T'yr Dellos
Image: NA
Image Source: NA
Intent: To save me from Copy/Pasting 20+ paragraphs into every Star Destroyer I build, and to enable Imperial State Hypernautics to utilize a "standardized" construction method in future designs that incorporate technology and design elements from the Victory III-class Star Destroyer.
Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Imperial State Hypernautics
Model: ISH Assault Chassis (for Star Destroyers)
Affiliation: Restricted Sales to Imperial Factions
Modularity: Can be adapted to ships of Cruiser or larger sizes
Production: Minor
Made famous by the power and quality of the often imitated Victory III-class Star Destroyer, Imperial State Hypernautics considers the design to be the standard to which all of their future designs should be held. To best facilitate those standards, Imperial State Hypernautics has designed a set of guidelines for their engineers to adhere to when creating Imperial Warships that are intended for fast, close range combat. The design incorporates thick armor plating, powerful shields, and a reinforced hull design that is devoid of the large, expansive hangers that would otherwise provide vast, structurally weak sections of hull. Paired with these features, and facilitating these assault-minded Star Destroyers to perform their role as a ship-to-ship brawler, each Star Destroyer created with this chassis incorporates a higher than average number of heavy weapons arranged into batteries that can be used to broadside targets to both port and starboard or dorsal and ventral with equal ease. Each of the four primary hull surfaces of the ship (Dorsal-Port, Dorsal-Starboard, Ventral-Port, and Ventral-Starboard) incorporates a equal portion of the ship's overall armament and are positioned in a way that enables each weapon to cover the widest possible area of space.
These weapons are typically arranged into batteries of four turrets. Each turret in every battery is tended to by a team of up to eight crewmen who control the weapon. "Basic instructions are transmitted to the fire control technicians along with sensor data from the bridge. This sensor data is routed to each battery where a dedicated tracking computer provides targeting solutions for the entire battery. The programming for the tracking computers is updated by the ship's Battle Analysis Computer as needed, allowing for each tracking computer to be programmed to rapidly detect, identify, and track the 20 most important objects in that battery's field of effect from a list of 120 target profiles chosen by the computer." - Victory III Submission
"Built into the thick port and starboard axial edge of the Star Destroyers design are a matching set of five assault grade variable warhead launch tubes. Missiles launched from these tubes are guided via etheric rudder fins, maneuvering thrusters, and guidance packages of varying degrees of sophistication. These missiles launch out perpendicularly from the hull and correct their course as they plot a path towards whatever target has been programmed into them by fire-control technicians on the bridge of the ship. Some missile variants are capable of locking onto individual targets mid-flight. Missiles are capable of engaging targets above, below, forward, behind, and to either side of the ship in which they are installed thanks to the maneuvering systems of the missiles. Though the Star Destroyer (typically) sports an impressive assortment of weapons, the design does not allow all of these weapons to be directed forward. With the occasional exception of missiles launched from the ship, the Star Destroyer is physically incapable of bringing more than half of its total armament to bare on a single target. In combat, this often results in commanders splitting the fire of their weaponry on two separate targets on either the port and starboard side of the ship or on the dorsal and ventral side of the ship. The ship can (typically) only bring one-fourth (to one-half) of its non-ordnance arsenal to bare on a target directly to its fore.
Supporting the ship's weaponry are a number of secondary systems, (typically) including (at least) ten tractor beam projectors. Four of the tractor beam projectors are located along the four corners of the Star Destroyer's primary hanger entrance and are operable in 360-degree angles along the ventral angles of the ship and below the ship. Another four tractor beam projectors are placed along the aft-most edges of the ship's hull armor and are capable of engaging targets that manage to slip behind the Star Destroyer. These aft tractor beam projectors are capable of dragging a captured small craft into the plume of the ship's massive Ion Engines or down to an area below the ship where the ventral tractor beam projectors can then secure the craft for delivery to the main hanger. The remaining two tractor beam projectors are located along the dorsal side of the ship, directly in front of the bridge. These two, along with the two aft tractor beam projectors, are capable of defending the bridge from a number of threats, including suicidal crashes from starfighters. In addition to this, the dorsal pair of tractor beam projectors can be used against targets above the dorsal structure of the ship that a commander would rather capture alive." - Victory III Submission
Just like the previous generations of ISH ships, this Star Destroyer incorporates the same advanced structural design. "Gravity field generators and an advanced alusteel frame and hull stabilize the internal structure of the ship and enhance the maneuverability of the ship by shifting its center of gravity during tight and strenuous maneuvers. Two layers of armor encase the craft from thermal, energy, kinetic, and explosive weaponry. The outer layer of armor is a Matrix lattice of interwoven metals, plastics, and glass that is highly absorptive of heat based weapons like turbolasers and plasma projectiles. Against kinetic weapons, the outer armor of the ship is flexible, yet also firm, which allows it a great deal of resilience to the brute force tactics of projectile weaponry such as mass drivers. The inner armor is comprised of a Dallorian-Agrinium alloy that is highly absorptive of thermal energy and highly resistant to all forms of radiation, including electromagnetic. The alloy is less sturdy than Alusteel and is worked into a manner of plating that can diffuse thermal energy over a wide area and can bend under the impact of kinetic weapons. These two properties allow the inner layer of armor to further diffuse the thermal and kinetic value of any weapon strong enough to pierce the outer layer of armor and tend to greatly reduce any further damage to deeper layers of hull." - Victory III Submission
"The primary shields of the Star Destroyer are an advanced form of deflector shielding known as Thermal Shields. The shielding can deflect thermal and kinetic weaponry in a superior manner to standard deflector shields, but is also highly resilient to explosive weaponry such as torpedoes and missiles. A full volley of assault grade torpedoes can be stopped by this shielding and only reduce the strength of the shields by one-half. The down side to these shields is that once they had been forced offline, they can not be brought back online again until the entire system is fully recharged. Additionally, the Thermal Shielding system prevents the host ship from being able to fire its own torpedo weapons unless a (roughly) 200 meter wide area of shielding over either of the ship's axial edges are brought offline, which leaves the torpedo tubes themselves vulnerable to enemy attack. Supporting the primary thermal shielding is a secondary, redundant shield system that incorporates an advanced form of ray shielding known as Molecular Shields. The molecular shield system has little to no effect against kinetic or explosive weaponry, but is highly resilient to thermal weapons and routes a large portion of the absorbed energy into the ship's reserve capacitor, which is then used to flood power back into the ship's primary thermal shielding in an attempt to restore them to operation as quickly as possible." - Victory III Submission
