Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It’s that time.


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
Bootana Hutta Region – Gos Hutta System - Kor Oktanivii Planet
Private FFE Mine Underground, Hidden Location

Continued from here

The holy grail, that’s what this mission was for [member="Sere Reene"] but which mug had to go do the heavy lifting, Bsssk of course, with twenty of his fellow Trandoshans, and about 20 more workers behind him of mixed species.

Bsssk hissed, “So you’re a blob.” The blob ahead shifted a bit, and didn’t do much else. He looked at whatever this thing was in front of him, a blob the size of transport, if not bigger, which was a good thing because apparently in a minute he was walking through said blob with several of his men to go setup a mine.

The first Rodian came back, minus a comrade who had been sent to scout

“Where’s the other one.” Bsssk grunted.

“Shooting, Pirates….” His scout added falling to the floor to catch his breath.

“Alright then, roll out the tank and we’ll follow it in.” If there were pirates, he was sending in the tanks first, frell walking into a hail of blaster fire. So off the tank trundled into the blob, disappearing into whatever that mass ahead was, "come on boys, let's go take some scalps."


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
Their procession through the transdimensional blob was, odd, was what it was. Moving through a frelling blob to setup scorekeeper knows what in who knows where, for a moment Bsssk the usually cool professional questioned whether the pay was worth it, it was apparently because he was getting his own ship at the end of it all, and a fat creditstick

The distortion he felt moving through was terrible, he threw up, not once but three times, as did most of those with him, causing a vile taste in his stomach. “Come on, get, move, lets go.” Had to crack the whip else they’d think him weak, and the firefight he was walking into needed them strong.

Behind him their speeders and hovering craft carried their gear, while the otherside of what could only be described as ooze, which ran right through him thank you very much, the tank was being peppered with small arms fire. Some of the mercs were taking cover behind it as it advanced, and Bsssk knelt down to join them, showing his teeth.

“Shutta’s,” pirates were pirates the same in any dimension, never knew when to leave well enough alone! Wiping his face, he took aim with his rifle, and so began their little excursion through Waru's fine countryside. It was a fine countryside, shame really, as he was here to take great chunks of it away and bloody the landscape, but damned if it wasn't for a good cause.


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
CRACK from the tank’s frontal plate as deflected off a shell at an angle, and it ricocheted into a nearby rock face, sending out a plume of smoke. The parallel face of this dimension didn’t look much different to the last, except they were in the open getting shelled. Birds still flew off in panic, men still shouted warnings and a tank slug still felt like a tank slug when it hit home.

Gnashing his teeth and pointing off to the same rocky outcropping, the men shook their head, so Bsssk fired at their feet till they moved. “GET!” He nodded off to the flank, “cover on my mark!” Opening up a barrage of weaponry toward the pirates entrenched ahead, a group of the hutts broke off from the tank while the rest advanced using it as a shield. Not all of the ones moving off made it unscathed but they did make it.

Now hitting them from two directions, began to expose the pirates more readily, Bsssk’s tank continued to roll forward taking the brunt of the punishment and move in for the kill.

The pay better be worth it, he thought to himself, ducking down again.


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
The tank finally got the elevation right and whatever was nearest ahead of them was smoked out of its hiding place, turning the cover into an inferno. Exchanging fire with the position ahead, the enemy gun emplacement was vaporised, returning damage to the right track and rotation of the main gun but all in all their armor got off light.

These pirates really didn’t want their entrance, they were defending to the last man, perhaps the Waru universe was backwards after all? Sadly Bsssk didn’t much care, one of men fell caught by a lucky stray shot deflected off the turret and he sniffed impartially. They were in range, squinting he hissed, “alright, give them a tas'ssste of home….. “ the tank wasn’t packing armor piercing, not even fragmentation shells, it hit the infantry with plasma explosives, melting the enemy up ahead in superheated discharges of light.

Some of the men cheered but Bsssk kept his cool, sparing only a brief grin and a nod to his closest subordinates, “go check out what’ssss left.”


