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Approved Tech Irus' Pliurza, Staff of The Defiler

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  • Manufacturer: Darth Veleson Darth Veleson
  • Affiliation: Darth Veleson Darth Veleson
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Irus' Pliurza, Staff of The Defiler
  • Modularity: N/A
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Classification: Force Staff | Sith Magistaff
  • Size: Large | 2.2m
  • Weight: Heavy | 10kg
  • Force Staff's Features:
    • Corruption
      • The high concentration of Dark Side is intentionally designed to radiate corruption, which affects force-sensitives and non force-sensitives alike.
    • Ability Enhance
      • Grants the wielder immense force enhancement, allowing for stronger and more potent ability.
    • Sounding Staff
      • The metal bell at the bottom of the staff allows the user to tap it against the ground to create a high pitched ringing utilized in Sith Magic practices.
    • Lightning Strike
      • The staff allows user to channel the force and project force lighting from the tips of the staff.
    • Lightsaber & Blaster Resistant
    • Creates A Disturbance In The Force
  • Versatile:
    • Designed to serve a multi-function role, the staff is beneficial for ritual practice, combat, and communing with spirits through its sounding function.
  • Imbued:
    • Through alchemic means, the staff has been imbued with the souls of treasonous Kissai, thus empowering it with the ability to corrupt those within its sphere of influence.
  • Inspiring Fear:
    • Due to its dark side nature and reputation for corruption, it can inspire fear in its presence.
  • Corruption:
    • Although the corruption of the staff remains one of its advantages to a dark side user, the toll it takes on its wielder is also great. The corruption will eventually rot the body of the user, and if untrained it will rot their mind.
  • Heavy:
    • The staff has a substantial weight, and although it can be properly used to spar an enemy, it it slower and more cumbersome than a sword or lightsaber which will put its user at at disadvantage.
  • Soul Bind:
    • The staff was crafted with a fractured piece of the Sith Lord's soul, effectively creating a bond between them. Should the staff be destroyed, it would likely permanently kill his essence.
  • Neutralization:
    • Due to its innate nature as a force artifact, Irus' Pliurza is useless if the force around it has been neutralized, such as in the presence of Ysalamir.
On Korriban, just as Darth Veleson Darth Veleson ascended to the title of Darth, he employed a great number of Kissai to assist in the creation of the Irus' Pliurza. Gathered in a large chamber in the Valley of the Dark Lords, gold relics were smelted down, and poured into the form over an engraved cortosis core. All done under the watchful eye of the Sith. He would maintain regular over watch, utilizing the Kissai priests to imbue their own energy to the staff as they muttered through ritual incantations. By utilizing the power of others, he would preserve his own life essence in its creation. However he knew that in order to be the true master of his own staff, he must impart apart of himself within it. As such, he fractured a part of his already damaged soul, and imbued it into the staff - thus cementing his attachment to not only the staff, but whoever might wield it should he ever perish.

Gold was chosen, as is was perhaps the most precious of all metals utilized by ancient Sith culture. For the core, he chose cortosis. A rare metal commonly known for its properties against lightsabers. In earnest, had his family not already possessed deposits of the precious metal - he likely would have used something else. Nevertheless, he was confident his cortosis core and alchemically advanced casing would protect against most situations where he might need to deflect against a lightsaber, blade, or blaster fire.

The ceremony to craft took the span of two weeks, many Kissai who were forced into its creation perished due to malnutrition, dehydration, and exposure to potent Dark Side energy. The intentions behind the staff were the most important, and Darth Veleson was consistent in his desire to craft a weapon that would be an affront to those who worshipped the Ashla. The staff would be designed to defile those who oppose it's will and nature, spreading corruption to ripe souls and particularly those who worship the light.

Darth Veleson was insistent on installing a sounding bell at the bottom of the staff, which aided in particularly the practice of summoning and communing with spirits. As the staff neared its completion, the Sith Lord tempered it with fire, and force lighting. The practice might have had no practical effect besides removing excess material from the casting to smooth it down, but its symbolism represented something far greater. A potent Dark Side artifact capable of massive destruction, an embodiment to his own power and prowess.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Veleson Darth Veleson

Very nicely made submission! Love it!
  • You cannot delete fields from the submission, so please add these back to your template:
    • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
    • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer’s submissions as part of the submission)
  • Please mention that in the image source, I made the header what you use, so please tag Ingrid there as creator/source. Thank you! <3
  • And one more, it is connecting to the Force, so please add to the weaknesses what happening with the staff under Force suppression/Force nullification effects.
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