Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply It is paved with good intentions

The task was simple, join with some Coruscanti aide workers headed towards the war-torn regions of the Mid-Rim. It would be a good learning experience for a young padawan to see more of the front lines with the Dark Empire. Catronia had already seen war first hand, and it only strengthened her conviction to become a Jedi. If the Sith and Imperials would see the galaxy set alight, then the young Sarkai would spend her life putting out fires. It is was her master would want. That was, if he were here.

This mission was another one of Catronia's many "adventures". In all actuality it was her getting bored with her studies, and wanting to see the galaxy. Often these escapades lead to her needing help from older Jedi, hopefully today would be different! This adventure to the mid-rim would prove she was well equipped to become a knight in the future! She would help in providing for a town in the Vorc Sector, specifically the planet known as Vicondor.

Eventually the small shuttle she was on landed alongside many others on Vicondor, the small town serving as their landing sight still burned from a skirmish with Dark Empire troops. No matter how many tragic scenes like this she saw, it never got any easier. The feelings in the force were hard to ignore, like the angry spirits of the fallen were still here. She could still feel that dark presence that followed on the heels of war. A poison for her spirit that she would have to overcome.

Perhaps this dark presence was something more than just the aftermath felt through the force? It could be the perfect cover for a darksider to use. The Sith were not ones to shy away from exploiting worlds touched by conflict. If there were Sith on the planet, they would not find easy prey. Catronia was an experienced combatant in her mind, and she would defend these people from any evil that might come a calling.



Jonah didn't have a dog in the fight.

Having grown up in a remote corner of the Galaxy, the latest clashes between Imperials, Sith, and Jedi were of little interest to him. What was a priority was forging his own path through the stars. So far, he didn't have a concrete vision for his life, safe for his refusal to rely on his family name for survival. He had two hands. He had might. He could do bad all by himself as the saying went.

Of course, survival and thriving were two different extremes. So it was that Jonah often found himself taking on odd jobs between his more explosive adventures. For every dive into an ancient temple he took, there were mundane sprints of mercenary work or being a meat shield for a neer-do-well. In today's case, Jonah at least wasn't fighting on behalf of someone else. Instead, he was playing long-distance taxi.

Back in Hutt space there was a poor sod by the spaceport lamenting his family back on Vicondor. Apparently the world had suffered due to recent conflict and he needed to get back. He promised all sorts of family heirlooms and shinies as payment, but Nar Shaddaa didn't take promises of compensation. Jonah, having grown sick of the smell of the place, was happy to give the man a ride. Worst case scenario, the fether was lying and would forfeit his hide as compensation. Best case scenario, Jonah would have exotic wares in his possession and a vacation from the ass-end of the Galaxy.

So it was that he made the journey to the distant world.

So it was that he and his passenger made their way into the charred streets, seeking out one building in particular. Yet as they drew closer, the passenger began to panic. "No...No...No..."" he mumbled to himself, until the sight of a building's remains filled his eyes. He wailed. He fell to his knees. He pounded the ground and sobbed.

Jonah folded his arms.

"Don't suppose my payment's in the rubble, is it?"

TAG: @Catronia Bryne

Catronia felt like a giant walking amongst the people of Vicondor, as the tallest of them were barely one meter in height. Each Vicon was excited to see the various aid workers coming from the shuttles. Some carrying supplies, others carrying tools for the rebuilding. She was probably the only Jedi that would be on the planet this early, as the Council hadn't actually ordered anyone to begin helping the plant yet. Surely they would though, and then the Empire would quickly retreat from the border world... She hoped...

Catronia was no healer, and her volatile relationship with her powers meant most Force related tasks were risky, but she found a way to help. The young Sarkhai followed along with some townsfolk deeper into the rubble. There she could use her Telekinesis abilities to move the rubble that was impassible for the smaller folk. Even these tasks were difficult, requiring much concentration from the padawan.

Stones and rebar were simple to move, but larger objects taxed her ability to control the Force. Losing control meant her powers going haywire, but not using it meant wasting crucial moments for heavy vehicles to be ready. She would rather run the risk than leave people stuck under the broken buildings. "Such a waste of life war is..."

Once she was finished lifting debris from what used to be a home, she could hear someone talking. It sounded close, maybe just a few houses down.
"Don't suppose my payment's in the rubble, is it?"

