Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's a Small Galaxy After All (Glyph)


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Nar Shaddar, a breeding ground for all sort of criminals in the galaxy. Owned by the hutts who were all practually born to be crimelords, but they weren't the only ones. Crime came in all shapes and sizes, as did those who ran the gangs and organizations that controlled it and allowed it to be used as a means of power.

One such person was Alto Breeze, a bothan crimelord who lead a small but powerful group called the Moon Sharks. They were made up of different members, human and non. All had different skills and sets they brought to the group, along with a number of contacts as oppositional power that Alto used for dealing out his wave of crime. This had caused tension among other groups, and his actions had intereffered with certian higher powers in the galaxy, but he and the other Sharks were careful to cover thier tracks.

In thier base on Nar Shaddar Alto and his men were enjoying another victorious robbery of weapon shipments. All of them were gathered in a room, drinking and smoking and singing and the like as they felt like untouchable heroes in the crime world. A handful of dancers, provided by one of Alto's 'close friends' had been provided as entertianment for the night. Alto, however, was waiting for his personal girl to arrive.

Sure enough she did, a tall dark skinned bueaty all dressed in a sleek and sexy outfit that exposed most of her skin, including her naval, while still keeping the best parts covered. Seeing the waiting bothan she smirked and walked over to him before resting on the arm of his chair.

"Where've you been?" he asked, his hands already over her legs.

"Sorry, baby." she said, stroking his furry head. "Took me forever to get into this outfit." she then leaned in and whispered "But I bet it'll be more fun to help me out."

He gave an eager grunt before rasiing his glass and cheering with the others. His girl, "Candi", joined in most of the celebrating for a while before excusing herself to "powder her nose". Alto told her to hurry back while she gave a coy little wave.

Once she was out of sight "Candi" dropped her act and started looking for Alto's private office. For weeks she'd had to deal with moving into the gang and getting close enough to Alto to eventually snag what she'd taken from him while sitting with him, his code key to his private safe. In reality she was Jenna Templar, a secret agent for the Omega Protectorate who was trying to gain enough info on Alto and the other Moon Shark's operations to finally take them down. And at this point it was a better than any chance to try and steal that info right out from under his dog-like nose.

[member="Jenna Templar"]

Glyph was busy with a less time consuming and far more interesting way of getting to the office, which is how he ended up on the roof, his arm around a sniper's neck and his eyes peering down as the man fell unconscious from the surprise of the small but unnaturally strong kid. "Lets see, ten paces from the edge, and then cut and drop." He smiled and got out his saber, slowly cutting a hole in the roof of the office, while whistling to the the tune of a song called its raining hutts. Catchy tune, very poor and disappointing lyrics, to think someone actually praised hutts.


Crazy Never Looked this Good
Finally making her way to Alto's office without being seen or noticed Jenna used a device hidden on her person to unlock the digit code inside. Once cleared she'd looked and saw no one else was inside, meaning it was a clear path to the safe. She made her way in, closing the door behind her. before looking all around the office for any other secruity measure Alto may have had. Even with all the times she had been inside with Alto himself she wanted to be sure there was nothing else to worry about.

Finally reaching his desk Jenna looked about before seeing where Alto hid his safe, underneath a number of art peices he'd stolen that when grouped together looked like a natrual set peice. She moved them out of the way and found the safe, using the code key to unlock it.

As soon as she'd said "Jackpot." to herself, she could hear something cutting through the roof of the office.

Unsure of who or what it was Jenna quickly opned the safe, pulling out the files, before closing it and then ducking under the desk. She was, hopefully, out of view from whoever was trying to break into Alto's office.

[member="Jenna Templar"]

Glyph collapsed with the hole into the office, lucky that the sound wasn't loud enough to pierce the walls and travel to what ever room the guy was in... someone was in here though. He sensed it immediately, or rather the feelings of this person and once over looked at what surrounded him before pulling his eyes to the safe. Carefully he looked over it and smiled, carefully cutting what ever would trigger a alarm and the locking mechanism in one swipe to find what he was looking for was missing. "Come out of your hiding place, i can sense you..."