"This system protects the ship from Ion Weaponry, EMP's, Conner Nets, and Gravity Well Projection. A HIMS system allows the Star Destroyer to ignore artificial gravity well projections while traveling through Hyperspace. Ion Shielding and Combat De-Ionizers serve as a buffer against Ion Weaponry and shunt the energy charge of these weapons directly into the reserve capacitors. Electromagnetic Pulses are, in part, absorbed and diffused by the ship's inner layer of armor. What electromagnetic or ionic energy manages to bypass the outer armor is channeled through the ship's Cap Drain. Similarly, when the reserve capacitors are operating at their maximum levels and can no longer be used to absorb additional ionic energy, the damage control system will attempt to re-route any excess energy through the ship's Cap Drain." - Victory III Submission
While the sensor package of every class of Star Destroyer is specifically engineered to enable optimal performance in said ship's intended role, each ship contains the same basic assortment of sensors in addition to whichever special features are included in the design. Included in the standard "package are the standard Electro-Photo Receptor, Aural Sensor, and Hyperwave Signal Interceptor common among warships. Also included in the sensor array is a Dedicated Energy Receptor capable of detecting the magnetic signature of nearby cloaked ships or, more importantly, analyzing the electromagnetic signature of a hostile warship and identifying key systems and possible structural weaknesses for targeting by on-board weapon systems." - Victory III Submission
"IFF Transponders broadcast the ship's identification and can be disabled when the commander wishes for his ship to run silently. The ship includes an advanced type of subspace transceiver/monitor known as a Ranger Transceiver that is capable of monitoring over three hundred different subspace frequencies at a time, out to a range of one hundred light-years. The transceiver is capable of switching scanned frequencies every tenth of a second and is capable of scanning the entire subspace spectrum in just under three hours. Holo-Transmitters are included in the ship's communications array to enable full holoprojector communication capabilities between ships.Ion-scrambers installed on the Star Destroyer ensured that broadcasting a transmission will not give away the ship's location." - Victory III Submission
"Supporting the sensors and communication systems of the Star Destroyer is an assortment of computer systems, including a powerful Encryption Module that is capable of ensuring that only those with current Imperial Encryption codes would be able to understand the ship's broadcasts. And since current Imperial Encryption Codes are often changed on a bimonthly schedule, it could be reasonably assured that transmissions are at a minimal security risk of being intercepted by an individual that had acquired current codes or encryption software within two weeks.
A Life Form Indicating Computer is installed on the (ship) and is capable of identifying a wide range of species, including most sentient species. Those it is not able to identify, it can often classify by size and general physical needs and capabilities. This Life Form Indicator is networked into the ships internal monitoring sensors and internal life form sensors, helping security personnel detect, identify, and track any individual not listed in the ship's digital crew roster. The Life Form Indicator is also networked into the ship's primary sensor systems, allowing for the identification of a number of space-capable organisms. When used in conjunction with IFF transponders, this further allows officers aboard the (ship) to differentiate between friendly, and non-friendly humanoids, though it does not allow officers to differentiate between enemy combatants and civilians.
The final pair of computer systems included in the (ship) design are the ever-useful Com-Scan Computer and a Battle Analysis Computer. The Com-Scan Computer is connected to both the Encryption Module and Ranger Transciever, allowing the computer's decryption function to decode most intercepted messages in a mater of minutes.But the Com-Scan Computer was far more critical than simply being a means of reading the E-mails of others. Connected to the full sensor and communications suite of the (ship), all information flowed through the Com-Scan Computer. Able to analyze sensor patterns and communication signals, the Com-Scan was equipped to rapidly compare incoming data to millions of databank files and alert crew and officer alike when conditions matched previous incidents where a stealth ship was detected. Likewise it, when working in conjunction with the Battle Analysis Computer, could be used to compare the electromagnetic signature of a hostile ship to similar designs on file to more quickly provide firing solutions to officers and fire control technicians. Detected IFF codes and identified species could be combined with current movements and trajectories of naval and ground targets and compared to previous data, allowing the Com-Scan and Battle Analysis Computer to provide predictive alerts to possible threats." - Victory III Submission
"The G-32 Evasive Hull Design incorporated into the Star Destroyer anchors the hull and frame of the ship against the G-Forces created by the forward momentum caused by the ship's massive Ion Drives. As these g-forces and their influence on the hull of the ship shift in response to the maneuvering of the ship, the frame and hull of the ship shifted in response. Also worked into the hull of the ship (are) a number of gravity field generators that work in tandem with the hull of the ship to shift the Star Destroyer's center of gravity during difficult maneuvers. This system of minor hull movements and distorting gravity fields lowers the stresses experienced by the hull during high-g maneuvers and enables the (ship) to perform maneuvers that would otherwise sheer her hull in half.
(Typically), three primary ion drives and four secondary ion drives propel the star destroyer through space at high speed. Port, Center, and Starboard Primary Ion Drives, and Secondary Ion Drive A, B, C, and D are the official designations for each drive unit. The primary ion drives are set on reinforced mountings and optimized for maximum thrust. The secondary ion drives are set on flexible mountings that can adjust each individual ion drive along a 30-degree cone for added maneuverability. Thousands of maneuvering thrusters of various sizes are worked into various reinforced sections of the (ship)'s hull. While maneuvering thrusters can help stabilize or move the Star Destroyer while it is in atmosphere, it is the responsibility of a system of powerful repulsors worked into the lower hull to keep the ship aloft while operating within a gravity well." - Victory III Submission
"At three points in the design of the Star Destroyer a double-layered reinforced wall bisects the design. The first point separates the prow of the ship directly before the maintenance and vehicle storage areas of the ship's main hanger. The next point is on the other side of the hanger and separates the fore half of the ship from the aft, directly before the crew and stormtrooper living areas and just after the hanger's aft-most maintenance and vehicle storage areas. The third bisecting wall is placed just aft of the crew and vehicle storage areas and just before the reactor and engineering sections of the ship. Each of these walls are structurally reinforced by the design of the ship's frame and is capable of completely sealing aft sections from damaged fore sections. This ensures that structural damage sustained by the forward sections of the ship do not compromise the aft sections of the (ship) and create the possibility of survival for those in the aft and fore-most sections of the ship should she take a devastating hit to her primary hanger, which is the weakest section of the ship's internal structure. The frame and load-baring walls that surround the hanger, as well as the walls and columns of the maintenance and storage areas above and below the hanger are reinforced in a manner that is intended to compensate for the effects of a wide-open area built into a long, flat hull design. This compensation is effective at improving the structural integrity as a whole, but the hanger remains the most vulnerable part of the Star Destroyer's hull design.
