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Private It's All About the Bryn'adûl

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Prison, Unknown Location.
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

~ Before receiving the suite ~
Another day, she didn't count how many; it wasn’t really that important. There was a torture every day, or just a frosty interrogation. They had not yet reached the point which is why the woman was here in captivity. It needed an open trial or interrogation. The hardest part was that she couldn’t deal with saving Adrian and bringing him back.

Here she could only produce theories in her head. And, of course, enjoy the company of her husband’s hallucinations. Most of the people would probably have thought she was crazy because of this, but that’s exactly what she needed so that she wouldn’t go crazy about the pain and lack of the Sith Lord, but stay sober. It may have been ironic and humanly insane, but Ingrid was no longer human. If she is not killed here, she will live much longer than a human.

Killing… wondered when she would be sentenced to death. The NIO made no secret of wanting to kill her, the GA might have had an interest in it. Now, however, she tried not to deal with it. Not just because she didn't really care if she was killed. Then she can be with Adrian and maybe dead will be better able to put together the pieces of her husband’s soul.

She had been sitting on the bed speechless and motionless in the cell for hours, just looking toward the cell exit. In the world in her mind, Ingrid watched Adrian as she read. In reality, she watched the hallway, the part that passed in front of the cell. And she thought, right on the Shadow Empire, it was hard for them to leave the Eternal Empire now.

Her internal clock is indicated; slowly the time comes when an interrogator or torturer has to show up…



The Doors of the elevator opened revealing a long hallway with numerous Prison Cells at it's sides. Marlon Sularen , the Lord-Imperator of Byss stepped out of the Elevator followed by one of the Prison Guards and two Crimson Guardians , already the Lord-Imperator was on a tight schedule with plans to meet the New Imperial Diplomat Julius Haskler who had caught his attention lately with his meeting with one of Sularen's Primary Allies Kenth Berik. Soon enough the Lord-Imperator and his escort arrived at Ingrid's Prison Cell where the Guard opened the Door to allow Sularen entry. Sularen then entered alone ordering his Bodyguards to remain outside and keep an eye on the Prison Guard.

As Sularen entered he saw her , so it was true he thought , the Eternal Emperess Had been captured. He wondered how the Alliance and New Imperials had managed to do so but nevertheless they had her. Normally Sularen would have been outright hostile towards the Eternal Empress given her involvement in the Attack on Byss and how her Empire was housing a Corporate Entity that had betrayed Sularen, but this was different. There was still Ingrid's Side of the Story and he was here to listen to it.

"Empress , it's very nice to meet you once more since our last meeting on Ziost. I see the Alliance is treating you well" Sularen said with a little chuckle. He then took a nearby chair and sat down before continuing. "I must say i'm very surprised the New Imeprials were able to Serenno and even more intrigued at your Involvement in the Third Imperial Civil War. Lost a Loved One , tried to broker peace between the Warring Sides in vain and now here. But i must ask why allow the Alliance and New Imperials to imprison you? Especially when you know exactly how they treat people like you."

Tags | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Prison, Unknown Location.
Equipment: Prisoner outfit || Empyrean gland
Tag: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Her intuition didn’t let her down because the visitor really arrived. She got up from bed and then took up her usual military stance, small straddle, hands behind her back, in a rigid posture. Even now, the woman's radiation was as if she were not in prison, but in her own office. They couldn't break her in jail. There were two things that were not professional about her, the orange prisoner’s suit and the fact that her long red hair had collapsed to the middle of her back and was not in buns. As a result, she looked even younger than usual. However, her stand is still noble, military. Even in this situation, she was an Empress, and it would have been unnecessary to deny it.

"Lord Imperator Sularen!" greeted the man with a nod; her voice has the usual cold and military.

Serenno is lost; she didn't know about it until now. Well, yes, in a situation like this, a prisoner of war does not get information too often. Ingrid did not respond to the part that Adrian had died, as she wanted to end it because of an event that happened before Dantooine. Adrian's death was just another confirmation of this.

"Even before the death of Lord Vandiir, I wanted to end the war. By giving myself up as a soldier in the first group, my goal was to be here. If no one has been interested in what I have said in previous negotiations, I trust that they will listen here. And yes, I know I’ll almost certainly be executed, but if I manage to make a part of the galaxy aware of what we’re facing and therefore hundreds of planets won’t fall victim to Bryn’adül, it’s worth it."

She paused for a moment.

"I am the kind of soldier who was raised to protect civilians and not trained to commit war crimes."



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