Galaxy.
The muted panels above the diner counter, and one on the far wall at an angle continued to stream coverage -- catching the coral blue of Dekkan's gaze ever so often. A simple shake of his head was all he regarded the news with now. Like anything else, this too would pass, but the people on that core world, the billions of people, they had a much bigger problem now. Raze and ruin was a tactic he knew all too well, and the images of burning buildings, and the temple being razed to the ground was not something he enjoyed, no matter his sordid history with the capitol planet. Business was slowing down around this time, only a few people here and there, but most were keeping to themselves, and the wait staff was taking care of their orders. Old Patch, while known for being a smuggler's haven was a rather peaceful place when you got used to it. It stayed out of the lime light, and wasn't the stronghold of any militant occupation. Granted the barony was part of the Protectorate, but that just kept anything major from causing too many problems.
In an off-white cloth work shirt and dark grey trousers, Dekkan wiped down the counter, collecting crumbs into a waste basket beneath the metallic surface. The diner was a good investment, and he'd kept it running rather well. Having survived the Dark Harvest, and making sure that other trouble didn't come his way, most people felt at ease within the classic feel of his eating establishment. That was his main rule - he'd feed anyone who could pay. Even some that couldn't afford it, he'd throw charity two every once in a while. He could read people rather well, tell if they were being straight. Most were too humble to admit they needed a hand-out and he got that. He'd been there before, and he had been just as stubborn. The other main rule of the place was a zero tolerance on trouble brewin'. He had and still would put anyone out of his diner for making ruckus.
"Just about an hour till close folks." Dekkan said in an off-handed comment. Night had fallen outside, the simple foot traffic and the canals the flowed between the streets could be heard outside, while the lights in the diner provided ambient illumination to the darkening skies. He generally gave the call around this time, just so people knew that he'd be starting to close up shop, and some menu items wouldn't be available until the next day. Something akin to Bocce came back from his short order cook in the kitchen, and he bellowed something back just as indecipherable. The Weequay was not exactly a pleasant person, but his job wasn't personal relations, he was there to cook, and aside from Dekkan, he was the best in the city. The cuisine wasn't gourmet all the time, but he could get to that level in a pinch.
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]