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Approved Tech Iron Maidens Biot

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Self Repairing
  • Advanced Systems
  • Advanced Systems: Designed to be a highly advanced model personal assistance droid for aiding admirals, assembly members. With a number of systems built in to ease their day to day operations.
  • Laminanium: Designed like a Quellian ship the hull of the orbital platforms has a thin layer of the material to improve repairs and over time depending on the amount of damage it is able to patch itself up.
  • Shard Body: Designed as an advanced model Shard body for iron knights, the biots have sacks in their stomachs that can hold the shards and seal over them for protection. Compared to other shard bodies and iron knights they look and are able to act the most organic.
  • Midi-chloroxian: A synthetic blood based off of human and made like the agena which can be manipulated with the force. Allowing a jedi with enough time to train a biot minorly.
  • Sasori Coating: Micro crystal skin layer that allows optical camo effects on the body
  • Force Affinity: Designed with force infused materials that imbue to the jedi wearing them a standard slew of protections and capabilities. The ability to better resist the darksides influence, ease the access to learned skills that have been practiced and feeling generally more energized and lively.
    • Force resistance: Not pure resistance to the force but its influences specifically the darkside.
    • Force Enlightenment: A general enhancement of the specific jedi's talents in the lightside of the force. They don't know everything but using their own abilities is easier, sharper focus.
    • Revitalize: A more robust feeling mentally and physically aids in calming the mind and body to focus.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Gravity: The advanced thrusters of the vehicle require gravity to function at full efficiency. Without it there can't counter gravity to get speed or thrust for the high speed movement.
  • Self Repairing: Built with a protective layer to patch the vehicle in the event of damage. The time table is dependent upon the amount of damage with smaller tears being easier and faster to repair then gashes which can take hours to reform.
    • Note: Only the layer can repair not the full plate armor itself the plating can be damaged still but the underlayer of Laminanium can reform and remain.
  • Biological: The nature of the biot is living flesh and it is able to be infected with sickness or virus such as flesh eating sickness.
  • Visible in the Force: The materials, the internal fluids used in the construction and organic components of the biot make it close to living and highly visible within the force itself.
  • Requires Feeding Enzyme: A must for biots, the feeding enzyme keeps the body going and is instilled heavily from creation.
  • Vulnerable to Bafforr Pollen: Like with most biots the pollen has adverse side effects, specifically it constricts and hen kills the organic components such as the internal fluid or skin. Causing the biot to convulse and fall apart.
  • Optical Camo: Disrupted by rapid movement as well as material blocking the layer of crystal in the skin which gives them a distinctive shine in sunlight.
  • Force Nullification: Composed of solidified energy from a pocket dimension. Within a force nullification field it becomes heavy. The molecular structure is super dense but able to skirt and not adhere to physics like gravity normally. Without the force to preform this it becomes almost impossibly heavy to lift.
Designed by Sasori based upon their advanced biot technologies.... Their knowledge of shards and the Iron knights led to three major advancements... The Iron Mongers which are shards in massive walkers, the shadex which can serve normal shards that are not iron knights and the High marshal Eternity who is among the silver jedi one of the prominent voices of counsel. The Iron Maidens are the biggest advancement and mixture... being the closest to an organic body that the shards can use and being overly designed in their ability to mvoe around like a jedi rather then a droid. Even their bodies have been infused with synthetic blood... skin with synthetic micro crystals allowing them to have an optical camo effect and enhancement within the force itself. They are impressive on a technical level and providing the Silver jedi with Iron Knights who are strong and impressive in combat situations.
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