Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's never easy is it? (Ask to join)

Scum, villainy, heat and lots of drunk people. These were the unmistakable signs that you were on Tantiooine. Kayden was miserable here, he wasn't used to the heat and it gave him a horrible headache. On the bright side he wasn't forced to wear his uncomfortable uniform that his teacher and superior officer Konrad forced him to wear, at the moment he was dressed like a local and you probably couldn't tell he was a sith acolyte unless you looked in his glowing red eyes.

Kayden found his way to the address. It was some small cantina called.... Wos? Hoz...Mos? Something Hisley. Kayden's Huttes wasn't that good. It didn't matter, Kayden knew this was the right place from the "wonderful" smells of spices and drinks along with the sounds of actually pretty good music. If he could just turn the smell off this would be a place Kayden would like, Kayden sat down in the corner of the cantina so he could see when the clients would come in.

(If somebody wants to be the gangsters you can. If not I'll fill in)
Tatooine was not too unlike Korriban, only the sun - nay, twin suns - which beat down upon the world produced fierce heat unlike the world he had known as his home during the hayday of the Empire. There the sand was coarse, the air was chill, and darkness seeped into everything and everyone. But Tatooine felt different.

Vityr was not here of his own accord. The end of the Empire had been the end of an Era. Not just for the highest Sith, those who lost their place, their legacy, but even for the lowest of the low like Vityr, the students who relied on those who had fled into the shadows. And without this guidance, the boy had been lost. He found himself unable to transform, and slowly but surely the beast boy became just a boy, scared and alone - hiding in the undercrypts of the Academy where he had often gone to train.

The self same tunnels wherein he had happened upon his Master.

Force knew where Shadow was now, but Vityr did not. Unfortunately for him, Korriban was a world of many wonders and treasures... At least it had been. While the majority of the worthwhile things had been ransacked during the initial conflict which tore apart the Empire, there were many who believed treasures to remain beneath the surface. Nerdowells and adventurers journeyed to the planet, in search of glory, or maybe just a quick credit.

And it was there they had found him. And there they had recognised his potential. A stray Force User, young enough to be malleable and made into a weapon, a tool. It was no different than the way he had been looked upon in the Empire. Only now he was no student, he was a prisoner. And they fully intended to cash him in for all they could.

Cue Tatooine, the hive of scum and villainy, namely Mos Eisley Cantina. It was there that Vityr had been brought, collared like the hound he used to parade in the skin of back when his form could shift at will. Without any true Master to tame and instruct him, the form refused to reveal itself, even when he was angry, even when he needed it. His heart was just not in it. Lucky for the slavers, unlucky for him.

The boy was made to kneel out of sight and out of mind while the men carried out various transactions. They had things to sell, him among them but not the most precious item. But they were waiting first, for a contact to meet with them.

Vityr kept his eyes down, internally his bestial state was raging but he could not act upon it. He was just a child, without anything to fall back upon. And that left him particularly vulnerable.

[member="Kayden Ouron"]
Tatooine was one of the harshest places in the galaxy. Thugs, smugglers and members of the Hutts, ran rampant throughout this place. Not a healthy environment for anyone to make deals in. The air was hot and the desert was taking its toll. Jayce began to wonder why he put himself on these boiling planets, or rather, why did he wear black in these situations. The sweat on his brow was growing fierce. Stepping into the cantina, the Gray Jedi began to look around. Unsavory characters loomed about the small drinking hole. Music was playing that gave a certain ambiance to the tightly knit area.

Sitting down at one of the tables, Jayce noticed a boy. The lad was probably around the age of sixteen, maybe nineteen. Ordering a drink, the black cloaked man began to observe the boy. He noticed that the adolescence wasn't really enjoying himself. Jayce began to speculate that the odor from the food was the causing the discomfort. What is he doing here though? This really isn't a place for kids. Turning back to his table, Jayce put the thoughts in the back of his mind. Maybe he was over thinking everything again.

More people started to show up. Seemed this place was use to getting crammed all the time. The drink arrived, a nice bluish tint filled the cylindrical glass that Jayce held between his middle and ring fingers. Inspecting the new arrivals, some of them looking more suspicious than they should, sat next to the young boy. The men had someone with them, a small boy, who was collared like a dog. Now what in the world is this? Scratching his cheek, Jayce used the force to overhear the conversation that was about to play out, keeping his eyes on the table in front of him.

[member="Kayden Ouron"]
Tatooine was one of those places that never changed. Empires would rise and fall, but Tatooine would forever be the armpit of the galaxy. An eternal haven for smugglers, pirates, bounty hunters and slavers. As Xroghu made his way to one of Mos Eisley's cantina's, he had to admit that while he wasn't a fan of the low company, he was certainly enjoying the planets dry heat.

Xroghu threw the door of the cantina aside and strode in, a few eyes landed on him likely noting his red skin, but seeing as how this was Mos Eisley cantina he was one of the less outlandish patrons. A collared slave caught his attention as he made his way to a table. Slaves were common enough, this was Tatooine after all, but this boy was different. Most slaves were cowed, stripped of their identities and terrified of bringing attention to themselves. This young creature, though bound and beaten had an inner fire that made Xroghu smile.