These walls themselves are a means of segmenting the structural load of each section of the (ship) and compartmentalizing different sections of the ship. Each retaining wall is highly resistant to thermal and kinetic damage as well as intense radiation, but not as soundly as the outer armor plating of the design. When these retaining walls seal off one section from another, they create an air-tight and structurally sound seal for both the fore and aft sections. Where hallways and corridors pass through these retaining walls, a double set of solid blast doors seal off the hallways along the line of the retaining wall. Power conduits, pipes, and cabling that pass through the retention walls are connected from either side to a series of adapters and valve systems that are can seal one side from the other and be reconnected once structural and environmental integrity has been restored.
Just within the outer layer of hull plating, a series of pipes runs along the hull of the ship.In these pipes flows a pressurized liquid that rapidly solidifies when removed from this pressurized environment and turns into a duraplast-like solid structure. When weaponry, be it kinetic or thermal, penetrates the outer armor of the (ship) and penetrates the outer layers of hull, it also ruptures the pipes in these areas. The liquid ejects itself violently into the new void and rapidly transforms itself into a solid state within 30 seconds, sealing up the hole in the hull and plugging the exposed piping that created it. This new, duraplast-like plug is structurally sound to the point that it prevents the further structural deterioration of the surrounding areas or deeper hull due to the natural G-forces exerted by the (ship) upon itself, but it will not stand up against additional weapon impacts to that area and will likely fail to form a replacement 'plug' unless any new weapon strikes on that area also happen to cause additional damage to the pipelines that contain the pressurized liquid." - Victory III Submission
"The internal hallways of the Star Destroyer are all double-layered hexagon structures that are worked into the reinforced frame of the ship in a manner that reinforces the integrity of the design. Spread throughout each hallways and placed in 2 meter intervals from each other are several Containment Shield Projectors capable of being automatically activated in the event of depressurization. At the ends of each hallway and at every major junction, these containment shields are replaced by automatic blast doors that can be overridden with manual codes that are typically changed monthly. These blast doors, when closed, are locked in place by durasteel rods that are automatically slid through the hinge mechanism responsible for opening and closing the doors. Once these durasteel rods are in place, the entire hinging and locking mechanism is magnalocked in place and cannot be released without the proper combination of digital codes and physical interfacing with a manual release valve. Tampering with the system will cause the magnalock mechanism to deactivate without reversing its effects, permanently sealing the door until a maintenance team can be called upon to replace the entire door. Identical doors are placed at the entrance to every major room and bay.Along the outer edges and between the two sandwiched layers of plating are a number of power conduits, fluid and gas moving pipes, and electronic cabling that utilize these reinforced structures to move people and resources through the ship like arteries and nervous systems in an organic body.
These hexagonal structures are designed to be sturdy when lateral pressure is applied to their surface area, but flexible along their length.This allows rooms and bays to press against the hexagonal hallways or structural support from external pressures. The hallway will transfer this pressure around itself and to whatever structure is opposite of it, and sag ever so slightly along its length as it spreads the structural load over a wider surface area. This is useful as the G-32 Evasive Frame and Hull of the Star Destroyer is designed to shift the ship's center of gravity during high-G maneuvers. During this shifting process, the weight and load-baring capacity of the ship's internal spaces are also forced to shift ever-so-slightly. It is the reinforced, hexagonal hallways that allow for such flexibility.
The life support system of the (ship) is capable of sustaining a Type 1 Atmosphere for 20 years before requiring servicing. Each room and hallway has its own life support system that is compartmentalized from the rest of the ship. With the use of containment shields, various sections of ship can have their life support system manually set for Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4 Atmospheres depending on the needs of the crew. Should an entire crew require a Type 3 Atmosphere, each life support system can by manually set to consider that specific atmosphere setting as 'standard' and containment fields will not be needed to activate those settings. Each life support system can be remotely activated and controlled from the bridge, but local controls can be used to override the commands of the bridge.Neither the life support system nor the ship itself is capable of sustaining an aquatic environment.
Internal cameras and sensors monitor the hallways, corridors, bays, hanger, and room of the Star Destroyer. At least one lifeform scanner is built into the ceiling of every room within the (ship), including the crew quarters and bathrooms. In large areas, such as the cargo hold and hanger, at least one lifeform scanner is installed in every 20 meters of ceiling. Corridors had lifeform scanners installed at every junction and no one space of hallway has less than one lifeform scanner for every 30 meters of ceiling. Security personnel on the bridge are capable of monitoring scanners and cameras throughout the ship. Since crew wear IFF transponders while on duty and as every crew-member is included in a digital database, any individual detected without an IFF transponder is tracked by the security computers. Those without active IFF transponders are run against a database of crew. Those that are identified as crew-members are tracked by the computer without the need for security personnel to monitor the activities of the crew. Those that are not identified as crew are run through the Lifeform Indicator for species identification and security personnel is alerted to their presence and location.In the event that the intruding party is identified in a hallway devoid of other crew, that section of hallway can be sealed via blast doors and/or containment fields.Once secured within a section of hallway, life support systems for that area can be adjusted to a type 2 or type 3 environment as needed to subdue the intruder." - Victory III Submission
"The Star Destroyer is a fast ship with advanced weapons and shields. Even with modern and advanced technology the ship still requires a massive supply of power. Supporting these needs is a complex system of primary, secondary, and tertiary power sources. The main power supplier for the (ship) is a massive Solar Ionization Reactor that is so large its housing protrudes from beneath the hull of the Star Destroyer. The reactor uses Rhydonium Fuel Cells, forcing the owner of said Star Destroyer to keep the ship supplied with the rare and volatile chemical and stored as safely as possible. Despite the rarity and relative volatility of the reactor's fuel source, the reactor itself is highly fuel efficient. The Solar Ionization Reactor pour superheated plasma, supercharged particles, and hyper-dense materials into the center-point of its primary reaction chamber. At the center of that chamber, the constant supply of materials fuel a small star into creation that is held in place by powerful electromagnetic and gravitational fields. The miniature star is so powerful that it can continue to burn for four hours after the cessation of external matter being injected into the reaction chamber, making it extremely dangerous to run the reactor at greater than 100% capacity. Likewise, a weakening of the electromagnetic and gravitational fields that hold the miniature star will risk catastrophic and explosive containment failure. For this reason, the energy harnessed from the reactor is first routed to the self-contained solar containment system before being routed into the primary conduits of the ship. This ensures that containment system is maintained even if it means risking power loss to other areas of the ship and will continue providing energy to the containment systems for the four hours it will take the miniature star to burn out should it become severed from its fuel source.
