The Mustafar system.. A volcanic planet home to the seventh Alpha, Pyro, the Fire being. A Sithspawn gone out of control of its masters. Now on her new home, where she thought she could be safe, she would be found.
Pyro was in her lair meditating on the wherabouts of her siblings when she felt an evil presence near, a presence with the feeling of a Sith. A great and powerful Sith Lord. Rising from her position on the floor of her room, the young Alpha donned a cloak and made for the spaceport that was not too far from the abandoned mining facility she lived in, determined to seek out this Sith, whoever they were.
[member="Darth Ferus"]
Pyro was in her lair meditating on the wherabouts of her siblings when she felt an evil presence near, a presence with the feeling of a Sith. A great and powerful Sith Lord. Rising from her position on the floor of her room, the young Alpha donned a cloak and made for the spaceport that was not too far from the abandoned mining facility she lived in, determined to seek out this Sith, whoever they were.
[member="Darth Ferus"]