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Public IRON MAW - Expedition to the Sunken Freighter

[Expedition Report]
ADDENDUM - included by Dr.
[EXPUNGED]: "The overseer of report #134 has recruited "uninitiated" research personnel to assist in the expedition. Albeit, upon personal inspection of their induction files, these "beings" are more qualified to be in a cell here than anything else I've seen."

ADDENDUM 2 - included by Dr.
[Null]: "I've authorized The Nobody access to Anomaly #132-1 for the purpose of this expedition. Thank the stars, actually... That one gives me the creeps - it talks more than the other two, that's for sure. It's just been licking the glass of its containment chamber for four hours straight today. I think it's looking at me."

22:32 - MON CALA



Anomaly #134 was first discovered after locals of the planet Mon Cala tracked a distress signal in the depths of their own oceans. After the residents who went to check the signal failed to return to their communities, The Nobody and his associates were contacted by an agent stationed on-world, who asked for assistance in investigating a suspected anomalous threat.

Before an official evaluation of the target was initiated, a small team of agents first approached the submerged and abandoned smuggling freighter emitting the signal with the intent to investigate the interior. As they were unaware of the particular dangers at the time, the team succumbed to the "attacks" of the strange fish-like creatures that patrolled around the sunken vessel.

After further scouting expeditions were authorized with the use of air-sealed suits and biosensor technology, the effective range of the dangerous creatures and the sampled symbiotic fungi growing on them were recognized.

The coordinates of the anomaly were sectioned off by The Nobody and his company with a temporary barricade installation, with one entry point allowing access to the depths. Eventually, the team hijacked the false distress signal from the freighter and attempted to decrypt it for information, with varying results. Word salad and broken lines of code were produced after decoding what they thought was a literate message. Another message the team received after initially hijacking the signal was as follows:

-- I think
-- I think
-- I think
-- I think
-- I

-- Can
-- Think

Now Playing - Smells Blood

In the main bridge of the Hydrosphere Explorer, "The Nobody" sat still on a cushioned and rotatable office chair. He sunk into his seat like a cannonball in a foam pit - his limbs dangling weightlessly over the arm rests; the way the felt cushions almost swallowed his tiny body up like a fly trap made it look like he was stuck. Despite this position, he was incredibly comfortable where he sat, even if his emotionless frown didn't show it.

A few faceless doctors milled about the room, with one quickly providing The Nobody a small folder before darting off, which detailed information on his new "recruits" gathered by intelligence officers.

The backroom that segued into the bridge's entrance was a large, red-walled room, with a decedent table set out in the middle with a variety of cuisine and expensive drink. This feast was hosted for the anticipating team of newcomers before they would be debriefed on the expedition. Once they had all finished their meal - or finished staring idly at their full plates and glasses in thought - they would be escorted into the bridge to speak with The Nobody as a group.

Any questions that were necessary for their participation would be answered. But like all things to do with The Nobody...

It's on a need-to-know basis.
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Tags: The Nobody The Nobody | OPEN
Location: Aboard the hydrosphere explorer, MON CALA


"First one in, last one out," Dr. Kama Nu thought to himself as he took a seat at the empty table. His appetite was, admittedly, lacking. He'd read the bleak document that was Report 134 several times since receiving it from the mysterious benefactor of this expedition, The Nobody The Nobody as he was called. Kama poked a bit at the food, but he was far more interested in the wine, which he swirled around in its glass goblet before sipping. The slender Kaminoan leaned back from the table to comfortably cross his leg over his knee, wine glass in hand, as he awaited further company. In the meantime, he withdrew a sleek white holopad from his belongings and began retracing the details of Report 134. The dark secrets of the ocean were not something that made him uncomfortable. In fact, watching the turbulent waves rolling over the infinite depths from his laboratory viewport in Tipoca City was one of the most calming exercises he could perform to calm a raging mind. But there was something peculiar about this case on Mon Cala, something that made the doctor feel an unusual emotion: dread.

Perhaps, like most things, it would see about itself. Perhaps it would go away once they uncovered the truth behind the missing freighter. Or perhaps it would nag him incessantly, as it was now. Dr. Kama took another sip of wine, holding it in his mouth for a long moment before swallowing the bittersweet liquid. Only time would tell.

In Umbris Potestas Est
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
-Hamlet, Hamlet

Vanessa Vantai was on Mon Calamari, having entered into the territory of the Empire of the Lost under incredibly intimate obscuration of her presence, based on a fragment of information that had been recovered from one of the many worshippers of the Goddess planted within innumerable galactic regimes, their deities having been silently subsumed into her own worship. What she had been told was, to say the least, disturbing - an abomination, a being whose existence defied the laws of reality.

A being who, if her presuppositions were correct, was likely from the realm of Otherspace.

Her visage merely sat attentively, having already quickly finished the meal offered to her in question. It was a courtesy - something not needed, but its issuance appreciated - as she patiently waited for the one whose information had been provided to her to yet make a summons. Perhaps he would find more out than he yet cared to know.