Energy from this miniature star is harnessed by a series of heat, particle, and radiation absorbing panels worked into the inner layer of a cylindrical, double layered Plas-Bonded Ostrine and Agrinium Alloy shield. Sandwiched between the two layers of metal shielding, liquid CryoBan is circulated through the reactor housing to further cool and insulate the reactor shielding. This shield is capable of retaining most of the effects produced by the miniature star created within the Solar Ionization Reactor, but also suffers from risk of containment failure under the extreme temperatures produced by the reactor when run above 100%.In such instances where containment failure is a serious risk, an 'emergency flush' of the overwhelmed CryoBan could be performed. During an 'Emergency Flush' all active CryoBan is vented into space and a fresh, secondary supply of CryoBan is pumped into the reactor in an attempt to cool the chamber. The (ship) is equipped to perform two such Emergency Flush procedures. Outside of the primary reaction point and shielding is a large, open, hemispherical space referred to as the primary reaction chamber. The interior walls of the primary reaction chamber are also made of the same Plas-Bonded Ostrine and Agrinium Alloy as the primary reactor shield, to help contain the heat and radiation of the reactor in the event of a catastrophic failure.
In the event of said catastrophic failure, should all available containment procedures fail, the entire reactor (a massive sphere encased in armor) can be ejected from the ventral side of the Star Destroyer. Electromagnetic and gravitational containment systems would, in theory, continue to contain the destructive energy of the star for so long as the surrounding physical structures remained intact. During the extreme and critical overheating events that would be required for a commander to choose to jettison his primary reactor, meltdown of the surrounding reactor structure is most likely a real and serious concern and a primary justification for the reactor's removal. In which case, it is likely only a mater of moments to minutes before the overwhelmed cooling systems of the self-contained reactor sphere fail, the surrounding structures are reduced to a plasma state, containment systems are compromised, and a miniature supernova event occurs. During such an event, the miniature sun becomes a rapidly expanding superheated ball of plasma that consumes all nearby matter to further fuel itself. During such an event, the amount, density, and type of surrounding matter effect the overall maximum size this expanding ball of plasma will reach before dissipating. If still connected to the Star Destroyer, the resulting supernova event will reduce the aft two-thirds of the ship to molten plasma in a matter of seconds.If containment failure occurs a suitable distance away from the Star Destroyer, the resulting event will only expand to roughly twice the diameter of the reactor housing.
The secondary reactors of the (Star Destroyer's) design are significantly smaller than the primary reactor and are organized into two pair of reactor banks that are placed a safe distance to the port and starboard of the primary reactor. Housed in each of the secondary reactor banks are two side-by-side rows of six miniaturized Hypermatter Reactors that create enormous amounts of power by annihilating hypermatter and harnessing the released energy. Each of these small and expensive reactors would be sufficient to power a small Corvette. The combined effect of multiple small reactors working in tandem produces an enormous amount of energy and is more than enough to adequately power the Star Destroyer in the event that the primary reactor was forced offline or jettisoned.And while the small, individual hypermatter reactors are significantly more stable than the massive ionization reactor, they are known to rapidly deplete fuel supplies and are significantly more expensive to operate for long periods of time than an Ionization Reactor. It was for this reason that their use is strictly limited to combat operations and emergencies.The banks of hypermatter reactors are also used to power the ship's precisely tuned hyperdrive, which can launch the ship into hyperspace with unrivaled precision and is capable of allowing the ship to perform Precision Hyperspace Jumps. Should one or more of the twenty four individual hypermatter reactors malfunction and risk detonation or meltdown, individual reactors could be ejected from the ventral side of the ship in a manner identical to that of the primary solar ionization reactor.
Further supporting the power needs of the Star Destroyer are a series of large large capacitors spread throughout the fore, aft, and mid sections of the ship. These capacitors are kept charged when not in combat and can be drained as a quick and readily available source of energy during emergencies. The Molecular Shields, Combat De-Ionizers, and Cap Drains of the (ship) all empty their absorbed energy into the banks of capacitors spread throughout the ship. This cheap reserve of energy can be utilized to quickly boost, augment, or supplement the flow of power from the primary and secondary reactors. Common uses of energy stored in reserve capacitors are to boost overall system power while activating the secondary hypermatter reactors, to supplement the flow of power to a system while primary power is rerouted around a damaged conduit, or to power a section of ship that had been separated from the main hull due to severe structural damage." - Victory III Submission
Special Features:
Advanced Sensor Array
Sensor and Comm Computer Systems
Propulsion and Maneuvering Systems
Image Source: NA
Intent: To save me from Copy/Pasting 20+ paragraphs into every Star Destroyer I build, and to enable Imperial State Hypernautics to utilize a "standardized" construction method in future designs that incorporate technology and design elements from the Victory III-class Star Destroyer.
