Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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IT-0357 'Marker' (WIP)



NAME: IT-0357 'Marker'

RANK: N/A for now.

SPECIES: Human Clone

AGE: Looks 25.

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6' even.

WEIGHT: 190 lbs.

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Tan.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Comando by heart- The man was built to fight, and win. He has a hard outlook on his own humanity, and is always willing to make the hard choice.
Expert Sniper- His training was built around using sniper rifles as his primary. He knows how to use em.

Cold- His choices often make him the target of dismay, and it will probably catch up to him one day.
Bad left eye- Marker actually has a bad eye, a wound from a past fight. It is his helm that helps him to snipe, and without it he's useless in that regard.

He's your average run of the mill human male. Physically fit, he may as well blend into the background with his armor off. Brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin you'd be surprised at how many look similar to him. But in his armor, many can recognize him. The black metal suit is covered with wear and tear, showing that he is defenitly a combat veteran.

Marker was born within the eight hundred clones of the Paecian Empire, to be trained as the perfect sniper. Most of his time spent in training was around the usage of many different kinds of sniper rifles. The rest of his time was spent working with a squad, one he ended up being the overwatch for. It was after the training was finished, however, that he ended up loosing one of his eyes. During one of his missions after just entering the field, he was hit by a grenade. Thankfully, his armor took most of the blow, but the blast was enough to tear into his helm and damage his left eye. It was replaced by a mechanical one, but it only worked under his helm, making it much more of a liability.

Now he waits for the chance to fight again.

For the Empire.




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