Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Isaiah

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Intent: To create a recurring baddie for Lupo stories

Image Credit: Credit [x]

Role:Villianous Lupo hunter
Permissions: N/A
Links: Lupo

Force Sensitivity:non-force user
Species: Human

Appearance: Standing at 6’ Isiah has a wiry-athletic build and has been described as tough as old shoe leather. Can normally be found wearing traditional frontier or woodsman’s clothes

Name: Isaiah

Loyalties: Loyalty is to themselves first and foremost

Wealth: reasonably wealthy. Makes his living as a trapper and hunter of exotic creatures prefers lupo targets

Notable Possessions: Two six-shot revolving slug throwers, a lever-action shatter rifle.

Skills: a crack shot, expert hunter, and survivalist. Strong rider.

Languages: Basic

Personality: A man of few words, Isaiah is known to be closed off and not easy to get close to. He has a strong sense of morality and lets nothing get in the way of his mission. Though created with the intent to be an antagonist, it should be known that Isaiah is not a cruel man and to those he does know and care for is generally considered very kind and well thought of.

Weapon of Choice: Two six-shot revolving slug throwers, a lever-action shatter rifle.

Combat Function: Not only is Isaiah a dead-eye shot but the man is an all-around weapons maestro. if it can shoot or stab Isaiah can find a way to use it to the best of his or its ability. Having been a hunter for more than forty years Isaiah is skilled at making things die, though he has never been a soldier in a real army and thus would be lacking in that regard.

Force Abilities Non-force user

+Dead-eye- the man just can’t miss

+Master of the killing tool- if it can shoot or stab Isaiah can find a way to use it to the best of his or its ability.

+Hunter- Having been a hunter for more than forty years Isaiah is skilled at making things die.

+Survivalist- The wilderness is no place for the weak. Isaiah has spent years honing his ability to survive the wilds better than the average man.

-Still just a man- nothing truly special about Isaiah, he is as fragile as the next man susceptible to all sorts of ways of being hurt or killed.

-Not as good as I once was- In his fifties now Isaiah is not as quick on the draw or as virile as he was in his youth.

-His way or the highway- Follows orders as long as they were something he was already going to do


Isaiah grew up on a large ranch on Islimore, the eldest of three boys, like all children on Islimore Isaiah grew up on stories about men who could turn into monsters and like all children he grew out of believing such fairy stories pretty quickly, that was until the stories became real.

A few weeks after his sixteenth birthday Isaiah returned to his ranch after a night out late with friends. He had snuck a few beers and a few kisses and so he had not noticed just how quiet it was as he snuck up his family’s long dirt road. Entering his pitch-black ranch home, Isaiah was too relieved at not getting caught to realize something wasn’t right.

He climbed the stairs softly but swiftly taking two at a time before reaching the top and tripping over something hard and hairy. Lifting himself off the floor he turned around to see a pair of red glowing eyes glowing back at him as an enormous wolf stood over the body of his mother blood dripping from its muzzle. The beast snapped and lunged but Isaiah was too quick, he dashed away and made it to the safety of the bedroom he shared with his two brothers, locking the door behind him. His heart was racing and it took him a moment to see his brother’s still asleep in their beds, it was a wonder that they hadn’t been woken up. when he went to the beds to rouse his younger sibling, he found that they were not asleep but had had their throats ripped out by massive evil jaws.

Going to his closet Isaiah retrieved the old lever-action shatter gun that had belonged to his grandfather and went about avenging his family. He hunted down and eliminated every last wolf on his property and was shocked when the final beast once cornered changed its shape to reveal itself as a woman no older than his mother had been before she was so brutally taken from him. He emptied the rest of the bullets into the naked pleading woman.

The stories were real. Monsters did hide as men and someone needed to do something about it.
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