Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
Isolda Servalan

BORN: 801 BBY - 802 BBY
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.70 meters (5 foot 7 inches)
MASS: 64.8 kilograms (143 pounds)
SKIN COLOR: Alabaster
- Many years spent in the military, both on missions and through training, have caused her to become highly proficient with the use of blasters (both pistol and rifle variants.) While showing more skill and preference towards blaster pistols, she is none the less skilled in the use of various blaster type weapons. This skill developed over countless hours of practice and practical application in the use of blaster weaponry.
- During her period in the military, she showed proficiency with medical applications and minor surgical capabilities in the field. To this end she was a highly capable field medic and commander whom cared for her personnel. Likewise, this skilled medical talent also extended to a less than savory use in the extraction of information during intense interrogations.
- A highly analytical mind developed from her earlier years spent surviving on the lower levels of Telos. This in turn developed into a determination to remain level headed and focuses when it comes to situations of high stress and equally high danger.
- There are times when even she falls to the drive of obsession, driving her to the brink of insanity. Coming from a world and place in which she had nothing, her mind knows nearly the cost of everything. Even now after the many years and her attempts to force herself to shake off the habit, it will rear up now and again. This obsession blocks her thinking and her sight of the big picture and pushes her into a narrowed view.
- Lacking a proper upbringing or even any form of emotional support, it has become difficult for her to make connections with others. Often it is not out of any disregard nor a lack of genuine care for the other's well-being, it is merely habit for her to shy away from connections. Having grown up relying only upon herself for everything she gained, she has difficulty looking at and trusting others to come through in times of crisis.
- Haunted by the sights and smells of war, she hears the cries of those whom she's ended every night in her sleep. Suffering from night terrors and insomnia, it is often that she pushes herself to near collapse. It is these visions and terrors at night that pushed her into attempting to redeem herself, however even with her work, she still feels that there is nothing she can do to make up for what she has done; believing that the terrors are her punishment for her actions.
Plain in all sense of the word, it is uncommon to find her in anything that could be considered business attire or formal wear. Rather she has an affinity for the simplistic and utilitarian when it comes to clothing. While no longer in the military, old habits and sentimentalism dies hard when it comes to some articles of clothing. Thus it is common sight to find her wearing an old jacket that she wore during her time spent in the military. Clothing in general is simplistic, usually consisting of form fitting and comfortable attire that allows for a free range of movement, while her choice of shoes are more often than not a pair of combat boots which she has become accustomed to wearing.
Not entirely vain when it comes to her appearance, however not ignoring it entirely either; cosmetics are kept to a minimum. Often it is only simple black eyeliner and eye shadow with either a plain natural color lip gloss or lipstick. While she has not made any overt gesture or effort in terms of the color of her skin or any such attempt at changing it, she neither spends the effort to draw attention to it or use other cosmetics to change its color.
Live on Telos was harsh for Isolda, having been the daughter of a strung out death stick addict slythnmonger of a father and a mother whom often sold herself for her own habit, it was easy to see why she was more or less 'orphaned' at a young age. Rather than even make an attempt at taking care of their daughter, the couple just left her out and walked off. For the first few years she caught a lucky break here or there when it came to shelter and a family, though more often than not it came down to the inability to take care of another mouth or just not caring in the end. It was this lifestyle that would ultimately foster and develop her inability to connect with others and rely heavily on herself.
Fast forward to her teenage years and she was on the same path of destruction as her mother and father. Nearly hooked on spice and just about to sell her body to feed her addiction, it was a Sith soldier that pulled her away from that path. Pushing her to sign up, Isolda would late say that it was the best decision forced upon her, as it ultimately saved her from ending up in some back alley.
During her basic training she developed new skills and showed a proficiency with both blasters and in medical training. Of course the use of needles, tubing and bandages could have been simply carried over from her previous habit with narcotics. Either way she proved herself in a handful of battles and even risked herself once or twice when it came to protecting those under her command. Her skills with medicine though weren't always used to help and save lives, even having been pushed to hurt others during her deployments to the battlefield.
Once the Sith Empire began to fall she had nothing in the way of a long term plan to keep her going. It wasn't long after when the night terrors struck that she realized fully the pain and suffering she had brought upon others. That night she vowed to do her best in giving back and helping others in some attempt to make good before the end.