Irumakka Sednava
Irumakka Sednava
Age | 36 |
Species | Human |
Gender | Male |
Height | 180.34 cm |
Weight | 44.6 kg |
Force Sensitive | Yes. Unrecognized and untrained. |
Sednava is sickly thin and spindly, so much so that he would look right at home on a deathbed. He has notable burn scars across his arms, legs, neck and torso, but his face, which is stern and almost regal, remains unmarred. He maintains a perfect shave and short, neatly parted black hair. He has a nose that comes to a sharp point and piercing eyes that are such a dark brown they might be mistaken for black at a distance. Sednava carries himself in the same manner an imperial officer might when addressing their troops and consistently wears an old imperial starfighter corps uniform from one of the remnant factions, which he has done his best to make pristine and presentable.
An Imperial Starfighter Corps Uniform with rank plaque displaying the rank of Captain.
An EC-17 holdout blaster
An SE-14r light repeating blaster
An officer's saber (dead blade)
Keys and permits to a shipyard, a ship vendor, and a repair shop he runs, all on Adumar.
A Wrist Comm, customized with a few additional systems, including a Beckon Call
Behavior: An officer and a gentleman. Sednava behaves as if he is still serving as a military officer. He refuses to use slang terms, follows all conventions of politeness, decorum, and gentlemanly behavior, and maintains his uniform and equipment as if he expects people to inspect them.
Behavior: Scaredy-cat survivalist. Sednava's bravery died above Adumar. Whereas before the incident, Sednava willingly risked the lives of himself and his squadron often, sometimes to extreme levels. After nearly burning alive, his outlook has changed, and he's now significantly more concerned with his own health and is finished putting it on the line, to the point that he doesn't like engaging in combat at all, citing the fact that now that he's retired from military service.
Belief: Balance stems from order. Irumakka Sednava fully believes that a balanced galaxy with equality and justice for all parties is only obtainable through the strict and rigid application of law and order enforcing it. Granting people excessive freedom invites chaos and allows greed to thrive.
Belief: Lives have value, and that value has a set worth. Over time as a squadron leader, Captain Sednava developed the viewpoint that other people's lives, while precious, are a resource to be conserved or expended as needed to fulfill the mission. Famously, during one battle, Sednava sacrificed two entire flight groups under his command as a screen against fire from a singular enemy heavy turbolaser turret, ordering them to intercept the shots flight path and buying a mere extra minute so that a damaged and unshielded imperial-class star destroyer carrying valuable cargo could jump to hyperspace.
Phobia: The force and force-users. When the jedi pilot deftly outmaneuvered him with what Sednava could tell was some form of special ability, moving their craft in a direction the thrusters could not have allowed to position themselves right where his deflector shields were weakest, something ugly awakened inside the imperial. Unquenchable bottomless fear, and also an irrational hatred. What was this person, to able to render his lifetime of dogfighting training useless by effortlessly shifting the location of their starfighter? How dare they? Ever since, he has been simultaneously been cripplingly scared of and full of loathing towards force users and their abilities. If only he knew that with proper training, he could use those abilities as well...
Phobia: Flying. Ever since his crash landing, this pilot has found himself deathly afraid of space or atmospheric flight. It has kept him firmly on the ground, and he refuses to use any vehicles that operate at heights higher than 20 meters off the ground. This limits his modes of self-transportation to speederbikes and landspeeders.
Imperial Mechanics: The skills and knowledge gained while serving under an imperialist faction during his young adulthood have granted him great knowledge of the workings of the TIE line of starfighters and its descendants. He can service and modify them, even create brand new ships from their parts.
Top Fighter Pilot: Though this skill is now disused due to a developed fear of flying, a younger Irumakka Sednava maintained a reputation as a fierce dogfighter, and a force to be reckoned with when aboard his TIE/ba Interceptor, having reached a triple ace rating and an official solo kill count of 17 starfighters before his career path and ship blew up in his face.
Savvy Businessman: Maneuvering upward through the ranks in an imperial faction despite the politics at play is difficult, requiring skill at brokering deals and making promises in order to hoist yourself above the other snakes in the pit with you. Irumakka successfully reached the rank of Captain, commanding his own full squadron at the apex of his military career. This dealmaking skill has continued to serve him in his new career, brokering deals with companies, customers, and officials.
Aristocratic Swordplay: A skill he has honed over the past 18 years of his life, Sednava is a skilled swordsman. This skill grants him a means of self-defense he can properly rely on, gives him some reassurance when he is around the lightsaber-wielding force-users he fears, and also adds to his general mannerisms and persona as an officer and gentleman, given he carries an officer's saber with him wherever he goes.
Raw Force-Associated Talents: His sensitivity to the force, understood by him or not, grants him better reaction times than most, something that he incorporates into his swordplay and previously incorporated into his flying. It also makes him a bit luckier than most.
Terrible shot: His deadly accuracy behind the viewport of a starfighter does not translate to blasters and other ranged, handheld weapons. His only hope of hitting his target is saturation fire in their general direction. His aim is certainly several levels below that of a stormtrooper.
Baggage: His near-death experience aboard his TIE/ba Interceptor and the actions he witnessed during his tenure as a pilot have not only given him physical scars but have given him emotional ones as well.. He's incredibly rigid, terse, and withdrawn, and he refuses to socialize outside of his business dealings. A lack of friends also means a lack of close allies that will stand by him when times are tough. His business associates certainly won't.
Obsessive Compulsive/Controlling: His military history has made him reluctant to rely on others, as he's used to other officers trying to do him a disservice to get an edge. If he can do something himself, he will, so that he can be certain it's done right. This makes him a very busy man, given the fact that he effectively runs two separate businesses. He closely follows a highly organized and laid-out schedule he makes himself to reduce the amount of stress this causes him.
Nightmares: Partially resultant of his baggage, partially resultant of his force sensitivity, Irumakka is often plagued with nightmarish visions when he tries to sleep, featuring the force users he is fearful of and intense starfighter battles. This leads to Sednava experiencing serious sleep deprivation more frequently than not.
Refusal to answer the call to battle: As far as Sednava is concerned, he's done being a hero. His entire imperial career was spent putting his life on the line for his convictions. As such, unless he's saving his own skin, Irumakka Sednava will not fight and will not risk his life for others.
Cliffnotes version for now:
Formerly an accomplished captain in the Starfighter Corps of an imperial faction, his military career literally went up in flames when his TIE/ba Interceptor was shot down over Adumar by an unknown Jedi (This jedi became the source of his later force-user phobia). His deflector shields failed, and his cockpit interior began to spark and catch fire, along with his body, his head and face protected by his fully enclosed helmet. While most starfighter pilots would simply panic, spiral out of control, and crash in this situation, Irumakka managed to pilot his craft down to the surface of the planet the battle was in orbit of and splash down relatively safely in a large lake, sparing his own life.
Choosing to retire from military service after the incident rather than accept transfer to a desk job, Sednava started up a new career with his gained knowledge in the starship and vehicle business, using his sizable military pension to finance his own repair shop on the same planet he nearly died above, Adumar. Incredible luck and shrewd dealmaking allowed his business to grow rapidly, and Sednava still owns that same repair shop but has also expanded his business to a starship vendor and a shipyard.
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