Development Thread: NA
Manufacturer: Imperial State Hypernautics
Model: ISH Assault Chassis (for Star Destroyers)
Affiliation: Restricted Sales to Imperial Factions
Modularity: Can be adapted to ships of Cruiser or larger sizes
Production: Minor
- G-32 Evasive Alusteel Frame and Hull
- Glasteel Viewports
- Inner AR-0B Dallorian-Agrinium Alloy Insulating Plating
- Outer Matrix Armor Plating
- Primary Solar Ionization Reactor
- Secondary Hypermatter Reactor Banks
- Reserve Capacitors
Made famous by the power and quality of the often imitated Victory III-class Star Destroyer, Imperial State Hypernautics considers the design to be the standard to which all of their future designs should be held. To best facilitate those standards, Imperial State Hypernautics has designed a set of guidelines for their engineers to adhere to when creating Imperial Warships that are intended for fast, close range combat. The design incorporates thick armor plating, powerful shields, and a reinforced hull design that is devoid of the large, expansive hangers that would otherwise provide vast, structurally weak sections of hull. Paired with these features, and facilitating these assault-minded Star Destroyers to perform their role as a ship-to-ship brawler, each Star Destroyer created with this chassis incorporates a higher than average number of heavy weapons arranged into batteries that can be used to broadside targets to both port and starboard or dorsal and ventral with equal ease. Each of the four primary hull surfaces of the ship (Dorsal-Port, Dorsal-Starboard, Ventral-Port, and Ventral-Starboard) incorporates a equal portion of the ship's overall armament and are positioned in a way that enables each weapon to cover the widest possible area of space.
These weapons are typically arranged into batteries of four turrets. Each turret in every battery is tended to by a team of up to eight crewmen who control the weapon. "Basic instructions are transmitted to the fire control technicians along with sensor data from the bridge. This sensor data is routed to each battery where a dedicated tracking computer provides targeting solutions for the entire battery. The programming for the tracking computers is updated by the ship's Battle Analysis Computer as needed, allowing for each tracking computer to be programmed to rapidly detect, identify, and track the 20 most important objects in that battery's field of effect from a list of 120 target profiles chosen by the computer." - Victory III Submission
"Built into the thick port and starboard axial edge of the Star Destroyers design are a matching set of five assault grade variable warhead launch tubes. Missiles launched from these tubes are guided via etheric rudder fins, maneuvering thrusters, and guidance packages of varying degrees of sophistication. These missiles launch out perpendicularly from the hull and correct their course as they plot a path towards whatever target has been programmed into them by fire-control technicians on the bridge of the ship. Some missile variants are capable of locking onto individual targets mid-flight. Missiles are capable of engaging targets above, below, forward, behind, and to either side of the ship in which they are installed thanks to the maneuvering systems of the missiles. Though the Star Destroyer (typically) sports an impressive assortment of weapons, the design does not allow all of these weapons to be directed forward. With the occasional exception of missiles launched from the ship, the Star Destroyer is physically incapable of bringing more than half of its total armament to bare on a single target. In combat, this often results in commanders splitting the fire of their weaponry on two separate targets on either the port and starboard side of the ship or on the dorsal and ventral side of the ship. The ship can (typically) only bring one-fourth (to one-half) of its non-ordnance arsenal to bare on a target directly to its fore.
Supporting the ship's weaponry are a number of secondary systems, (typically) including (at least) ten tractor beam projectors. Four of the tractor beam projectors are located along the four corners of the Star Destroyer's primary hanger entrance and are operable in 360-degree angles along the ventral angles of the ship and below the ship. Another four tractor beam projectors are placed along the aft-most edges of the ship's hull armor and are capable of engaging targets that manage to slip behind the Star Destroyer. These aft tractor beam projectors are capable of dragging a captured small craft into the plume of the ship's massive Ion Engines or down to an area below the ship where the ventral tractor beam projectors can then secure the craft for delivery to the main hanger. The remaining two tractor beam projectors are located along the dorsal side of the ship, directly in front of the bridge. These two, along with the two aft tractor beam projectors, are capable of defending the bridge from a number of threats, including suicidal crashes from starfighters. In addition to this, the dorsal pair of tractor beam projectors can be used against targets above the dorsal structure of the ship that a commander would rather capture alive." - Victory III Submission
Just like the previous generations of ISH ships, this Star Destroyer incorporates the same advanced structural design. "Gravity field generators and an advanced alusteel frame and hull stabilize the internal structure of the ship and enhance the maneuverability of the ship by shifting its center of gravity during tight and strenuous maneuvers. Two layers of armor encase the craft from thermal, energy, kinetic, and explosive weaponry. The outer layer of armor is a Matrix lattice of interwoven metals, plastics, and glass that is highly absorptive of heat based weapons like turbolasers and plasma projectiles. Against kinetic weapons, the outer armor of the ship is flexible, yet also firm, which allows it a great deal of resilience to the brute force tactics of projectile weaponry such as mass drivers. The inner armor is comprised of a Dallorian-Agrinium alloy that is highly absorptive of thermal energy and highly resistant to all forms of radiation, including electromagnetic. The alloy is less sturdy than Alusteel and is worked into a manner of plating that can diffuse thermal energy over a wide area and can bend under the impact of kinetic weapons. These two properties allow the inner layer of armor to further diffuse the thermal and kinetic value of any weapon strong enough to pierce the outer layer of armor and tend to greatly reduce any further damage to deeper layers of hull." - Victory III Submission
"The primary shields of the Star Destroyer are an advanced form of deflector shielding known as Thermal Shields. The shielding can deflect thermal and kinetic weaponry in a superior manner to standard deflector shields, but is also highly resilient to explosive weaponry such as torpedoes and missiles. A full volley of assault grade torpedoes can be stopped by this shielding and only reduce the strength of the shields by one-half. The down side to these shields is that once they had been forced offline, they can not be brought back online again until the entire system is fully recharged. Additionally, the Thermal Shielding system prevents the host ship from being able to fire its own torpedo weapons unless a (roughly) 200 meter wide area of shielding over either of the ship's axial edges are brought offline, which leaves the torpedo tubes themselves vulnerable to enemy attack. Supporting the primary thermal shielding is a secondary, redundant shield system that incorporates an advanced form of ray shielding known as Molecular Shields. The molecular shield system has little to no effect against kinetic or explosive weaponry, but is highly resilient to thermal weapons and routes a large portion of the absorbed energy into the ship's reserve capacitor, which is then used to flood power back into the ship's primary thermal shielding in an attempt to restore them to operation as quickly as possible." - Victory III Submission
