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Iron Monger

Saani Kenow

Retanasian Smuggler Queen
Expansion was a tricky thing. To grow required resources. New resources were gained through growth.

Saani Kenow of the Renatasian Confederation was determined to ensure that expansion became an upward spiral rather than a paradox. That was the logic behind her aggressive move on Erilnar, her intensification of operations throughout the Centrality, her outreach to underworld organizations further abroad. If she could seize new assets with each new step, she wouldn't ever need to slow her pace; she could take her little corner of the galaxy by storm, building a future for her people that would last for a thousand years and more. Part of that would mean updating every piece of the Confederation's arsenal.

When the Renatasians had been restricted to the backwater systems, it hadn't mattered much that their smuggling "fleet" had been a ragtag hodgepodge of starships, many of them battered and worn. But they were entering the big leagues now, and outdated craft wouldn't cut it. The amount of heat they were bringing down from the Centrality government alone was intense enough that they needed something cutting edge, craft that were truly top of the line, and the credits they were bringing in from Erilnar's underworld markets could fund it. But the Renatasians were no shipwrights. They would need outside help.

Fortunately, that part had been easy. [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] of Blood Hunter's Iron Works had reached out to the Confederation, interested in selling modern and effective starships to the smuggling organization. Saani had seized on that opportunity. She had set a meeting with the Blood Matron on Erilnar, in an upscale restaurant called the Golden Thranta that was actually a Confederation front for Lesai distribution. The chefs and the excellent food they prepared were very much real, however, as was the pleasant decor of the restaurant, furnished in old Alderaanian style with swirling blue and gold nature motifs.

The restaurant was open only for dinner, so now, around the lunch hour, only Saani and the staff were present. It would provide a secure meeting place.
The Matron's Elites flowed through the doors of The Golden Thranta, four heavily armed and armored men came first. They spread across the front of the restaurant without a word, rifles in hand at a low ready position. A moment later Zenva herself strolled through the doors as if she owned the place, a small contented smile on her coal black lips. She was decked out in her standard combat attire, from swords and pistols to the armored corset that clung to her chest. As she came into the room, moving to take a seat in the center of the restaurant, eight more of her guards followed after her. In moments the Zabrak's men were spread throughout the restaurant without a word spoken.

Zenva rose a hand, gesturing to the seat across from her, "Miss Kenow, join me won't you? We've much to discuss, you and I, and our time is valuable." Zenva's lips peeled back from her serrated, shark like teeth in a broad smile.

[member="Saani Kenow"]

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