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Approved NPC Iron Triad

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“Learn to obey before you command”
The Iron Triad

: To create and flesh out Hont’s Triad. This will serve as the history of the Triad, the equipment and training of the Traid, the strength and weaknesses of it and will flesh out the men in the Triad.
Image Credit: [ ] -
Role: This unit is a unit of three legionnaires under my command. We are a small part of a much larger force on the battlefield. I personally command these legionnaires to do whatever I want unless it is treasonous or out of my command.
Permissions: None
Links: [Sith-Imperial Legionnaire Armour MK III]

Unit Name
: The Iron Triad
Affiliation: The Sith Empire
Classification: Infantry
Description: They wear the standard Sith-Imperial Legionnaire armour except they have a yellow strip running from the top of the helmet, splitting at the chest and both lines finishing at there respective feet. Apart from that they appear to be standard Sith-Imperial Legionnaires.

Unit Size: Small (Comprises of three legionaries).
Unit Availability: Common (many, easy to replace, likely with more always in training).
Unit Experience: Trained


Combat Function: The Triads goal in combat is to be a completely self-sufficient unit that can go and complete tasks and regroup with the main fighting force at will.

Strengths and

Private Loyalty:
The soldiers of the Iron Triad are loyal to there leader, Hont Atellies more than they are the Sith Empire. This has come from the members being trained to serve Hont as he sees fit on the battlefield.

Because they were trained by Hont Atellies, the soldiers of the Iron Triad are over-zealous in battle and outside. They would usually kill rather then take prisoners and don’t care for civilian casualties.

The Iron Triad have been trained to be incredibly self-sufficient, being able to survive on hostile planets by themselves for over a month. This also leads them to be able to work by themselves on the battlefield to dispatch objectives and go on alone.

No Respect:
These soldiers don’t show respect for anyone apart from themselves and Hont, and have trouble following orders from others. They openly talk down on the Sith and the other institutions in the Empire.

Unique Personalities:
The soldiers of the Triad have very unique personalities and skills, but also unique weaknesses attached to them.

Founded in the year 862 ABY, The Iron Triad is a triad of troopers commanded by a sentinel. Founded and currently commanded by Hont Atellies, the Iron Triad consists of hand-picked legionnaires that have proven themselves to be worth the time and effort of Hont Atellies. The members go as follows:

Agrippina Flavius:
A cold, intelligent and sometimes condescending woman, Agrippina is an expert out of combat.

Intelligent: Agrippina is very intelligent in almost anything, having knowledge that is always useful in the situation.

Inhuman: Agrippina is cold, deadly, and doesn’t care for others unless they serve a purpose she needs, like her teammates and Hont. She doesn’t acknowledge others as living beings. This causes others to treat her that way too, which could also lead to others that have no qualms against the group attack them, because of the way Agrippina is. She doesn’t care for others emotions, and this can make so many enemies.

Brax Pols:
A strong warrior, Brax could singlehandedly hold the front against anything, though he has trouble being aware.

Soldier: Brax is the strongest of the group, and also the best with guns. He is the best soldier that anyone could have serving underneath them.

No Self-Awareness: In both senses this falls true for Brax. He has trouble operating himself and doesn’t pay attention to anything. He needs direction if he want to be put to use.

James Tucker:
James is a legionary with medical training. An expert all things medical, he doesn’t have a sense of duty or loyalty, which can be of a detriment other than him being childhood friends with Hont, the one person that money doesn’t have a price for in his books.

Protégé Medic: An expert in all things medical, he can use seemingly nothing to patch up anything, cure most know diseases, and also make poisons, if the need arises.

No Loyalty: Everything except Hont has a price in his books, and he is willing to do nearly anything, if he gets payed enough.​
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Hont Atellies Hont Atellies Hey there :) Nice Triad you've got there. Only one thing I need from you please-
  • In Out of Character Information, for Image Credit, the image credit needs to link to a page on which we can find the image, not the URL of the image itself.

Tag me back once you've edited it and I'll be happy to approve this submission :)
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