"This system protects the ship from Ion Weaponry, EMP's, Conner Nets, and Gravity Well Projection. A HIMS system allows the Star Destroyer to ignore artificial gravity well projections while traveling through Hyperspace. Ion Shielding and Combat De-Ionizers serve as a buffer against Ion Weaponry and shunt the energy charge of these weapons directly into the reserve capacitors. Electromagnetic Pulses are, in part, absorbed and diffused by the ship's inner layer of armor. What electromagnetic or ionic energy manages to bypass the outer armor is channeled through the ship's Cap Drain. Similarly, when the reserve capacitors are operating at their maximum levels and can no longer be used to absorb additional ionic energy, the damage control system will attempt to re-route any excess energy through the ship's Cap Drain." - Victory III Submission
While the sensor package of every class of Star Destroyer is specifically engineered to enable optimal performance in said ship's intended role, each ship contains the same basic assortment of sensors in addition to whichever special features are included in the design. Included in the standard "package are the standard Electro-Photo Receptor, Aural Sensor, and Hyperwave Signal Interceptor common among warships. Also included in the sensor array is a Dedicated Energy Receptor capable of detecting the magnetic signature of nearby cloaked ships or, more importantly, analyzing the electromagnetic signature of a hostile warship and identifying key systems and possible structural weaknesses for targeting by on-board weapon systems." - Victory III Submission
"IFF Transponders broadcast the ship's identification and can be disabled when the commander wishes for his ship to run silently. The ship includes an advanced type of subspace transceiver/monitor known as a Ranger Transceiver that is capable of monitoring over three hundred different subspace frequencies at a time, out to a range of one hundred light-years. The transceiver is capable of switching scanned frequencies every tenth of a second and is capable of scanning the entire subspace spectrum in just under three hours. Holo-Transmitters are included in the ship's communications array to enable full holoprojector communication capabilities between ships.Ion-scrambers installed on the Star Destroyer ensured that broadcasting a transmission will not give away the ship's location." - Victory III Submission
"Supporting the sensors and communication systems of the Star Destroyer is an assortment of computer systems, including a powerful Encryption Module that is capable of ensuring that only those with current Imperial Encryption codes would be able to understand the ship's broadcasts. And since current Imperial Encryption Codes are often changed on a bimonthly schedule, it could be reasonably assured that transmissions are at a minimal security risk of being intercepted by an individual that had acquired current codes or encryption software within two weeks.
A Life Form Indicating Computer is installed on the (ship) and is capable of identifying a wide range of species, including most sentient species. Those it is not able to identify, it can often classify by size and general physical needs and capabilities. This Life Form Indicator is networked into the ships internal monitoring sensors and internal life form sensors, helping security personnel detect, identify, and track any individual not listed in the ship's digital crew roster. The Life Form Indicator is also networked into the ship's primary sensor systems, allowing for the identification of a number of space-capable organisms. When used in conjunction with IFF transponders, this further allows officers aboard the (ship) to differentiate between friendly, and non-friendly humanoids, though it does not allow officers to differentiate between enemy combatants and civilians.
The final pair of computer systems included in the (ship) design are the ever-useful Com-Scan Computer and a Battle Analysis Computer. The Com-Scan Computer is connected to both the Encryption Module and Ranger Transciever, allowing the computer's decryption function to decode most intercepted messages in a mater of minutes.But the Com-Scan Computer was far more critical than simply being a means of reading the E-mails of others. Connected to the full sensor and communications suite of the (ship), all information flowed through the Com-Scan Computer. Able to analyze sensor patterns and communication signals, the Com-Scan was equipped to rapidly compare incoming data to millions of databank files and alert crew and officer alike when conditions matched previous incidents where a stealth ship was detected. Likewise it, when working in conjunction with the Battle Analysis Computer, could be used to compare the electromagnetic signature of a hostile ship to similar designs on file to more quickly provide firing solutions to officers and fire control technicians. Detected IFF codes and identified species could be combined with current movements and trajectories of naval and ground targets and compared to previous data, allowing the Com-Scan and Battle Analysis Computer to provide predictive alerts to possible threats." - Victory III Submission
"The G-32 Evasive Hull Design incorporated into the Star Destroyer anchors the hull and frame of the ship against the G-Forces created by the forward momentum caused by the ship's massive Ion Drives. As these g-forces and their influence on the hull of the ship shift in response to the maneuvering of the ship, the frame and hull of the ship shifted in response. Also worked into the hull of the ship (are) a number of gravity field generators that work in tandem with the hull of the ship to shift the Star Destroyer's center of gravity during difficult maneuvers. This system of minor hull movements and distorting gravity fields lowers the stresses experienced by the hull during high-g maneuvers and enables the (ship) to perform maneuvers that would otherwise sheer her hull in half.
(Typically), three primary ion drives and four secondary ion drives propel the star destroyer through space at high speed. Port, Center, and Starboard Primary Ion Drives, and Secondary Ion Drive A, B, C, and D are the official designations for each drive unit. The primary ion drives are set on reinforced mountings and optimized for maximum thrust. The secondary ion drives are set on flexible mountings that can adjust each individual ion drive along a 30-degree cone for added maneuverability. Thousands of maneuvering thrusters of various sizes are worked into various reinforced sections of the (ship)'s hull. While maneuvering thrusters can help stabilize or move the Star Destroyer while it is in atmosphere, it is the responsibility of a system of powerful repulsors worked into the lower hull to keep the ship aloft while operating within a gravity well." - Victory III Submission
"At three points in the design of the Star Destroyer a double-layered reinforced wall bisects the design. The first point separates the prow of the ship directly before the maintenance and vehicle storage areas of the ship's main hanger. The next point is on the other side of the hanger and separates the fore half of the ship from the aft, directly before the crew and stormtrooper living areas and just after the hanger's aft-most maintenance and vehicle storage areas. The third bisecting wall is placed just aft of the crew and vehicle storage areas and just before the reactor and engineering sections of the ship. Each of these walls are structurally reinforced by the design of the ship's frame and is capable of completely sealing aft sections from damaged fore sections. This ensures that structural damage sustained by the forward sections of the ship do not compromise the aft sections of the (ship) and create the possibility of survival for those in the aft and fore-most sections of the ship should she take a devastating hit to her primary hanger, which is the weakest section of the ship's internal structure. The frame and load-baring walls that surround the hanger, as well as the walls and columns of the maintenance and storage areas above and below the hanger are reinforced in a manner that is intended to compensate for the effects of a wide-open area built into a long, flat hull design. This compensation is effective at improving the structural integrity as a whole, but the hanger remains the most vulnerable part of the Star Destroyer's hull design.
