NAME: Ishale Belos
SPECIES: Human - Corellian
AGE: 23
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 7''
WEIGHT: 128 lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Curiosity: Always looking to learn new skills.
+ Acrobat: As a gymnast, she's flexible and agile, although she isn't strong by any stretch of the imagination.
- Unskilled: Ishale has no formal training in anything beyond gymnastics. That's not to say she's incapable; she's intelligent. She merely hasn't put much effort into learning any specialized skills. Her priorities were elsewhere, as she's still young.
- No right hand: An accident when she was in her early twenties left her without a hand - she never got it replaced as a replacement was too expensive. This forced her to make her left hand her dominant hand, as she had been right handed.
- Phobia of Droids: See bio.
Born to a middle class family in the suburbs of Coronet, Ishale grew up in a life of quiet modesty. Her father worked for CorSec and her mother was an accountant, giving her the most rudimentary of backgrounds in both finances and firearms. Possessed with an above-average IQ and a natural desire to learn, she was a competent student who easily translated her focus to the gymnastic mat.
She didn't attend college, instead preferring to help her mother in launching a home accounting business. Maintaining the books was what she did, at least until the Clockwork Invasion occurred. During the chaotic invasion of Corellia, she lost her right hand to a stray blaster bolt fired by a corrupted CorSec droid who was in the process of killing her father and brother; both Officers. Now, she does what she can to avoid droids, constantly thinking they're going to take her other hand - or worse, her life. She didn't realize, however, that the stray bolt had been meant for her. In distress, her latent Force Potential manifested and screwed with it's targeting systems. She's still none the wiser.
During the rebuilding, she transitioned with some difficultly from being a right handed person to a left, and settled back into a normal routine so that her mother could make ends meet. Now, however, she's begun to get an itch to travel. Staying in the same place for so long left her with a need to do something... else. While she revels in the familiar, she realizes that she hasn't done much with her life so far, and feels the desire to accomplish something of worth in a galaxy where everyone is just another number.
Number's that she's intimately familiar with.
Your hopes and dreams
Like Clockwork