Crazy Never Looked this Good
He'd sensed her. Jenna knew that meant whoever he was he was a force user. Odd as she'd never heard of Alto and his men dealing with Jedi or Sith before. Still the fact she was discovered meant she needed to reveal herself. Without anyplace to hide the files on her person she tucked them to the side under the desk before holding her hands up and getting out into view.

Keeping a more helpess apperance she gave a timid "Please, don't hurt me. I-I'm just a dancer. Honest!"

[member="Jenna Templar"]

He looked at her, then lost interest in less than a second as if not caring what she looked like in the least where most would have atleast stared. "Huh, thought the man would have a little more class than to keep one under his desk all the time..." He muttered as he looked back at her for the sole purpose of asking a question. "Where are the files, and how did you get a hold of them, and don't lie, i already am in your mind and know you stole them..." Ok so the last part was a lie about being in her mind, but she had to be the one that had them... unless she really was under there for... other reasons.


Crazy Never Looked this Good
In her mind? There was no way he could've been. As much as she didn't know too much about force users Jenna knew the extent of thier powers from studying info given to her by her agency. She knew they had a sense of knowing what people thought, but not full telepathy. Obviously he was trying to get the better of her, but Jenna was a little more quick then that.

"I-I didn't steal them. I was going to put them back. Mr. Alto told me to. But then you came in and I needed to hide them. Please, just don't hurt me. I'm only trying to make a living."

[member="Jenna Templar"]

"Please pull out the files, i really don't feel like tying someone up for being in the way..." He sighed and leaned against the open safe, one eye on the door and one on the woman, careful to make sure she was not going to pull anything stupid and soon he found himself smiling. Realizing that his joke could be taken very poorly by the dancer's ears.


Crazy Never Looked this Good
"Why? Are-Are you into that sort of thing?" She asked innocently before seeing the serious look in his eye. "Okay! Okay! I'm getting them."

Now needding to think on her toes Jenna had to comply with the man and reached down for the files. She kept up her act and seemed so afraid of what he would do to her while getting them. Once she did she stood, carefully walking over with one hand in the air while another had the files in-hand. She held them out for him to take and waited until she was close enough. Once she was and allowed him to touch the files she held her grip on them, keeping him from fully taking them.

She gave him a coy smirk and wink before her one foot came up and kicked him right in the face, hopefully knocking him away long enough for her to make for the door. She would need to take the back way out instead of trying to deal with Alto and his men.

[member="Jenna Templar"]

Why was she getting closer... she already knows i can use th- The Kick shut off his thought process, he saw it coming sure enough as he had thought a bit more of the 'dancer's mind, but the kick almost caught him far more off guard than he had hoped. Sure if definitely hit him, square in the chest as he had tried to back up a moment too late, but that wasn't hard to recover from. As such he watched her go for the door, and without thinking he fired at the keypad before she could reach it so that he could keep it shut... problem was, the gunshot was enough to set off the alarms. "For force sakes..." Ok he had to leave. Now. "Miss, files, now please." He watched outside the view port, the Bothan coming down the hall. "you have to be kidding me..."


Crazy Never Looked this Good
She stopped when she realized she was trapped, looking back to [member="Glyph"] and saying "You idiot! You realized what you just..."

The way she spoke showed she dropped the act, since there was no point, before realizing that Alto and his men would be here soon. She could see the man looking and realizing this before ordering her to hand the files over. She needed to think. Whoever this guy was she couldn't let him have the files, but there was no way out. Exepct one.

