Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Its called a break, cadet (SJC)

Location: SJC temple

"....Eerie. Eerie." The young teen gave a start before turning to her mother, who was sitting in the seat next to her. She removed her earbuds and gave her mom a questioning look with her heterochromatic eyes. "You weren't paying attention, were you?"

"I was....sorta." Eerie responded as she put the earbuds into the pocket of her brown cargo pants. "It's just, why do I have to be here? I could have easily just stayed at the academy with the other kids who stayed during break." The Argos Assault transport sshuddered a little as it descended onto the landing pad. "Which would have defeated the purpose of having a break. Because I know you would have done nothing but train."

She watched as her mom stood up and headed for the ramp as the shuttle began to power down. Eerie quickly followed after as her mom kept speaking. "Besides, this is a good chance to meet some of our allies. Jedi play an large role in the galaxy, whether some realize it or not." She turned to her daughter and gave her a once over. They were dressed in similar fashion, dark combat boots, brown cargo pants, black long-sleeved shirts made of armor weave and dark gray tunic. She couldn't help but notice that Eerie stood straighter and carried more of a military air about her. They grow up quickly... "Now, do you remember the rules?"

"Yes. Be respectful and no fighting." With a nod from mother, the two descended down the ramp. The first thing she noticed was that the temple almost felt...alive, if that made any sense. The second was how the metal almost didn't look like metal at all but almost ethereal. Her blue and green eyes took in as much as she could as she tried to make sense of this place. So lost in thought, that she almost missed that her mother was already walking across the hanger.

She wasn't exactly sure what the meeting was about, something to do with Sith or pirates, maybe pirates working for the Sith. The details hadn't been explained to her, mainly because she wasn't part of the whole thing and had been showed away to her schoolwork everytime she was caught eavesdropping.

Tucking a lose some hair that escaped her ponytail back behind her ear. She began to wonder what she was going to do here exactly. Being part of the meeting wasn't going to happen. Was she going to be left to explore? More than likely not by herself.
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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Eerie Omera Eerie Omera

THe High Plane of the jedi was always a beautiful sight and it stood at the hyperspace breakwater... a barrier around the galaxy itself making it harder for vessels to access and cross it... unless you knew where you could get through. THe jedi master remained there as she moved through the temple. The gatekeeper of the temple appearing as it towered at first and then came to stand next to her.. displays from from its hands for her to be able to review as she walked. It was a hardlight projection that controlled much of the temple itself.. the arisen were also there... tall, blonde and with their glowing blue eyes as they managed the temples caretaking... helping jedi and workers as a hive mind that could communicate among the temple but also among each other... making the network of communication something that the many had from Ahch-To to Peridea they spanned eight galaxies and continued to explore. She was looking at the indicators and the hanger had several new ships in it allowing others to come to the High plane.

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