The Nobody The Nobody Kama Nu Kama Nu Anen Anen

This was to be quite an adventure, a study of a possible new creature. True or not, he was curious how things would turn out. It was, however, dangerous. It was also an aquatic endeavor, for this reason, he had altered his form in advance. Taking on the fully amphibious traits of a nautolan alongside his standard procedures, though he reduced the presence of their tentacles to avoid any potential disagreement on any additional aquatic suit protection. He was somewhat suspicious of the supposed signals however, a being that learns to speak, should not learn it in that manner. First considerations were telepathy, and second was that it was interfacing with the computer system.

While in the location, Anen would eat. Sort of. It was not uncommon for his people to be untrustworthy of foreign foods and while Anen was less bothered by that, this whole situation was an abnormality. He did consume the food, and it would be digested, however it was placed into a sack within him that would release it to his digestion system more slowly, while otherwise keeping it thoroughly contained to avoid the risk it might hold any toxins or poisons.

He was incredibly pleased to see a Kaminoan present, ( Kama Nu Kama Nu ) their knowledge of genetics was rather considerable, and they were native to an aquatic world even if they hadn't been as naturally adapted to it biologically as nautolans, mon calamari, or quarrens. They were a rather cold race though from what he understood.

A different one as well was rather curious, he couldn't figure out why. But this woman Onrai Onrai was not quite right. He tapped the table in thought, "Is the secrecy on the details of this creature very necessary? Sometimes little details could have provided further scientists enough information to want to be involved or at least provide input."

Tags: The Nobody The Nobody Onrai Onrai Kama Nu Kama Nu
Note for those who can sense force presences: Anen possesses 2, one is his natural presence, the other is an organ within him.

Form: Altered to take on more nautolan traits

Anen was quick to receive a response from a mysterious attendant who entered the room without a sound.

His body was tall and pale - draped in the same green military regalia The Nobody wore, minus the hat. His face was vaguely human, but the eyes beaded outward, and his upper lip flapped with every slow word he spat. He was hairless, and his fingers protruded like needles.

"You will know as much as you ne-ed... To complete the t-ask. Par-don my bluntness, sir... Truly sorry... Exceptionally... Sorry..."

The stranger's lithe figure slinked through the shadows and inspected the guests around the room. He grinned to himself and began to march to the door leading into the bridge.

"When you are rea-dy... Please proc-ee-ed, into the bridge... He is waiting."

A small argument broke out among the staff working in the bridge. "Why is that freak working with us..."
"Shut up! The Overseer will hear you!"
"Oh buck up, green horn... The Nobody can hear everyone in here. In there. The whole damn hydrosphere. He doesn't care - he's not even looking at us! He's just waiting."
"Still... It's unethical that the Overseer allows that... Sith... Zombie... To cooperate with us."
"Everything we do is unethical."


Tags: The Nobody The Nobody | Onrai Onrai | Anen Anen
Location: Aboard the hydrosphere explorer, MON CALA


The others filtered in slowly like liquid through an addition funnel, individually joining the table until the transfer was complete. They ate almost obligatorily while Kama tucked in with dedicated effort to enjoy the meal. In his line of work, with his particular choice of clientele, the promise of your next fine meal was not often guaranteed. Much like now with the mysterious Nobody as their benefactor and an unknown biotic at the bottom of the sea, this dinner could be the good doctor's last. It wasn't a fearful mindset, but rather one of conviction. The woman Onrai Onrai ate silently, but Anen Anen broke the quiet with a question that made the Kaminoan chuckle to himself. He made to speak, but the eerie attendant said precisely what Kama was thinking: projects of this nature are extremely delicate, with involvement circle kept tighter than Zygerrian chains.

Soon after the ghast announced the Nobody's location, Kama took a final bite and polished off his wine. He stood with the ethereal elegance that has come to be expected from his people and brushed away any crumbs that the handkerchief in his lap failed to collect. "Let us not keep our humble host waiting, now, shall we?"

In Umbris Potestas Est
The Nobody The Nobody Anen Anen Kama Nu Kama Nu

The shade in question entered into the room, eying over whoever and whatever was inside. Upon locking eyes with the being known as the Nobody, Onrai raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "What information can you provide us about the target in question? Has it come from Otherspace?" She had presuppositions and expectations galore, with an intent of learning more - and a desire to not perhaps reveal to this individual how particularly aberrant and unnatural she herself was.

Her fingers were crossed, allegorically anyways.

Anen watched the odd figure suspiciously, especially with his words, giving a doubtful look towards the others in response. It didn't exactly seem a very good answer to him, especially since they were already here. Still, he got up with the others ready to follow in. There was still a problem to solve, whether or not he doubted the integrity, that or the competence, of the one in charge.

