
- Intent: Create a standard unique lightsaber.
- Image Source: Dwarven Lightsaber
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: Lightsaber | "Forbidden Knowledge"
- Manufacturer: Irrylath Rand (deceased)
- Affiliation: Ishani Sibwarra
- Market Status: Closed Market
- Model: N/A
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material: Durasteel, electrum plating, Kyber crystal, waterproof casing, lightsaber components
- Classification: Lightsaber
- Size: Average
- Weight: Light
- Improves aim and ability to reflect blaster bolts
- Grants owner improved danger sense
- Boosts owner's ability to use Force Sight
- Can be used underwater
- Eagle Eye: This lightsaber has been imbued with the Force in a manner which vastly improves the wielder's awareness of their surroundings and their reflexes.
- Lightsaber Resistant: Cortosis, phrik, and songsteel are all lightsaber resistant materials.
- Force Null: Because the special effects of this weapon come from Force imbuement, exposure to any kind of Force nullifying material will negate them.
"Ishani was, for a few moments at least, preoccupied with examining the weapons on display. Vibroblades hung on the walls, blasters from seemingly every era of galactic history sat behind glass, and more exotic weapons lay on shelves in the back—a single lightsaber among them. Her attention honed in on the Force Users’ weapon. Beautiful design. Was that electrum plating? Or copper?..." - Ishani Sibwarra, "Forbidden Knowledge"
During a trip to Naboo, Ishani purchased an antique lightsaber. She was attracted to the beautiful design of the weapon's hilt and bought it initially with the intention of giving it to someone as a gift - Ishani is notoriously leery of lightsabers, finding them difficult to wield and as much a danger to herself as to others.
But as Ishani handled the weapon to see if it was still functioning properly, she found that this particular lightsaber seemed different. It was easier for her to use and she felt at ease with it in her hand. She could sense that it had been imbued with the Force by the one who built it, in such a way that it made her movements while wielding the saber more elegant and graceful. While she is still open to the idea of giving it away, for now Ishani has decided to keep it for herself.
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