Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's been good, but well. Change is needed.

I don't have some long antiquated speech about how my times here have been grand and how I will miss you all. Because, in a lot of ways I really don't want to go. But, I must. So, I'll just try to make it as short as possible.

​I've had good times and bad, as with any long sort of experience. But there are some things, that the hatched just can't be buried on, and some things that just require my full attention.

​Life is pulling and pushing me away from here and I kinda just gotta go with the current, get my feel?
​Anyway, apologies to anyone who I've had ideas with, or am in threads with. Really, I sincerely apologise.

​To those who are my friends near and dear, you know you can just shoot me an FR or message on discord.
​Meta Chief#6755

​It's been real good. I hope for the best for all of you.

​- Luke


Pizza Dog, Pizza Dog, put him in the oven and watc
Hang ten waves, borther. We'll miss you as your muse and time passes along to the Undying Lands.

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