Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It's not goodbye, it's au revoir

skin, bone, and arrogance​
As many of you know, my job (which is insane on the best of days) has recently become exponentially worse in terms of time required, stress, and my general outlook. It's a bad time all around. I've not been in a position to contribute positively to the faction or the site and that is going to continue for the foreseeable future. I would like to stay around with all of you, my friends, but I am becoming increasingly aware of the toll my change in lifestyle is taking on my outlook and my interactions with people. In light of recent challenges by board staff to recognize what we add (and don't add) I have realized that my primary contribution has for a long time been cynicism and general hostility. You guys deserve better than that.

So while I work on not dying from overwork, I'm also going to work on myself and see about finding a way to recapture the joy of writing with others and shed the cynicism and brusqueness and rudeness that I've tried for some time to persuade myself is actually just clever banter. This isn't a self-imposed exile and I'm not looking for any fond farewells by any means. More than anything, this is just a run-of-the-mill LOA with a small explanation of why I'm not going to be in the Discord for awhile.

I hope to be back some day soon, when things have quieted down and I have found out how to play nicely with others. In the meantime, don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Or do. I'm not your mom.

Best of luck :)

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