These walls themselves are a means of segmenting the structural load of each section of the (ship) and compartmentalizing different sections of the ship. Each retaining wall is highly resistant to thermal and kinetic damage as well as intense radiation, but not as soundly as the outer armor plating of the design. When these retaining walls seal off one section from another, they create an air-tight and structurally sound seal for both the fore and aft sections. Where hallways and corridors pass through these retaining walls, a double set of solid blast doors seal off the hallways along the line of the retaining wall. Power conduits, pipes, and cabling that pass through the retention walls are connected from either side to a series of adapters and valve systems that are can seal one side from the other and be reconnected once structural and environmental integrity has been restored.
Just within the outer layer of hull plating, a series of pipes runs along the hull of the ship.In these pipes flows a pressurized liquid that rapidly solidifies when removed from this pressurized environment and turns into a duraplast-like solid structure. When weaponry, be it kinetic or thermal, penetrates the outer armor of the (ship) and penetrates the outer layers of hull, it also ruptures the pipes in these areas. The liquid ejects itself violently into the new void and rapidly transforms itself into a solid state within 30 seconds, sealing up the hole in the hull and plugging the exposed piping that created it. This new, duraplast-like plug is structurally sound to the point that it prevents the further structural deterioration of the surrounding areas or deeper hull due to the natural G-forces exerted by the (ship) upon itself, but it will not stand up against additional weapon impacts to that area and will likely fail to form a replacement 'plug' unless any new weapon strikes on that area also happen to cause additional damage to the pipelines that contain the pressurized liquid." - Victory III Submission
"The internal hallways of the Star Destroyer are all double-layered hexagon structures that are worked into the reinforced frame of the ship in a manner that reinforces the integrity of the design. Spread throughout each hallways and placed in 2 meter intervals from each other are several Containment Shield Projectors capable of being automatically activated in the event of depressurization. At the ends of each hallway and at every major junction, these containment shields are replaced by automatic blast doors that can be overridden with manual codes that are typically changed monthly. These blast doors, when closed, are locked in place by durasteel rods that are automatically slid through the hinge mechanism responsible for opening and closing the doors. Once these durasteel rods are in place, the entire hinging and locking mechanism is magnalocked in place and cannot be released without the proper combination of digital codes and physical interfacing with a manual release valve. Tampering with the system will cause the magnalock mechanism to deactivate without reversing its effects, permanently sealing the door until a maintenance team can be called upon to replace the entire door. Identical doors are placed at the entrance to every major room and bay.Along the outer edges and between the two sandwiched layers of plating are a number of power conduits, fluid and gas moving pipes, and electronic cabling that utilize these reinforced structures to move people and resources through the ship like arteries and nervous systems in an organic body.
These hexagonal structures are designed to be sturdy when lateral pressure is applied to their surface area, but flexible along their length.This allows rooms and bays to press against the hexagonal hallways or structural support from external pressures. The hallway will transfer this pressure around itself and to whatever structure is opposite of it, and sag ever so slightly along its length as it spreads the structural load over a wider surface area. This is useful as the G-32 Evasive Frame and Hull of the Star Destroyer is designed to shift the ship's center of gravity during high-G maneuvers. During this shifting process, the weight and load-baring capacity of the ship's internal spaces are also forced to shift ever-so-slightly. It is the reinforced, hexagonal hallways that allow for such flexibility.
The life support system of the (ship) is capable of sustaining a Type 1 Atmosphere for 20 years before requiring servicing. Each room and hallway has its own life support system that is compartmentalized from the rest of the ship. With the use of containment shields, various sections of ship can have their life support system manually set for Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4 Atmospheres depending on the needs of the crew. Should an entire crew require a Type 3 Atmosphere, each life support system can by manually set to consider that specific atmosphere setting as 'standard' and containment fields will not be needed to activate those settings. Each life support system can be remotely activated and controlled from the bridge, but local controls can be used to override the commands of the bridge.Neither the life support system nor the ship itself is capable of sustaining an aquatic environment.
Internal cameras and sensors monitor the hallways, corridors, bays, hanger, and room of the Star Destroyer. At least one lifeform scanner is built into the ceiling of every room within the (ship), including the crew quarters and bathrooms. In large areas, such as the cargo hold and hanger, at least one lifeform scanner is installed in every 20 meters of ceiling. Corridors had lifeform scanners installed at every junction and no one space of hallway has less than one lifeform scanner for every 30 meters of ceiling. Security personnel on the bridge are capable of monitoring scanners and cameras throughout the ship. Since crew wear IFF transponders while on duty and as every crew-member is included in a digital database, any individual detected without an IFF transponder is tracked by the security computers. Those without active IFF transponders are run against a database of crew. Those that are identified as crew-members are tracked by the computer without the need for security personnel to monitor the activities of the crew. Those that are not identified as crew are run through the Lifeform Indicator for species identification and security personnel is alerted to their presence and location.In the event that the intruding party is identified in a hallway devoid of other crew, that section of hallway can be sealed via blast doors and/or containment fields.Once secured within a section of hallway, life support systems for that area can be adjusted to a type 2 or type 3 environment as needed to subdue the intruder." - Victory III Submission
"The Star Destroyer is a fast ship with advanced weapons and shields. Even with modern and advanced technology the ship still requires a massive supply of power. Supporting these needs is a complex system of primary, secondary, and tertiary power sources. The main power supplier for the (ship) is a massive Solar Ionization Reactor that is so large its housing protrudes from beneath the hull of the Star Destroyer. The reactor uses Rhydonium Fuel Cells, forcing the owner of said Star Destroyer to keep the ship supplied with the rare and volatile chemical and stored as safely as possible. Despite the rarity and relative volatility of the reactor's fuel source, the reactor itself is highly fuel efficient. The Solar Ionization Reactor pour superheated plasma, supercharged particles, and hyper-dense materials into the center-point of its primary reaction chamber. At the center of that chamber, the constant supply of materials fuel a small star into creation that is held in place by powerful electromagnetic and gravitational fields. The miniature star is so powerful that it can continue to burn for four hours after the cessation of external matter being injected into the reaction chamber, making it extremely dangerous to run the reactor at greater than 100% capacity. Likewise, a weakening of the electromagnetic and gravitational fields that hold the miniature star will risk catastrophic and explosive containment failure. For this reason, the energy harnessed from the reactor is first routed to the self-contained solar containment system before being routed into the primary conduits of the ship. This ensures that containment system is maintained even if it means risking power loss to other areas of the ship and will continue providing energy to the containment systems for the four hours it will take the miniature star to burn out should it become severed from its fuel source.
