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It Finally Happened!

Stephanie Swail

[member="Nimue Stormson"] Thought you'd be onto this! :)

Just a shame it's taken a whole trilogy and a hit-miss reboot to finally get him to where he should have been a long time ago.

So does this mean the 3rd reboot in just over 13 years? That's got to be a record....
Right? lol. But idk what they're planning. I don't think anyone really does.

For me, personally, I think they shouldn't do Peter Parker. They should try Miles Morales, the Ultimate Spider-Man. It's a whole other character with sort of the same backstory, so you don't waste time retelling the origin and we have a new version not everyone knows about to get more attention. Plus he's black, adds more diversity to the group. (And because we need more Black guys lol).

If they go with Parker, fine. Just don't waste time retelling the origin and just have him be Spider-Man already. Give like a sentance or two explaining what he's been up to. And then PUT HIM IN CIVIL WAR!!!!

[member="Fabula Cavataio"]

IKR? I thought that's what they were doing when the annouced "The Wolverine", but no. It was just more about how Wolverine wants to die when we all know by the end he'll still be alive. I would've given anything to see X-23.

Also, Idk if it's been confirmed or not, but the Deadpool movie might go from R, like it should be, to PG-13.


And Everything is Blue, like him.
[member="Nimue Stormson"] [member="Asterion"]

I want clone-spidey to be the universe one...

Anyway, I'll be very sad if Deadpool isn't blood-and-guts-and-stabbing like it should be.

And, um… Is Origins: Wolverine considered canon right now? Because… Wouldn't Deadpool be, well, dead?
If you watched the VERY end of Origins, you see deadpool's head. He blinks, and goes "Shhhhh." [member="Cobalt"]

Edit: Also keep in mind that Deadpool is basically, literally, in every way, unstoppable. Invincible. He can't die. Except in the Marvel Zombies universe where we get headpool.

I think it might be better to go with any spieder-man not peter parker at this point. I think the Ultimate one, Miles Morales, but the clone one would be good too. Just have to explain him is all lol.

And I'll just say after Days of Future Past I think everything's been wiped away at this point.


And Everything is Blue, like him.
[member="Nimue Stormson"]

Or everything to do with the mutants, anyway… Clearly, none of the Avengers had their memories wiped.

Fox owns X-Men, meaning unless their next few movies go bad or enough people get tired of them (like me) then we won't be seeing the X-Men and Avengers in the same movies together for a while. But Marvel made up for this by introducing the Inhumans, who are basically like mutants. Yet another example of how clever they are compared to the other studios with their heroes lol.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Cobalt said:
[member="Nimue Stormson"] [member="Asterion"]

I want clone-spidey to be the universe one...

Anyway, I'll be very sad if Deadpool isn't blood-and-guts-and-stabbing like it should be.

And, um… Is Origins: Wolverine considered canon right now? Because… Wouldn't Deadpool be, well, dead?
As [member="Nimue Stormson"] said the X-Men Cinematic Continuity and the Marvel Cinematic Continuity are different and don't interact with one another. Which makes how they'll be dealing with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in Avengers 2 very very interesting. It also means if Wolverine ever pops into the avengers they might cast someone other than Hugh Jackman. Weird possibility isn't it?
[member="Larg'haree Ubehr"]

I think, and this is just theory, they'll have gone through the same treatment that winds up being with the Inhumans. Long story short the Inhumans are mutants, but they were experimented on by aliens. (The Kree actually, which is what Ronin from Guardians of the Galaxy was.) If you watch Agents of SHIELD there's more events and such that show how it's a possibility.

Personally I think it works because it makes everything seem more connected and contained.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
I tried to watch Agents of Shield but I just couldn't get into it. I wanna say it's on Netflix now so I'll probably watch it before the summer to see if anything ties into Avengers 2.

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