Machines Making Machines

- Intent: To produce an invasive cybernetics package for the galaxy's managerial class.
- Image Source: Elysium/Chappie Concept Art by Ben Mauro - edit by me
- Canon Link: Borg Construct Aj^6, Psicom 1260 Interface, Knowledge Cartridge, Advanced Combat System, Mental Boost System, Cortical Datasplint
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A

- Manufacturer: Iron Sun Intelligence
- Affiliation: Iron Sun Intelligence, Dark Empire
- Market Status: Open-Market
- Model: ISI/ICP-01 Clarity-Series Cybernetic Suite
- Modularity: Yes - Operating System
- Production: Minor-Production
- Material: Nanothread, Hexaplast, Rybcoarse

ISI/ERS: "Deep Field Sensor-Transceiver System." An array of sensitive, high-quality sensors capable of detecting even the most minute material phenomena. Despite their relatively small size, these were vastly superior to even the keenest organic senses, barring some notable exceptions.
ISI/KCS: "Knowledge Cartridge System." The knowledge cartridge system was capable of accepting, downloading, and generating Iron Sun Intelligence-brand knowledge cartridges. It was very useful for the transference of skills and memories, allowing operators to be brought up to speed on protocols and adapt to their selected role quickly.
ISI/MAS: "Mental Augmentation Suite." Hardware and software which directly interfaced with the brain, improving memory, focus, and intellect analogous to similar augments. Cybernetic interfacing was noted to cause a reduction in emotional expressiveness in operators. This suite also included adaptive routines for interfacing with other cybernetics the operator might have, allowing for finely-tuned control of those augments.
ISI/RAS: "Reflex Augmentation Suite." These dedicated augmentations interfaced directly with the brain, increasing the production of neurotransmitters associated with rapid cognition and reflexive action. This dramatically increased decision-making and reaction speed in operators.
ISI/RCCM: "Remote Connect-Command Module." A dedicated module which allowed for direct wireless interfacing with droids, computers, and other technology capable of receiving a wireless signal. This allowed the operator to both receive data and remotely control such devices, provided they had the clearance to do so… Or the capability to slice them.
ISI/DTES: "Digital Threat Elimination Suite." Iron Sun Intelligence's proprietary pyrowall software. It incorporated bio-hexacrypt and data-splint technology to both protect the user and whatever data they happened to be carrying from foreign threats. Additional hardware protected the Clarity Suite from being shut down by distant electromagnetic pulses, but not direct ion attacks.

[ + ] Sharpened Senses
[ + ] Empowered Intellect
[ + ] Improved Reflexes
[ + ] Cutting-Edge Cybernetic Technology
[ - ] Unnerving
[ - ] Dehumanizing
[ - ] Ion/EMP Sensitivity

There are circumstances where one benefits from the indefatigable, incorruptible diligence of droids and there are circumstances where one benefits from the adaptability, initiative, and dynamism of organics. The Imperial Cybernetics Package Mk. I, also known as the Clarity-series, was Antipater's attempt to synthesize the two.
The Clarity was rarely purchased for private use. Rather, it was purchased by entities who desired to have it installed on their servants or employees. In many cases, the Clarity was effectively leased to its operators for the duration of their employment. When their term of service was terminated, the Clarity was uninstalled and the operator surgically reconstructed by an appropriate medical droid. This was a very expensive procedure and its cost was included up-front in the Clarity's retail price.
As it was not a combat suite, the Clarity was intended primarily to increase the availability of skilled, educated workers that could not be replaced by droids. Namely: scientists, engineers, architects, inspectors, managers, and other functionaries whose roles required a degree of creativity and initiative not usually found in droids. Recruiting and training such personnel was a time-consuming endeavor requiring many years of education and relevant experience. The Clarity Suite could be installed on any compatible humanoid organic over the course of eight hours. Following a week-long acclimatization period, they could then be brought up to par in a matter of days.
For sustenance, operators inserted a single ration cube into a specialized port located underneath the front mouthpiece. This cube would then be synthesized by the operator over the course of twenty minutes, providing all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, calories, proteins, and fluids required by the host body. Operators were advised to "consume" three ration cubes throughout the day at normal mealtimes. Iron Sun Intelligence sold its own brand of ration cubes in a variety of flavors.
The Clarity Suite came with a comprehensive 3-year warranty agreement. Any defects or failures outside of acceptable parameters would entitle customers to no-cost repairs or replacement. Notably, this warranty could be voided under the following circumstances:
- Use of unapproved third-party ration cube brands
- Use of unapproved third-party software
- Use of any third-party Knowledge Cartridge brands
- Engagement in criminal activity
- Conscious deployment to areas experiencing an ongoing conflict, disaster, lawlessness, or otherwise destabilizing event
Operators still required the amount of sleep and rest recommended for their species. However, automated protocols allowed the Clarity to continue to carry out processing and simple administrative tasks even while the subject was unconscious.
Due to unflattering comparisons to the decraniated, the Clarity Suite was outlawed or restricted in certain sectors. Iron Sun Intelligence required customers perform their own due diligence before making a purchase and was not obligated to replace units which were confiscated by local authorities.
Out Of Character Info
To produce an invasive cybernetics package for the galaxy's managerial class.
Technical Information
Iron Sun Intelligence, Dark Empire
Nanothread, Hexaplast, Rybcoarse