Energy from this miniature star is harnessed by a series of heat, particle, and radiation absorbing panels worked into the inner layer of a cylindrical, double layered Plas-Bonded Ostrine and Agrinium Alloy shield. Sandwiched between the two layers of metal shielding, liquid CryoBan is circulated through the reactor housing to further cool and insulate the reactor shielding. This shield is capable of retaining most of the effects produced by the miniature star created within the Solar Ionization Reactor, but also suffers from risk of containment failure under the extreme temperatures produced by the reactor when run above 100%.In such instances where containment failure is a serious risk, an 'emergency flush' of the overwhelmed CryoBan could be performed. During an 'Emergency Flush' all active CryoBan is vented into space and a fresh, secondary supply of CryoBan is pumped into the reactor in an attempt to cool the chamber. The (ship) is equipped to perform two such Emergency Flush procedures. Outside of the primary reaction point and shielding is a large, open, hemispherical space referred to as the primary reaction chamber. The interior walls of the primary reaction chamber are also made of the same Plas-Bonded Ostrine and Agrinium Alloy as the primary reactor shield, to help contain the heat and radiation of the reactor in the event of a catastrophic failure.
In the event of said catastrophic failure, should all available containment procedures fail, the entire reactor (a massive sphere encased in armor) can be ejected from the ventral side of the Star Destroyer. Electromagnetic and gravitational containment systems would, in theory, continue to contain the destructive energy of the star for so long as the surrounding physical structures remained intact. During the extreme and critical overheating events that would be required for a commander to choose to jettison his primary reactor, meltdown of the surrounding reactor structure is most likely a real and serious concern and a primary justification for the reactor's removal. In which case, it is likely only a mater of moments to minutes before the overwhelmed cooling systems of the self-contained reactor sphere fail, the surrounding structures are reduced to a plasma state, containment systems are compromised, and a miniature supernova event occurs. During such an event, the miniature sun becomes a rapidly expanding superheated ball of plasma that consumes all nearby matter to further fuel itself. During such an event, the amount, density, and type of surrounding matter effect the overall maximum size this expanding ball of plasma will reach before dissipating. If still connected to the Star Destroyer, the resulting supernova event will reduce the aft two-thirds of the ship to molten plasma in a matter of seconds.If containment failure occurs a suitable distance away from the Star Destroyer, the resulting event will only expand to roughly twice the diameter of the reactor housing.
The secondary reactors of the (Star Destroyer's) design are significantly smaller than the primary reactor and are organized into two pair of reactor banks that are placed a safe distance to the port and starboard of the primary reactor. Housed in each of the secondary reactor banks are two side-by-side rows of six miniaturized Hypermatter Reactors that create enormous amounts of power by annihilating hypermatter and harnessing the released energy. Each of these small and expensive reactors would be sufficient to power a small Corvette. The combined effect of multiple small reactors working in tandem produces an enormous amount of energy and is more than enough to adequately power the Star Destroyer in the event that the primary reactor was forced offline or jettisoned.And while the small, individual hypermatter reactors are significantly more stable than the massive ionization reactor, they are known to rapidly deplete fuel supplies and are significantly more expensive to operate for long periods of time than an Ionization Reactor. It was for this reason that their use is strictly limited to combat operations and emergencies.The banks of hypermatter reactors are also used to power the ship's precisely tuned hyperdrive, which can launch the ship into hyperspace with unrivaled precision and is capable of allowing the ship to perform Precision Hyperspace Jumps. Should one or more of the twenty four individual hypermatter reactors malfunction and risk detonation or meltdown, individual reactors could be ejected from the ventral side of the ship in a manner identical to that of the primary solar ionization reactor.
Further supporting the power needs of the Star Destroyer are a series of large large capacitors spread throughout the fore, aft, and mid sections of the ship. These capacitors are kept charged when not in combat and can be drained as a quick and readily available source of energy during emergencies. The Molecular Shields, Combat De-Ionizers, and Cap Drains of the (ship) all empty their absorbed energy into the banks of capacitors spread throughout the ship. This cheap reserve of energy can be utilized to quickly boost, augment, or supplement the flow of power from the primary and secondary reactors. Common uses of energy stored in reserve capacitors are to boost overall system power while activating the secondary hypermatter reactors, to supplement the flow of power to a system while primary power is rerouted around a damaged conduit, or to power a section of ship that had been separated from the main hull due to severe structural damage." - Victory III Submission
Special Features:
- Above average Sublight Speed and Maneuverability (such as 12/12 for an 800-1,000 meter long ship)
- +2 to Sublight Speed when not firing weapons
- +2 to Maneuverability while in combat
- Small Hangar capacity (such as 2-4 squadrons for an 800-1,000 meter long ship)
- Above average number of capital ship weapons
- Powerful suite of reactors
- Capable of withstanding interdiction effects when arriving from hyperspace
- Capable of precision hyperspace jumps and short range hyperspace jumps
- High maximum speed and maneuverability ratings when dedicated all power to thrusters
- Protected from Ionization and EMP effects as well as Conner Nets and other similar disabling weapons
- No Long Range weapons
- Only capable of bringing half its armament to bare on any single target
- Able to rapidly detect, identify, and track threats
- Capable of extended operations in deep space with limited fuel and food supplies
- Capable of tracking hostiles and stowaways within ship
- High fuel consumption rate when operating at full combat capacity
- Complex design is expensive and time consuming to construct
- Advanced Thermal Shields
- Redundant Molecular Shields
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Internal Life Form Scanners
- Port / Starboard Docking Bays
- Small Dorsal Main Hanger
- Lifeboats
- PED-21 Distress Beacon
- Solid Fuel/Ration Converter
Advanced Sensor Array
Sensor and Comm Computer Systems
- Encryption Module
- Com-Scan Computer
- Life Form Indicator
- Battle Analysis Computer
- Advanced Targeting Computer
Propulsion and Maneuvering Systems
- Inertial Compensators
- Primary Ion Drive
- Secondary Ion Drives
- Combat Thruster
- SubLight Acceleration Motor
- Maneuvering Thrusters
- Repulsorlift