Issik the dealer of death.
NAME: Issik
RANK: none yet
SPECIES: Trandoshan
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 180 lb's
EYES: Crimson Red
HAIR: no
SKIN: Dark green scales
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+)Physically strong: He is double the strength of a average human
(+) Sharp claws and teeth: His teeth and claws are meant to rend flesh from bone
(+)Weapons Expert: Given his years among the arms dealing business he makes it a point to familiarize himself with every weapon he buys or sells.
(+) Slow Regeneration: He can slowly regrow his limbs but it'll take several days depending on the severity
(+) Infrared: Trandoshans have a gift to see into the infrared spectrum.
(=)Tracker: Every Trandoshan is trained to hunt and track and Issik is no exception though it has dulled since he dives in the arms business rather then the tracking business
(-)Short temper: While he doesn't have as short a fuse as other Trandoshans its still short when it comes to his temper
(-) Carnivore: Needs alot of meat when it comes to feeding time.
(-) Sensitive eyes: While they can see into the infrared the down side is they are sensitive to sudden flashes of light without protection
(-) Cold Blooded: Hates the cold will be slower in the cold without a means of getting heat.
Tall Dark green scale,s crimson eyes wears some basic light durasteel armor, carry's around a Slaver Blade and a RSKF-44 Heavy Blaster strapped to his hip and a E-22 Double barreled blaster rifle
Issik always had a aspiring gift with weaponry it was like a tradition for him, ever since he was taught how to use his first hunting knife too the first projectile rifle he recieved once he hunted enough score's to earn such a weapon on Trandosha he hunted alot in his younger years when he was old enough to set out on his own he found the slaving and hunting buisness to be...not enough while some of his kin would be satisfied with hauling around and selling people he found a certain art in selling weapons.
They don't complain all the time and he gets to test out every product he got a few deals completed to earn enough for a suitable ship, and his current weapons he continued working his buisness until he landed on Coruscant, given it was a large hub of people of all sorts and types he found it the perfect place to set up shop, He went down into the undercity where the less reputable folk go more likely to land sales there as he continues to work and operate with the intent and want of one day having a permanent hold on the undercity as a well as make a few credits along the way.

NAME: Issik
RANK: none yet
SPECIES: Trandoshan
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 180 lb's
EYES: Crimson Red
HAIR: no
SKIN: Dark green scales
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+)Physically strong: He is double the strength of a average human
(+) Sharp claws and teeth: His teeth and claws are meant to rend flesh from bone
(+)Weapons Expert: Given his years among the arms dealing business he makes it a point to familiarize himself with every weapon he buys or sells.
(+) Slow Regeneration: He can slowly regrow his limbs but it'll take several days depending on the severity
(+) Infrared: Trandoshans have a gift to see into the infrared spectrum.
(=)Tracker: Every Trandoshan is trained to hunt and track and Issik is no exception though it has dulled since he dives in the arms business rather then the tracking business
(-)Short temper: While he doesn't have as short a fuse as other Trandoshans its still short when it comes to his temper
(-) Carnivore: Needs alot of meat when it comes to feeding time.
(-) Sensitive eyes: While they can see into the infrared the down side is they are sensitive to sudden flashes of light without protection
(-) Cold Blooded: Hates the cold will be slower in the cold without a means of getting heat.
Tall Dark green scale,s crimson eyes wears some basic light durasteel armor, carry's around a Slaver Blade and a RSKF-44 Heavy Blaster strapped to his hip and a E-22 Double barreled blaster rifle
Issik always had a aspiring gift with weaponry it was like a tradition for him, ever since he was taught how to use his first hunting knife too the first projectile rifle he recieved once he hunted enough score's to earn such a weapon on Trandosha he hunted alot in his younger years when he was old enough to set out on his own he found the slaving and hunting buisness to be...not enough while some of his kin would be satisfied with hauling around and selling people he found a certain art in selling weapons.
They don't complain all the time and he gets to test out every product he got a few deals completed to earn enough for a suitable ship, and his current weapons he continued working his buisness until he landed on Coruscant, given it was a large hub of people of all sorts and types he found it the perfect place to set up shop, He went down into the undercity where the less reputable folk go more likely to land sales there as he continues to work and operate with the intent and want of one day having a permanent hold on the undercity as a well as make a few credits along the way.
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