Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Is there any post that lists destroyed planets?

Rekali the Hutt

[member="B3 (Genesis)"]

I believe only Corellia, Rhammamool, Osarian, and Donanyd(User made planet) have been destroyed on the board. In fact, all of the other planets that were destroyed have been put back together through Yuuzhan Vong Plot Magic.
Rekali the Hutt said:
[member="B3 (Genesis)"]

I believe only Corellia, Rhammamool, Osarian, and Donanyd(User made planet) have been destroyed on the board. In fact, all of the other planets that were destroyed have been put back together through Yuuzhan Vong Plot Magic.
[member="Rekali the Hutt"]
Thank you for your help ~


Rekali the Hutt said:
I believe only Corellia,
I'm rather sure only Corellia's destruction is considered completely canon, though, because it was destroyed in a staff-made event. IIRC, no other planet has been destroyed with the approval of the head admin, therefore making their destruction non-canon.

Rekali the Hutt

Liliane Lancaster said:
I'm rather sure only Corellia's destruction is considered completely canon, though, because it was destroyed in a staff-made event. IIRC, no other planet has been destroyed with the approval of the head admin, therefore making their destruction non-canon.
The other three were all approved by staff, just not done in an event.

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