Looking to where the whole he'd made in the roof Jenna realized she had a chance. Looking to him she said "Sorry. I called dibs." before running for the desk. She ran up and pushed herself up from the desk using her athletic skills and training, before tossing the files up and grabbing the ledge. She'd made it, thank goodness, and the files landed safelty and together. With that in mind she tried crawling out, hoping to be home free.
[member="Jenna Templar"]

He jumped out behind her with a confused look. "Hello, Jedi here, what the hell did you think the hole that -I- made would not be able to be used by me?" He looked down and noticed that the Bothan was in his office now and waved at him. "Sorry, i forgot to pay for the damage, here." He dropped a pouch down, and inside was a grenade that would burst and fill the room with knockout gas in less than a few seconds before stretching. "Ok now, onto you about the dibs..." He looked up to see if she started running, he loved a good chase.


Crazy Never Looked this Good
She'd already made her move once he had looked down to Alto, who was either dead or badly wounded from the blast. Either way the Moon Sharks would need a new office. Jenna had leapt down from the roof to the ground, looking around. Obvioulsy a half-naked woman dressed as a dancer would catch a few eyes but that didn't matter. She looked around to where the nearest shuttle port would be before running that way. She didnt bother looking back, thinking she'd lost [member="Glyph"]
[member="Jenna Templar"]

Glyph watched her run down on the ground, again confused what the point of doing that was, seeing as it would be easier to navigate from the tightly spaced roofs that the planet's underbelly contained. So there he followed her from above, almost to the point where boredom was setting in and his eyes tracked her through the street. He did notice something interesting though, she was moving like she was experienced in escaping jams like this... who was this woman?


Crazy Never Looked this Good
The one downside to this was running in heels, something Jenna hated to do when the time called. If she had the more proper shoes she could have gained a little more speed, instead she had to settled for these since they were the only thing keeping her feet covered from the dirty streets.

Finally reaching a port she realized their weren't any shuttles but there were plenty of speeders to use. Finding the nearest one Jenna tossed the files into the passanger seat befor ehoping into the drivers and trying hotwire it. The whole time she wasn't aware she was followed.

[member="Jenna Templar"]

He watched her and smiled as she tried to hotwire the car, taking the few moments he had to drop down and lift the files out of the speeder with the force, floating them just out of arms reach above her head, even if she stood up trying to get them. "What is even on these in the first place?" He sat above her on the roof of the building, slowly letting them drift to his hand as he looked like he was studying them intently.


Crazy Never Looked this Good
No sooner had she finished that Jenna looked over and relized the files were gone. She looked around only to see [member="Glyph"] summoning them to him witht he force. When he called out the question of what was on them she didn't bother to answer, instead having a better idea. She put the speeder in gear before putting it in reverse and slamming it back into the building where he was, hoping to knock him off or at least break his concentration. Either way she used the now totalled car to jump up onto the roof and get to where the files were.

"Wait? What do you mean? You're saying you don't even know what you're after?"
[member="Jenna Templar"]

He saw her starting to leave then suddenly heading backwards, thinking she meant to ram him he stuffed the files into his cloak and jumped back, watching her total the vehicle as he landed on his feet, sighing. Then the question came and he smiled and shook his head, taking out one of the files and looking at the datachip closely. "No, just was seeing if i could do it, why?"


Crazy Never Looked this Good
"What? Are you kidding me?" she said to his answer. "Then give it to me. I need those for....well...I just need them for bigger reasons than 'just because I was curious'. Now hand them over."

Obviouly she couldn't go into full detail about why she wanted them. It was a security issue and one she couldn't compromise, something she'd learned through all her training and years as an agent. Even if her reasons were better than his, she couldn't let [member="Glyph"] know on the ground he might try something that would be used against her and her agency.
[member="Jenna Templar"]

"They are just the files of a crime lord... really what is so important about them, nothing really." He took his pistol, dropped the datachip in his hand and fired at the chip, the flash of energy shooting right through it, destroying what ever was on the files. "See, useless information, now, tell me whats on them or the next one gets the same treatment... oh and don't try getting close, you do and i stun you with the blaster." He motioned to the switch a finger was already on.

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