Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's Been Far Too Long

Crystal Tavern

It wasn't easy getting permission to land on Mandalore even when you had permission from the Mandalore himself. They had to check and double check her permission which Sophia didn't mind in the slightest. She was patient and would provide the information as many times as she needed. They were only doing what they needed to in order to keep their home safe. Sophia did the same thing for her home. She was much more careful after the kidnapping.

It had seem like forever since she had last seen Verz. Sophia had just been promoted to Captain and had the whole galaxy in front of her just waiting to be explored. She was cheerful and carefree. Since than she had grown up quite a bit through various experiences in the Navy and the kidnapping. Almost dying had taught her how precious life was. This was her second chance and she wanted to make the most of it. She was the same person just a little more grown up now. She was sure Verz was as well after all he was now Mandalore which didn't surprise her. She could tell he was the leader type from the day she met him.

She was knew how busy he was running everything which was why she had no trouble meeting him here. Sophia was just glad that he had squeezed her into his schedule. It would be nice to see him again and catch up. At least someone other than her family wanted to talk with her. When she sat down Sophia had been offered a drink but decided to wait until he got there.

@[member="Verz Horak"]
Verz was in a better mood that he had been in a while. His old friend was going to visit him, and it had been a while since he had seen her on Zeltros. He had kept up with her, messaging over the Holonet, but as time passed, and the chaos of the galaxy blazed, the messages grew infrequent. Fortunately, Sophia had been able to visit Manda'yaim, which was a mood brightener.

He walked into the bar, where troops from the 1st Commando Battalion had swept the place and cleared it earlier, of course. Couldn't be too careful these days. As the landspeeder had stopped and parked near the bar, he smiled. He even took off his helmet, letting the light of Mandalore's sun warm his face.

From the doorway, he spotted @[member="Sophia Walsh"] right away. He was glad to see her. "Sophia! It's good to see you again!"
Sophia figured that he had the place checked out first before coming. Even at home the galaxy was a very dangerous place and one couldn't be too careful. Sophia had learned that one the hard way. It was nice though, really nice to be out and about now again. To see people she hadn't for a really long time.

"Verz! It's great too see you too. I have missed you. How are you?" Sending messages across the wire was great but it definitely didn't replace actually seeing them.

Getting up from her chair she went over to give him a hug a big smile happy on her face. It wasn't one of those fake smiles she had been wearing lately. Sophia was honestly very happy to see @[member="Verz Horak"] .
Verz smiled and set his helmet down on a table so he could return Sophia's hug. It had been a while since they last saw each other. "I've missed you too, vod'ika. I've been fine, just much busier, as you can guess." Verz smiled again. He was truly happy to see his old friend. And it was a nice change of pace, if only for a few hours.

After they finished their hug, Verz went to the table Sophia had been sitting at, and asked the waitress for a mug of nectre'gal, good old Mandalorian black ale. The waitress, an offworlder, insisted that the drinks be on the house. Verz politely declined, preferring to pay when pay was due.

As Sophia sat down, he spoke. "So, ho has everything been going for you?"
She had picked up a little of the Mandalorian language though Verz and from her own studies. Some nights when she couldn't sleep Sophia would surf the holonets for something to do which would keep her mind occupied. A side affect of this was that she knew way too much about a lot of things. Some of it was useless but to her it was all interesting and well did the trick of keeping her mind off the Sith.

When the waitress had come over she had ordered the same as him. She normally wasn't a drinker but with friends she had no problem having a drink or two. As he asked her how she was Sophia paused for a moment to think about what to say. The past few months had been very hard for her as she tried to come to grips with all that happened. Sophia had been though a lot but she wasn't sure she wanted to go through it all and be depressing. Which was why unless he really wanted to know she could keep the details to herself.

"I won't lie to you the past few months have been rough. It all hasn't been bad though I learned a lot about what's important in life. Most recently though things have been looking up. How are you doing? I can imagine that your super busy all the time but besides that how are you?"

He looked like he was doing good but that could always be a facade as she was sure his position was stressful. Sophia hoped he was taking at least some time out for himself to enjoy life.

@[member="Verz Horak"]
Of course he had been busy running a government, even a loose one like the Mandalorians, was tiring and difficult work. Thank the Force that he had Gilamar Skirata's experience and help. The man was a godsend. But he didn't want to bore Sophia with dull details of day to day ruling. But there were things he could tell her that weren't as boring. Things like the Ithor Conference, Gilamar's Crusaders. Things like that.