He remembered his own son, whenever Xroghu punished him, the boy would look at the floor in deference but inside his raging emotions would bubble until his skin turned crimson. A wave of sadness washed over the Sith as he thought of his now lost children. He sat down at a table in silence and watched the collared slave with a nostalgic interest.

[member="Jayce R. Vitalus"] [member="Vityr"] [member="Kayden Ouron"]
[member="Vityr"] [member="Jayce R. Vitalus"] [member="Xroghu"]

Kayden, didn't notice the young boy at first, his full focus was on the traders. Kayden mentally prepared himself, This kind of mission was more of a delicate process then he was used to but he knew what to do, or at lest he was pretty sure about it. "Have a seat gentlemen. I'm sure you have other business to attend to so I'll try not waste your time." Kayden said while trying to sound welcoming, unfortunately it sounded a little forced. That was... Chit. Ok play it cool man... Act casual, Hopefully they won't mind the bad performance as long as they get a good deal.
The men took a seat, one of them hazarding a glance back at the collared boy at his feet. As if Vityr had any way to flee. The boy in response just dipped his head to the ground and tried to make himself invisible. Not just from his present owners, but from the other faces in the Cantina who had noticed him. He felt on show, and he did not like it.

"Tell us why we've been summoned" one of the men said, leaning back on their stool and crossing their arms.

They were loathed to have their time wasted, especially with such a valuable package to deliver. Oh, the boy was going to fetch them such a lovely price at the slave markets. Especially if they could prove his Sensitivity to the Force.

Down on the floor, knelt the way he was, Vityr finally built up the courage to peek around. He had never been inside a Cantina before, the place was laced with smoke and the stench of alcohol. His keen senses did not like either, in fact he scrunched up his nose in disdain. The marks, made by the slavers themselves, which settled across his forehead and cheeks began to burn.

Someone was watching him.

[member="Kayden Ouron"] [member='Xroghu'] [member='Jayce R. Vitalus']
Jayce listened closely to the conversation at hand. The adolescent welcomed and greeted the two men, but they were not so welcoming. "Tell us why we've been summoned." It was as if the young boy had a plan or a job for them. Maybe making a deal? Perhaps for the little boy? Jayce listened very carefully so as to not miss a single word of dialogue.

The cantina's air was filled with the rich musk of alcohol and body odor. It stung the nostrils, if you were not use to it that is. The black cloaked man made a living in these unforgiving lands and cities. Most of the information he required came from the rumors spread in cantinas. Learning where he could go to find books on force abilities, where ancient artifacts laid dormant or even helping someone out, were hints from places just like this. Nothing was abnormal about this environment. It was loud but nothing the force couldn't tune out. Staring at his glass, he swirled the blue liquid once more before taking the last sip. The Gray Jedi soon signaled for another. It was in his hands, two minutes flat.

If things are going to get intense, I better prepare myself. Jayce's hand soon reached for his lightsaber hilt. His fingers danced on the pommel while he waited to see how things would turn out.

[member="Kayden Ouron"]
Well that wasn't the casual mood he was hoping to have. Of course he should have known better, they didn't seem very happy to arrange this meeting in the first place. Still it was wired.. Kayden had a wired feeling like somebody was watching him. Kayden tried to keep his voice somewhat low so the average guy couldn't overhear their chat, that wouldn't stop somebody like Jayce or Vityr though.

"Well you know how it is in these parts, rumors spread, And my bosses heard you've... might have been making trips to Korriban in the last few mouths and well, you know how giddy the sith get about their history and all that. So here's the thing, I can't go back without something from Korriban but I really don't care what I go back with, It could be a toothbrush for all I care and I'll even pay you for it. So if you got any junk you need to get rid of and you wanna make some quick credits while doing so just come talk to me. I'll be here all day."

Xroghu noticed the collared boy shift slightly, as if sensing his gaze. "A Force sensitive?" Xroghu wondered to himself his interest now clearly piqued. He took a moment to more closely observe the cantina. The slavers seemed typical enough and he dismissed them as mercenaries or thugs. But the man they were dealing with caught his attention. He was young, dressed in a typical spacer outfit, and didn't really stand out as anything out of the ordinary. That was until Xroghu noticed his glowing red eyes. "Another practitioner of the force?", Xroghu thought to himself as he raised an eyebrow. Force sensitive's were not the most common people in the galaxy and for three of them to be in the same cantina at the same time was more then coincidence. Clearly something in the force was in motion and had drawn the three here, but to what end, the Sith could only guess.

Not bothering to mask his interest Xroghu rested his orange eyes on the group and waited to see what would transpire.

[member="Kayden Ouron"] [member="Jayce R. Vitalus"] [member="Vityr"]
The men stared at this man - nay, boy - who had summoned them to Mos Eisley this day, for a moment waiting for the punchline. When none came, however, the first burst into laughter anyway. "Oh, that's good" he said, nudging his elbow into the arm of his companion. "Did you hear that, Deg', he wants us to do his work for him. Figure you'll go up in your boss' estimations if you get somethin' from us?"

