Mikhail was always up early, not just to practice, but to study the JenQo. He entered the palace dining room and saw his sister eating alone. There were various servants scurrying around. The eldest prince walked towards his sister.
"I hope you've had a nice sleep sister dear. I know how hard it is to sleep with Norman's constant complaining, or Sheldon's constant yelling." Mikhail was saying. Then like clockwork Mikhail would hear yelling coming from the Norman's room.
The eldest prince began to walk out of the dining hall
"Sister, do stay calm if you come to their room, you tend to get upset easily.
He then walked towards the rooms.
Upon reaching the door, he stood at the entrance.
"Ahem....of course the yelling is coming from you two, the sun has barely risien and you guys are yelling and complaining, Norman...of course Sheldon would act like that, he gets it from you." He snapped as he stayed at the door, a bruise on his cheek from Norman's backhand that he received the other day.
[member="Catrina Crystall"]
[member="Norman Crystall"]
[member="Sheldon Crystall"]