"Well, the last few monthes have been very busy for me as well. I've been all over, meeting with the allit'buire, er, the clan heads, and meeting with them, getting to know them a bit. And I've been to Ithor, for a meeting of nations. Not the Republic or Omega Pyre or the Sith though. A meeting of the smaller nations. We signed non aggression pacts and mutual defense pacts with each other. And Gilamar is working to help improve the non Mandalorian citizens' lives in our territories. All in all, it's been crazy."
He was running a government practical by himself so she had no doubt that he was super busy trying to keep everyone happy and things running smoothly. She could see that as being both exhausting at times and rewarding. She certainly hoped he took out time for himself to enjoy all that he had created.

"It sounds like you have been really busy running around with everything. I heard about that treaty that you signed. I'm not with Republic anymore but with the Confederacy. We actually signed that too if I am getting all my facts straight."

Sophia paused for a second as the waitress set their mugs down in front of them. After thanking her and she left Sophia continued.

"I do hope between all the craziness that you take time to relax every once in awhile. If the past few months have taught me anything it's that you have to stop and smell the roses sometimes."

@[member="Verz Horak"]
"Really? What happened to the Republic?" Verz was surprised that Sophia had left the Republic. But who was he to question another's life choices? After all, he had been a mercenary, a soldier, and now the Mandalore. Sophia's choices were her own and he would do nothing to stop her from living her life. Mandalorians were all about personal choice, besides warfare.

"Yes, well, this is most relaxed I've been in a while. Th only downtime I've had is during hyperspace jumps from diplomatic visits. And I don't get many of those. Thank you again for visiting Sophia. It really means a lot to me." ​Verz took a sip of the nectre'gal, letting the sweet taste of the black ale sit on his tounge before swallowing it and taking another sip.
"I was taken by the Sith while on a mission. They shot down my ship and they knew who I was. I'm not sure how they knew me. When I wouldn't answer the questions they tortured me." Sighing she took a sip from her mug. The black ale was sweet which wasn't what she expected. It was actually kind of good so before continuing she took another sip.

"When I returned about a month later I found a friend who wanted to rescue me had been kicked out for trying to help. There had been a scuffle but the point is I guess I felt I needed to leave. Part of me is still unsure of myself and where I belong but that doesn't matter right now. Really, I'm just happy to be alive and get a second chance."

She couldn't proof that the Republic had anything to do with the Sith taking her but Sophia just hadn't been comfortable staying with all that had expired. "Don't mention it, I have been meaning to do this for awhile. Thank you for making time for me in your busy schedule. You always put a smile on my face." She smiled taking another sip.

@[member="Verz Horak"]
That surprised Verz. Sophia had been captured? And her friemd had been punished for wanting to help? That didn't sound like the Republic at all. Torture, on the other hand, sounded all too familiar coming from the Sith. But he was glad Sophia was safe. "Well, I'm just glad you're safe Sophia." ​ Verz took another sip of his nectre'gal. It had been a while since he had a good one, but nothing beat the Oyu'baat's homebrew.

"Don't worry about my schedule. I was happy to make some room for a good friend like you. It's nice to be around someone my own age anyway. Gilamar and the allit'buire are fine to be around, but they are all much older than me. " While he talked, he absent mindedly picked at his sholder, where an old scorch mark could be seen on the crimson paint.

@[member="Sophia Walsh"]
Sure, Sophia was fine depending on what one meant by fine. She was alive which counted for something but emotionally and physically she was scarred. In time the wounds would heal and hopefully she could really move on. This was a good start though as Sophia was finally smiling again. She hadn't gone that for a good couple months and honestly she never thought that she would again but here she was. It gave her hope in time that everything would be alright.

"Well someone has to worry about your schedule and if your getting enough time off. I'm sure if it was up to you there would be no fun," she grinned somehow knowing that was only half true. They had fun back in the day on Zelost. "Don't worry I'm the same all work and no fun." She took another sip of her ale. This stuff she could really get used to as it was pretty good and sweet better than what she had before but than again Sophia drank all the hard stuff. It helped for awhile but she never was a drunk really. She found ship building to be more fun.

"I know what you mean, hang out with a lot of the older officers whom are like my fathers age. Luckily so far none of them know him but sometimes they still treat me like their daughter. The worst is when they try to set me up with their son." She didn't talk or want to talk about that type of thing with them. It was just odd. I don't seem to connect with many my age. They think I'm uptight and boring but you don't right?"