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
Turns out not much was left, they scavenged some gear, and executed a lone survivor with a few shots into the body, but nothing else, “Make s’sssure” Bsssk said, and the cartel forces with him, made very sure nobody was getting up in the same manner, no need or time for prisons on this mission. Shame, he could have taken a few slaves for credits, but they couldn’t risk exposing the location of the mine, oh well he was getting enough money anyway

Smoking corpses left in the wake, they were the lucky ones, whoever was going to be on the end of this metal was… he coughed and began to slump over, those with him being violently sick again. One by one his entire team fell to the floor, dizzy or losing consciousness.

Walking through dimensions… not as easy as it looked. He pulled himself forward by his claw, going for a weapon to clutch and shake this off, but someone stepped on his hand, a masked figure. The last thing Bsssk saw was a rifle butt hitting his face!

They’d been waiting for that to happen!


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
Three hours passed.

Waking up strung up with charged shackles to a wall, wasn’t exactly how he was picturing the mission to the farside of oblivion should go. Most of the men were there, surrounded by what looked like…. Noghri?? What the? What in the frakking rims underpants were Noghri doing working with pirates? He looked around, but didn’t see any of the ones that were shooting at them.

Instead all Bsssk got was a Noghri glaring back at him, working a knife into one of their packs to see what was inside. “Look… whatever they paid you, we’ll double it.” Noghri didn’t do things for money, they did it for honor, Bsssk knew that but why the double cross? Goros regularly used Noghri as his most trusted bodyguards.

“You don’t talk. We are done taking orders from your Hutts.” The lead Noghri, pulled Bsssk’s chin back, and let it go roughly.

“S’sssso you’ve thrown your honor under the hoversled then, or did you forget about your debt’sssss?”

Anyone else, might have just gutted him right there, but Noghri were honourable more often than not, “Cut him down,” the leader said, throwing Bsssk a spear and taking the same, a traditional trandoshan spear fight then, that he could do. The Noghri knew he could, they wanted to beat him at his own game, stupid, stupid Noghri. He’d play along, while it suited him too.

Kelon Amadis

Checkmate (Dead pm Writers Account)
The fight started and went on for about five minutes, because Kelon didn’t have all that much patience when it didn’t involve either money, women or ale, or violence, or gambling, or spice, yeah okay there were a few things, but this wasn’t one of them.

So as the Noghri had its head cut off by his saber, he decided to set some new ground rules, checking the beam of it as if it were some newly christened blade.

“You wanted the material. I have a new price.”

The rest of the Noghri looked like they were going to lynch the pirate come Sith but no, he had a hold over them even greater than the hutts seemingly did, even greater than their so called honor, what a box of bantha dung. They backed off when he looked around them all, but it was a tense moment because he'd stepped on their honor, again. His tongue clicked against his teeth impatiently.

“I’m in for 20%, or I let you go, you doublecross me, and these Noghri take down who you work for while he sleeps, then take you apart at the joints. Which will it be?”

Bsssk and Kelon were a lot a like, Bsssk seemingly less prone to violence for violence's sake but they both had the same builds, and motivations, which meant neither trusted each other one bit.


The Big Gun (Dead PM Writers Account)
Who was this fool, did he really think any of the Noghri would be left alive by the time he got home and told the Boss? Bsssk wasn’t exactly a tactical genius but this guy seemed like a moron, still might as well play along, there was only one answer either way for now.

“Can’t argue with that can we.” Bsssk paused, trying and failing to show much subtlety, “Deal sssss.”

The Trando did consider if this was too obvious, if whoever this joker was, it was all a con to get them to do the work setting up the mine. “Not that I don’t trus’ssst you.” Bsssk said as his restraints were released, rolling his wrists around to test them, “but better we keep our gun’ssss,” nobody much liked the idea of arming their old prisoners, so there was natural hesitation from their captors.

“Partner’ssss and all,” Bsssk said standing to his full height which was non too small, and the armor he had on only made him look bigger, more of a target on the battlefield but at times like this, up close to intimidate, size helped in his line of work. He turned a hand over expecting a weapon to be handed to him.

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