Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Isoroku Shima

Name : Isoroku Shima
Species : Human
Sex : Male
Age : 56
Height : 1.70 / 5'7''
Weight : 79 / 173
Faction : Asahi Shogunate
Rank : Kaigun Daisa / Captain
Force Sensitive : Negative
Strength : Decades served as a Commissioned Naval Officer
Strength : Military upbringing
Strength : Resolute
Weakness : Weakened body due to age and indulgence in vices.
Weakness : Plethora of rivals due to his outspoken opinions.

Physical Appearance :
A man of slightly below average stature, Shimas body is relatively toned from his years of serving in the military of the Shogunate, even if his actual physical condition is somewhat deplorable. The mans hair is cut short on all angles, light brown with threads of white scattered across his scalp as the front is combed backwards, revealing his forehead in it's entirety. Long stubby eyebrows over green eyes. A short beard stubble covering his entire jaw line, the area around his mouth, and under his nose.
His clothing consists of either the standard uniform of a Kaigun Daisa of the Shogunate while on duty. Off duty, his wardrobe consists of either a combination of formal trousers with suspenders, long sleeved shirts, and a jacket or randomly thrown together casual clothing, depending on his business of the day. His everyday personal belongings consist of a pistol whose holster is part of the suspenders, identification documents, wallet, a lighter, and a pack of cigars.

Biography :
He was born as Isoroku Nagao Shima into a traditionalist family with a history of serving in the Emperor's military as commanders and officers, in the city of Kawashi. Born the oldest in a family of one boy and two sisters, he was pressured from an early age into the lifestyle of a soldier, his father making sure to always work him to exhaustion at every given opportunity, be it through his studies or training. The financial situation of his family was stable through the majority of his childhood, such a fact allowing him to be tutored a couple of times a month on matters of literature and mathematics for a fair portion of years.
The tutoring allowed him to pass the entry exam of the Armed Forces Academy in the city of Tanaka Chiku, where he spent several years before requesting permission to be transferred to a Naval Academy to continue his studies. Life as a student thought him that the most important quality of a man, beyond that of love for his family and nation, honesty of his character, or loyalty to his liege, was his resolve and determination to see a task brought to fruition, no matter the cost.
After four years of study in the Armed Forces Academy, and another eight spent at the Naval Academy, he managed to absolve his studies on the first attempt, admittedly with his fair share of difficulties. He was enlisted immediately into the Naval Forces as an engineer and radio specialist, holding that position for a few years before rising through the ranks. A superior officer insisted that he were to attempt to continue his education at the Planetary Military Academy in the capital city, Saisho no Aki, to become an enlisted officer after he witnessed the mans determination and ability to command the respect of his unit through the years.
With his recommendation, and that of a few other officers, Shimas request was accepted and he was allowed to take courses in the capital, at one of the most prestigious in the world. Needless to say, the man barely managed to scrape by, each day in those four agonizing years being a living hell on him, both mentally and physically, taking on alcohol and tabac as recreational activities to relief some of his stress. In the end, he pulled through it, scoring a respectable above average position on the end of the year charts.
Returning to the military, he toned down on the excessive drinking and smoking after a short while and began being handed small assignments rather frequently, the vast majority of them having to do with logistics and drill exercises involving mobility. He slowly rose through the ranks over the following decade and a half, being promoted to the rank of Kaigun Daisa two years before the Merill Incident.
With the floodgates being opened by the visit of Jorus Merill to the star system, Shima was excited by the prospects of making contact with another race and being able to further explore the stars, as well as the myriad of technology the travelers brought with them. But soon enough, his glee and excitement disappeared and left him bitter about the entire event. The military was now recruiting men en masse to serve as commanders as the fleet was constantly increasing in size and mass due to the trade routes with the galaxy being opened.
The hierarchy of command became more and more weak by the day, powergames more common, and the army began losing it's glory and respect due to the unwashed mass of ingrates wearing a uniform and acting like entitled children. Shima was one of the first to argue against such a decision and fervently contested it at every opportunity in the past year, citing the greed and ambition of High Command will undoubtedly lead the Shogunate to ruin, as they allow inexperienced children to command their fleet and destroy the delicate chain of command and logistics.
His constant badmouthing of both high ranking officers and new recruits as well has left him an unpopular character in the army, but his position remained secure for the moment as he was one of the few who could still make sense of the now obsolete chain of supply and logistics the Shogunate employed. Civilian life began changing as well, while not as drastically as the military, the general attitude and personality of the populace was shifting slowly and steadily and it only served to worry him. For one year now, he has began excessively drinking and smoking again to relieve his stress and worries over losing his position, or worse off, the nation he once knew.


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