Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"It's Called A Benefit" (Open Republic Benefit-Party)

No weapons, no murder, just angry stares

-- and people usually hold them whenever they want something done, but they want to look polite about it." Cedric informed the drunken Nikto that had decided to become his best friend for the evening.

"So that's where I am?" The Nikto asked through hooded eyes. Cedric snickered. "It is indeed. A benefit hosted for the slaves that the Republic has freed in its campaigns against the hutts," Cedric brought his glass of wine up to his lips. "I used to hate them when I was a boy. My parents would dress me and my sisters up to parade us about in front of their guests. I know it was just because they were proud, but -"

Whatever Cedric had intended to say further was drowned out by the Nikto's gargling. He then proceeded to roll off of the bar, collapse to the floor, and drool all over the carpet. Such was the charm of the local wealthy men.

I suppose when the entire economy has run on spice for the past hundred years you can't expect the upper class to have much class themselves.

Music carried over the sound of the Nikto being removed by security. Cedric decided that was probably for the best.

The night was still young, and wealthy guests were rolling into the Graywall in droves. Security was on high alert, of course, as no guests had been permitted to carry weapons into the compound. Each guest was screened accordingly, though the doors remained open to just about anyone with a few credits to donate to the benefit, obviously excluding the usual Sith Lord and Imperial Moff that thought walking into an open party counted as infiltration.

The knight could only shake his head as the alien was escorted out. He took a moment to adjust his sleek black suit, turned toward the live band playing jazz in the corner of the room, and closed his eyes. For a moment he found peace, though he suspected that peace was going to be interrupted shortly.
Cecilia was, objectively speaking, bored. She sighed as she browsed the news feeds of nearby systems, looking for something to do. She stopped, seeing an announcement about a benefit at some rich noble's castle or something. "Well, that's better than nothing. And just enough time to sleep on the way there too.

11 hours later, Cecilia was walking up the host castle's front steps. A few feet from the door, a guard stopped her.
"Good evening Ma'am, would you mind giving me any weapons you might be carrying?"

She had not expected this. The long sleeves of the dress she had changed into carried her sabers, not so much because she intended to use them as because they were essentially part of her. And one did not surrender themselves to another "Aren't you a nice young lad!" she said, followed by a laugh. All of this was done in an absurdly high falseto. She edged around the guard toward the door. He stepped in her path.
"Your weapons. Give them to me and submit to a search."

"Oh, and for the benefit" She said, hanging the man several dozen credits.
"Weapons. NOW."

She sighed, and the fake smile instantly dropped from her face as she turned back towards the guard. Apparently it had come to this. "But you already searched me and I didn't have any weapons." She said, embedding the statement in the man's mind as if it was one of his own thoughts.
She walked past him then, grinning, ignoring his befuddled repetition of her statement. Now, time to enjoy the party.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]

Harley Fenstermacher

remeber it's not personal, just buiness
A party for slaves hmm, but what was a slave, someone who worked for free, or someone who was subjected to grueling forced labor until they died in a very untimely manner. Where Jedi slaves, almost working for free in their endevour for bring peace, where not Sith slaves to the dark side? Where not droids in the same boat? 'Pffft the galaxy is just to hard to understand, one thing means something to another, but if its slave salves then good, could never stand those slimy hutts'.

Stepping through the front door Harley was approached by the usual security one would have in this sort of place, the same drill like the rest too, "yeah yeah I know weapons and other stuff, here you go". With an outreached hand the guard would be given a small hold out blaster, the arms dealer giving them a small pat on the back before going on, "just don't lose it, or I'll be sending you the bill".

Looking around it seemed the party was still in it's early stages, many guest still arriving, only two people of seeming importance currently here. 'Well better to be early then over fashionably late, though would anyone of these people be worth talking to? The republic remnant was still rather new and mysterious, not having a lot of information to go on just yet about the new resurgent government. 'Guess I'll just mingle and see whats up'.

[member="Cecilia Wissen"] l [member="Cedric Grayson"]

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