She'd taken an interest lately in the occult.
Witchcraft, religion, the works. Fighting on the behalf of a cultist group of darksiders, even fighting for them without coming close to believing in their gods, eventually had to make one curious about the otherwordly. After a journey to Lorrd with the Primeval for the exact purpose of accumulating knowledge, Aria at least, was at the stage of wanting to research some more about the supernatural, even if it was nothing more than just research.
Of course, she had much more important research to do most of the time. She was hardly invested in such a pastime, after all. A book here, a quick browse on the holonet when she had nowhere else to be there - her pursuit of knowledge in that particular aspect was very much on the backburner while she focused on other things.
Well, except when it wasn't.
Free time was plentiful in such a lifestyle as Aria's, and it didn't take long to gather a pair of days where she could jet off somewhere without any trouble being caused. Normally her destinations were spontaneous, random, maybe picked based off the scenery or the food - today she had loaded a very specific set of coordinates into her navcomputer before take-off. The grid on her control deck was pointing towards a volcano on Dathomir - supposedly one whose nearby settlements played house to artifacts, but she wouldn't hold her breath.
She snapped out of her reverie as the autopilot set her gently on a landing pad, and the landing ramp lowered a moment later. Curious, Aria surveyed the new planet as she strode down into the shipyard - it was certainly very foreign.
First, she'd find food - there was a cafe nearby. Then she'd find an artifact. Hopefully. Probably not.
[member="Jude Falkrowe"]