Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In cooperation with the Trans-Galactic Partnership , Locke and Key Mechanics is proud to announce the Intergalactic Trade Network. A revolutionary project using hypergates to link together key planets around the galaxy in order to boost trade and co-operation on a galactic level.

Unleash Your Business Potential

Are you a merchant looking to expand your horizons? An industrialist dreaming of trading your goods across the galaxy? The future of commerce is here, and it's faster than ever before. Welcome to the Intergalactic Trade Network (ITN), where hypergate technology transforms interplanetary trade, cutting short the time lost travelling.

Why Choose ITN?

Instantaneous Travel:
Say goodbye to long, tedious space voyages with the potential for spoilage and pirate attacks. Say goodbye to the dangers of transporting your good through a warzone and the costs associated with long-distance travel. With our state-of-the-art hypergates, you can travel across the galaxy in the blink of an eye. Reach new markets instantly and maximize your trading efficiency.

Diverse Markets: Connect with a variety of new planets, each offering unique opportunities. Whether you’re dealing in rare minerals, exotic foods, advanced technologies, or craft goods, our network provides access to a diverse customer base just waiting for your products.

Secure and Reliable: Our hypergates are built with the latest technology, ensuring safe and reliable travel for you and your goods. Trust in our system, protected by robust security measures, to keep your assets safe. Well-trained traffic control and the best security operators allows for a smooth and trouble-free trip.

What We Offer

  • Access to a variety of Hypergates: Enjoy the convenience of access to our network flung across a variety of planets across the galaxy. You'll be able to cut down your transport times to a minimum, allowing you to reach a variety of new planets, or increase the efficiency of your logistics.
  • Galactic Market: The Exchange is home to a variety of markets and malls where shops and stalls sell a variety of products from across the galaxy making it the ultimate shopping experience.
  • Storage Solutions: The vast majority of the space on board The Exchange is given over to warehouses and other storage solutions allowing for the storage and transhipping of goods from across the galaxy, improving the efficiency of trade and logistics.

Join the ITN Today!

Step into the future of trade and watch your business soar to new heights. The galaxy is vast, but with the Intergalactic Trade Network, it’s within your reach. Don’t let distance hold you back – become a member of ITN and start exploring new worlds today!


What is the Intergalactic Trade Network?

The ITN consists of a series of Hypergate stations scattered through key systems across the galaxy all feeding into a central hub. From this central hub ships can then travel on to one of the other hypergates emerging all the way across the galaxy, vastly cutting down on transit times.

Why route all traffic through a central hub?

A few reasons. It will provide a central RP location for merchants and corporate RP, it also makes it easier to provide security for the system by linking the trade system through a central hub.

There will be security then?

Yes, we’ve contracted with the well known and extremely competent mercenary group Strill Securities to provide both naval and physical security. No warships will be allowed transit through the hub station, meaning that the systems where the hypergates are located can be sure that they are unlikely to be invaded through the hypergate network.

Who can use the network?

Anyone, as long as they pay, merchants and private vessels will need to pay a small transit fee, government and diplomatic craft will be allowed through for free, as long as they’re part of a government which is part of the network.

Is there a size limit for ships?

Yes. The gates themselves are only 200m in diameter. Nothing larger can fit in and make it through the space. While most small and medium sized freighters can fit through the gates, the larger freighters will not be able to, forcing them to either travel the long way, or offload their goods onto smaller freighters for transport.

Will there be a cost to travel through?

OOCly, no. ICly, yes there will be a small transit fee that needs to be paid to the transit authority to pay for the traffic control staff and maintenance.

Which planets will be linked to the network?

That’s what we’re here to find out. I plan to provide links to several major planets in terms of galactic lore, the traditional powerhouses such as Corellia, Kuat etc, but I would like to link several of the major planets within each Major Factions cloud. I’d love the MFOs, Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Valery Noble Valery Noble Fynch Fynch Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih to let me know which additional planets they’d like linked.

However, I’m not just aiming at Major Factions.

If you know of any other planets that you would like linked, or you feel would make sense please let me know and I’ll pick the planets that make the most sense. There are a limited number of hypergate stations, but I'd love to get them scattered all over the galaxy.

I've done my best to ensure that they're a secure means of transport, upto including self destructs on the stations, so they won't be used in miliary invasions without the permission of everyone involved.

What’s involved with linking a planet to the network?

A hypergate station will be constructed by Locke and Key Mechanics in the system, at an agreed upon location. Locke and Key will undertake to manage traffic control and maintenance of the station, while the local government will undertake to manage security and customs.

My suggestions would be that any customs duties on good passing through the gate will be split 70-30 (in favour of the local government). I am a businessman after all and need to make a profit after all.

How do I use the Network ICly?

You contact the local station to arrange for a transit slot, and make any payments necessary, the gate will open at arranged times to allow a certain number of ships through in both directions. Once you’ve arrived at the hub you can either dock to offload cargo into the storage or sell it to the merchants located there, or spend some time till your slot to another gate comes up.

Do I need to do anything OOCly to use the network?

Nope. Feel free to enjoy and RP away.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Sounds like a plan to me!

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Sounds good. Which planet are you thinking of linking up?

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Which planet did you want linked up?

Kelora Priestly Kelora Priestly Sounds good to me.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Would you like Jutland linked too?

Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher We can definitely link up Susevfi

Aerin Denno Aerin Denno Seswanna can be done.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Which planet would the Eternal Empire like to have a gate constructed on?

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath I have one scheduled for Seswanna, which is right next door, so you should have esy access to a gate.

Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath The IGBC is helping with the payment of the gates, but if N&Z have services they'd like to offer, I'm sure we can arrange a meeting.

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