@[member="Verz Horak"]
Verz laughed at his friend's comment. It was true, he tended to work a bit more than play. It was a mercenary habit to pay less attention to self gratification and more to earning the credits to put food on the table. But it hadn't been a long time since he had been a mercenary. In ways, it reminded him of the legendary Boba Fett himself.

"Yes, well, when your work includes running an entire nation, you find little extra time on your hands. I'm just glad I have what I do." ​He took a sip of nectre'gal. It was his favorite drink, not bitter, but still with a tang to it. And of course it was sweet.

He listened to and thought about her question while he drank from his mug again. "No, I don't. I still remember when we were on Zeltros and you were nearly hypnotized by the Zeltron pheremones!" Verz chuckled again, not in a mocking manner, but in amusement.
"It's crazy to think you do it all by yourself. It's really something and I know I couldn't do it. I barely can handle taking care of myself somedays." She wondered what he did most days. If Sophia had to guess she would say that he spent his days probably listening to silly complaints of the people and than knowing him trying to please everyone to keep the peace. There was not only that but watching what other governments were doing. It was exhausting just thinking about it. She wondered how he became Mandalore.

"That is something I'll never forget," she grinned taking another sip of her drink. "Simpler times when we both could be a little carefree. Now not so much. Somedays I wish I could go back to that time." It was before all the craziness started which helped open her eyes to many things which was good but at the same time there were something's she didn't want to know. In no way was she carefree anymore.

@[member="Verz Horak"]
@[member="Sophia Walsh"]

"Well,I don't do it all by myself. Like I said, I have the help of Gilamar and the clan heads if I ask for it. But is difficult sometimes. Sometimes I feel like I'm not the best leader for my people." Verz picked up the half-full mug and took a swig. Sometimes he couldn't sleep due to the pressure he felt. He was leading an entire nation that spanned worlds! But he just felt like a simple soldier, not a leader or a politician. He put down his mug and took a deep breath.

"Yes, I do too Sophia. The galaxy used to be a simpler place. Now it's all politics and backstabbing." It used to be you fought for your worlds. Now it was all negotiations and decit. There hadn't been an honest war in a while. Perhaps that needed to change...But he had to think of possible implications on the galaxy. Would their allies help? Who would they fight? The Sith seemed an obvious answer, But there was too much to worry about at home for now.
@[member="Verz Horak"]

"They wouldn't have picked you as their leader if you were not the best choice. There is nothing wrong with asking for help either as I'm sure they don't expect you to know everything. Second opinions can be good."She could only imagine how stressful being the leader of an entire nation was. She knew that she was stressed out and all she had was a ship to worry about but she was only stressed because she cared about keeping everything in order and everyone safe. Sophia could imagine that he was a similar sort of leader. Always second guessing himself.

"Ugg, politics. Just that word gives me a headache," she grinned taking a swig of her drink. "Sometimes I wish I could go back to the simpler times when I didn't have to worry about that stuff just where my bunny slippers were in the morning." Sophia did like the extra responsibility in some ways but in others she very much didn't but in truth she wouldn't go back. Her eyes had been opened to so many things. In the long run it was better this way. "How did you end up becoming in charge of all this? How does that work?"
@[member="Sophia Walsh"]

Verz took a sip of nectre'gal while listening to Sophia. He smiled at what she said, appreciating the compliments and the humor. He loved that about her, how she was always quick to use humor to lighten the mood. Much like he had been a while ago. Sometimes it just seemed that he couldn't laugh with all the stress he was under.

"Well, to become the Mandalor, one of two conditions must be filled. Either the previous Mandalor names you as a succesor, or the successor challenges and defeats the Mandalor in honest combat. In my case, I was named second in command, then Mandalor."
"If they didn't think you capable of taking over they wouldn't have named you second in command. I'm sure that your doing a fine job running the show even if you have doubts. Not that what I think matters but in my book your doing a great job. I haven't heard of any issues and honestly I would know. Lately I haven't been to the prettiest places and you do hear things." Smiling she shook her at him. He was stressing himself out over nothing. Honestly he needed to take it easy like he needed a vacation.

@[member="Verz Horak"]
@[member="Sophia Walsh"]

"Thank you Sophia. That means so much, coming from you." Verz took a swig from the mug, finishing off the last of the ale. A member of the waitstaff noticed this and came over to refill the mug, then the man hurried off to help the other patrons. Verz thanked the retreating form, then turned his attention back to Sophia. He was a lucky man to have a friend like Sophia. "What would I do without friends like you Sophia?"

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