Onwards they went, and now the odd Onrai Onrai was the one to speak, asking about if it was from otherspace. This time, he kept quiet and just looked for an answer. That was a topic he was no specialist in. That said, he still figured it more natural to assume it was more anomaly or contamination, rather than some otherworldly (so to speak) being.

Tags: The Nobody The Nobody Onrai Onrai Kama Nu Kama Nu
Note for those who can sense force presences: Anen possesses 2, one is his natural presence, the other is an organ within him.

Form: Altered to take on more nautolan traits

After pleasantries were exchanged, the small group were slowly shepherded through the door to the bridge.
The stranger loomed over the side of the doorframe - angling his body down in an uncomfortable curtsy. Every person that walked through the door could feel his cold and rotted breath pushing on their necks. He remained in the room behind them - the only indication of him still being there after were the quiet sounds of panting behind the door.

As the group entered the room, they'd see The Nobody perched on top of his office chair in the middle of the bridge. His legs were folded on top of the cushioning, and his hands idly clung to the top of the head rest behind him.

He was almost child-like in that way - the way his body hung off his chair like an energetic kid. His delicate skin, short height and youthful features didn't portray him as the cold or intimidating overseer the team heard about through whispers. The only indication something was off was the glazed expression in The Nobody's eyes.

The Nobody leisurely answered Onrai's question without the conspiratorial language used by his associates. Now that they had entered the bridge, secrecy was unnecessary. Everybody in here had the required credentials, Afterall.

[X]"We're unsure. We traced its force signature in realspace, but there is also the possibility of the entity being a proxy for extradimensional sources. Until we can make a full evaluation, I can't say for certain."

The Nobody fell silent again - visibly daydreaming as his head nodded up towards the roof. Even if he was directly addressing someone, his lack of tact made communication awkward. Now he was neglecting the conversation entirely... Just staring at the roof of the hydrosphere bridge.

Onrai, however, would briefly catch The Nobody's eyes reflecting back her gaze. It was almost judging... Knowing.

Another scientist working in the room grunted and turned to address the group himself. He had his hands clasped behind his back, and his posture was straight and unnmoving.

"My name is Doctor Thorne. Please excuse the Overseer's behavior - allow me to explain a few things for the record."
His inflection was deep and authoritative - like a drill sergeant addressing his platoon. He must've been a veteran of some kind. "-As you are all only temporary Class III personnel, I advise you keep what I have to say to yourselves."

"The Overseer is currently relaying visual, audio and contextual information in the room to the other Overseers. I can't get into semantics but think of it like a data cloud in his brain, that he can update regularly with just a thought."

"As for the information we do have on the topic... It's limited. That's why we've outsourced our thinktank. Just so we have broad perspectives on what we're about to study. Every bit of known information we've already given you is what we can currently provide."

"You will enter through the rear of the sunken freighter. We've tailored experimental diving suits for each of you. It is imperative that the entity's biomass does not breach your suit and enter your body, as it will lead to spontaneous paralysis, followed by death.

Finally, The Nobody returned from his daydreaming, and lazily stretched out his arms in relief. He slowly pulled himself up from his chair, descending his feet onto the ground at a snail's pace. The oversized revolver holstered at his hip clicked and rattled with every step The Nobody took in the group's direction. Another long period of silence followed his active presence, before he finally stood firmly at an arm's length away from the team.

He had to physically look up to meet the blank stares of his new hires. It would be comical for the average person to witness, but the tension felt amongst the team of scientists behind him sapped the humor from the situation.

[X]"I'll be attending the expedition with you all. If there are no further questions, we'll begin preparations to "board" #134."
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Tags: The Nobody The Nobody | Onrai Onrai | Anen Anen
Location: Aboard the hydrosphere explorer, MON CALA


A slow, graceful nod was all Dr. Kama Nu added to the exchange. The Nobody The Nobody and his -it's?- staff were simply too odd, too unpredictable to interact with directly. In a way, Kama treated this entire charade like its own compact experiment. Studying the Nobody and his crew while the variables probed for information. It was a shame they had depart for the depths so soon, but the dreadfully anomalous #134 awaited them beneath the waves. With Kaminoan grace, the doctor strode with the group. He was most eager to study the paralytic effects of #134, so he hoped the specially modified diving suits were up to par. There was a plethora of shadow collectives in the galaxy that would kill for a toxic agent such as what the scientist had described, were it to be sampled and reproduced in the sterile labs of Kamino.

In Umbris Potestas Est
Anen Anen The Nobody The Nobody Kama Nu Kama Nu

“I won’t be threatened.” The humanoid form of Vanessa said, under no implications - she very much intended to keep the masquerade going as long as was perhaps needed. Soon enough, the aquatic suit was on and she was yet prepared to begin the sojourn, a lightsaber at her waist securely locked to the exterior of the suit. She intended to remain armed regardless of whatever circumstances yet came her way, and had her doubts that the other onlookers would perhaps yet be willing to understand what it was she had truly become.

“Let’s go.”

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