Such callous words to say to someone who had just lost everything. but such was the way of the galaxy. No doubt the larger man was here to make money off the suffering of others. Regardless of that she would do her best to make a good impression. She would stride forward to the smoking framework of what once was a home.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but overhear what was going on. I haven't any credits on me, but there are supplies we can share." Catronia spoke meekly, even with a bit of naivety. She didn't see this man as a threat, even if it was clear his mind was on money. Her attention soon turned to the small of the two, the Vicon who had come to see his family. "I'm so sorry sir, we must get to a safer place for now. We can try to get a recovery crew here as soon as possible."

She was so preoccupied with handling the situation with the Vicon, she turned her back to Jonah. Unaware he might see the lightsaber dangling from her belt.

Jonah Jonah



For a moment, it seemed as though Jonah's words had fallen on deaf ears.

He watched, unamused, as his passenger unraveled before the ruins of his family home. The Vicon all but crawled into the wreckage, rummaging through the soot with his bare hands. Jonah sighed and took a step towards the man, intent on reminding him the cost of doing business. Nobody in the Galaxy got a free lunch - everything had a price. And this little stint halfway across the known universe had an IOU in need of paying.

However, before Jonah could so much as speak, the voice of another reached his ears. He turned, eyebrow raised in surprise. The Hutt moon had given him an impression that clearly did not translate to the other parts of the Galaxy. On Nar Shaddaa, folk knew to mind their own business. It didn't matter if someone was getting shivved in a bar. It didn't matter if someone was begging for help on a crowded street - everyone tended to their own affairs. But here, apparently, folk could stick their nose wherever they wanted.

The source of the interruption was a young woman who was clearly not a Vicon. And when Jonah looked her over, he felt her presence in the Force. It was like a candle. It reminded him of the Healer he had bumped into not too long ago. What's more, he noticed the hilt upon her belt. A lightsaber. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know what flavor of person this woman was. Butting in? Lightsaber? Jedi.

"I didn't ferry this sod all the way here for supplies." came Jonah's retort. "I was hired for an agreed upon payment and I will have it. Or, I will withdraw my sum from his hide. Either way, this doesn't concern you girl. Why don't you run along and take those supplies of yours elsewhere, hmm?"

How rude! Not only to deny her offer in such a way, but also to dismiss her so?! She was not just some runt fresh from the litter, she was a Jedi! Well, a Padawan at the very least...

Still, she be believe that it was still possible to resolve this without violence. Her master would have probably pulled his saber by now, at least to try and spook the man off. But sadly, that was not Catronia's way. Her saber was a tool for negotiations, a sort of ace in the hole she would rather grow dusty. Surely this man could see reason!

"Good sir, I am sure that we needn't resolve this in such a brutish manner! Please stay your hand! I am sure if it's compensation you want, an agreement can be reached. We need only to give it time..." There was an audible sadness in Catronia's voice as she spoke. Nothing in the galaxy upset her like needless bloodshed. It was becoming clear that appealing to his empathy was not the best strategy. The sad thing was, her good intentions were all she had at this point. She was in no place to allocate some Jedi funds to the stranger's credit account, nor did she want to fight him.

Standing near the rubble and being pressed by the man was enough to being a familiar surge back to Catronia. The force was tied to ones emotions, and if not controlled it could wreak havoc on her surroundings. She remembered clearly the day on Coruscant she froze a road solid because she was frightened by traffic. An outburst like that would only make life harder for people around here, even if some of those around her deserved a little chill.

With determination in her heart, she stepped forward between the older man and the Vicon, who was now afraid for his life. She'd be his shield if needs be, and she would give her life to stop the bloodshed. That's the kind of person Anthony had taught her to be.

Jonah Jonah




The young woman sure was pushy. In but the span of a few words, she injected herself into a situation that had nothing to do with her. Now she was suddenly the arbiter of the debtor. Jonah shook his head. Even he, who hailed from the ass-end of the Galaxy had common sense. Yet both the Vicon and the Jedi were far from displaying it.

The Vicon had made a deal he couldn't pay for.

And the Jedi was literally getting in the way.

"Brutish? Look around you." he said, motioning at the destruction. "Now I'm no historian, but I know well enough that your kind does this, same as the imperials who blasted this 'hood to bits. Brutish should be in your vocabulary by now."

Jonah then took a dangerous step closer. "But if you want to play mediator, here are the details. This runt promised payment by heirloom, and if he can't dig it of the rubble, our original agreement was that his life is mine. Since you're so...insistent...I'm happy to consider an alternative form of payment."

He then pointed towards the hilt upon the woman's hip.

"Your lightsaber. Hand it over and the man's debt is paid in full. You can pat yourself on the back for another life saved. And I will gladly go back home."


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