The second man scoffed, eyes drifting to the collared boy near his feet. Thinning his lips, the man shook his head, before tipping it in the direction of the slave - eyes returning to Kayden.

"That one's got more sense'en you, though nowhere near as much gall. Y'want somethin' from Korr'ban to impress yer superiors? Go get it yerself. Now, if y'wanna talk real cash we may be a little kinder. We don't pick up the petty stuff yer after, lad. Only the worthwhile art'facts and... things."

Again his gaze shot to the cowering boy, before he rose up and turned to leave.

"Contact us when you grow some, will you?" the first added, likewise standing and kicking the boy to get him to follow, "Gettin' us to do all the work, what's he take us for..."

Immediately complying to the stiff kick to the ribs, Vityr half-rose to follow while doing his best to remain unseen. He was used to it by now.

[member="Jayce R. Vitalus"] [member="Kayden Ouron"] [member="Xroghu"]
Well.. That went perfectly. Can't blame them though. Kayden didn't want to follow them, partly due to him being too lazy to bother and partly due to him wanting off the planet as fast as possible but before could get up to leave his eyes drifted downwards towards a boy and the chain attached to his neck.

Now Kayden was a very emotional preson, He didn't think things though in the heat of the moment, He did what his heart told him to do logic and self-preserving be damned. That heart froze solid in his chest, he had seen a lot of bad things during his short time as a sith but this different. This mere sight made Kayden angrier then he had ever been in his entire life for reasons he couldn't explain at the time. Every fiber of his being started screaming at him, demanding that he help this child and being the kind of person he was that was exactly what he wasn't about to argue with that.

Now there was a number of things Kayden could have done to make this easier, he could have tried to buy the boy or tried to mind trick the slavers into freeing him, he could have followed them to their hideout and snuck the boy out at night, but all of this would only occur to him after used the force to unlock and open Vityr's slave collar and was made aware of his mistake as a loud *click!* that echoed throughout the room as it opened. Looks like stealth was out the window now. Hopefully mind tricks were still on the table right? Well unfortunately Kayden had never used a mind trick before and he wasn't sure how to use the force in that way. "You uhhh... won't shoot me... or him.... Ok?" He waved his hand and hoped it worked although he had his hand on his saber just incase he needed it.

[member="Jayce"] R Vitalus [member="Vityr"] [member="Xroghu"]
Banter filled Jayce's ears. The business deal that may have involved the young collared boy wasn't going well. Slavers are a big problem in this side of the galaxy, it was no surprise to the Gray Jedi. Something was radiating inside the crouched youngster. The Force was brewing inside, trying to escape and be set free. Looking at his hilt, Jayce contemplated going over to the table and removing the slavers heads. It was his belief that all life should be free but then again, interfering would cause more trouble. The boy would never be free unless the original slave owner was bought out or dead. Cut the head off the snake and the body will flounder.

Sneaking a peak at his prey, Jayce's teeth began to grit. The rouged men started to rise from their seats, one kicked the tattered boy. The anger rose in the Gray Jedi, his dancing fingers were soon grasping tightly around his saber hilt. Peering at the men with vengeful eyes, the black hooded figure spiked from his seat. Before he could leave his table however, Kayden, young man who was making the deal, looked at the child in front of him. A loud *click* rang louder than anyone would have suspected. It was dreadfully quiet in the cantina now. All eyes stared at the standing gang members, their little section had now become the center of attention. The adolescence had some stutter in his speech, waving his hand and saying, "You uhhh... won't shoot me... or him.... Ok?"

Jayce was taken back by the bold statement. Is he a force user? That would explain why the collar fell off. Kayden was attempting the classic Jedi Mind Trick. If it actually worked, then it would be easier to deal with these cretins. The two disgruntled men didn't seem pleased about the leash being unstrapped, and less pleased about the words spoken right after. The deal had gone bad and the situation was now ten times worse. The two men grabbed their blaster rifles and pointed them straight at the teen's face. It was not looking good.

The Gray Jedi was moving now, fast. Running towards the gang members, Jayce jumped and extended his legs. His feet touch each other, making a perfect point. Closing in on one of the men's faces, Jayce lifted his heels. The point was now flat and the souls of his black leather boots collided with their target. The man's face crunched from the pressure, sending him flying into the wall behind him. His companion quickly shifted his gaze to Jayce. The Gray Jedi's hilt was firmly in hand, a finger flicking the switch. A crimson beam streamed out in a blazing glory, two side beams soon followed a second after. The blade cut through the gangsters gun like butter. Shocked, the man glared at his destroyed weapon. Jayce extended his hand and use the force to push the man away. His impact was absorbed by the band's instruments, a snare encased his head like a helmet.

"You both need to run. Now." Jayce's voice was calm but had a harsh tone to it. Things accelerated more than he anticipated.

[member="Kayden Ouron"]

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