Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Efret's exit post in RNR: Negotiations Got Aggressive

As a medic treated the scrapes on her palms with antiseptics and bandages, Efret looked over his shoulder in the direction she had come moments before. She had no conception of how long she had spent on the ground after Elias...

What did he even do?

Leave her?

Save her?

Both. Another recent irony in her life: collecting a repayment of a favor she had done for him on Bogano.

Regardless of the amount of time she had passed crumpled on the stone before the departed Netherworld rift, someone had come to coax her straight and standing. They, a being whose face she couldn't recall even so shortly after meeting them, had ushered her into a medical tent erected on the outskirts of the courtyard. She had been, was still, too disoriented to try to deny treatment so she submitted to the care of another.

She couldn't see it, what she was trying to look at, at this distance without the help of Nirrah, but knowing it was there was enough: the smears of her blood on the stone, a physical reminder that what had happened hadn't been a bad dream.

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It was disheartening to see, and even more so to feel. The bodies of the innocent that lay next to the bodies of their enemies. As they sifted through, finding friends and family, clean up some would call it. If Kahne hadn't been used to this, he probably would've been sick to his stomach. He stared about fifty yards away from where the Netherworld portal was opened and then closed several hours later. This was were much of the chaos was, those brave souls charging the rift to prevent the monstrosities from coming through.

Then there was one, whom Kahne didn't know. Yet she seemed shocked, shook to the core. And it was then he knew that she lost someone dear to her. The Jedi Master, knelt before her as he looked her in the eyes.

"Hey...." The Jedi Master whispered softly, the words of a stranger, however they would be comforting feel to them. The Jedi Master studied her face for a few seconds more before he helped her to her feet and led her over to one of the medical tents. He recognized her face, she was Efret Farr Efret Farr , a Jedi Master.

Kahne did not have the pleasure of meeting her before this, yet with his role as Guardian of Peace. He definitely made sure he was well aware of all those that came to Naboo, past and present.

The Jedi Master beckoned for an assist from another medical personnel to bring over some cleaning cloths and bacta. The Jedi Master was not a doctor or healer by profession. However his training out in the field most of his life had prepared him enough to deal with what he could see.

The Jedi Master utilized the force to send some healing properties via the force, to aid in what the bacta couldn't do. Using his own force nature to ensure she was comfortable and at least not in some much distress.

He spoke to her through the force.

Efret....please talk to me....

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