Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Irrelevant - Delete this please.


Good to see you still have some fighting spirit in you Uncle.


Lovely looking bio btw. :D

You just keep in mind who's likely to end up repairing your weapon when you're done poking the Beorni, Lad.

Your best interests depend on reliable work and I've been feeling awfully tired of late.
[member="Bjorn Heartholm"]

Indeed, stated in the disclaimer above in little detail however, these Characters are being organized for an arc specific for the Faction focusing on Midvinter and the Valkyri there. They won't at all affect any people outside of the DawnGuard or whom wish to take no part in it.
I see...

I've made it the long-term goal for Bjorn here to rediscover his heritage, considering his birth on Belsavis, and take the throne of Midvinter, installing his own rule. I was excited when the SJO left the area due to their reasons, meaning that I would really only have to contend with the Havenshields and their Dawnguard lackeys, a feat achievable with the promised support of the Sith Empire, enough training and Bjorn's own personal army.

But i may be interested in this arc now, depending on how Bjorn could interact and be apart of it.

| [member="Teign"] |
[member="Bjorn Heartholm"]

You may wish to speak with either [member="Coci Heavenshield"] or [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] regarding the throne of Midvinter as I believe there's already leadership in place. The DawnGuard for which I've linked above is a faction focused around the Valkyri and Midvinter which has invested a good deal of lore and effort around establishing the world. I offered to take up this character for the sake of the arc but they're the brains and the brawn behind it all; thus they'd have any answers to your probable questions regarding such a personal arc.
Of course, of course. My plan really was just a threading idea I got carried away in, as it would've made sense at the time concerning the Sith Empire's constant assaults on the SJO, having a massive open field battle of Sith vs. DawnGuard and Silver Jedi would've made for quite the interesting invasion. However, now that Midvinter is 'free' and Ic-wise, Bjorn has left the Sith Empire, the whole idea for an assault, successful or not, doesn't seem realistic as of now.


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